2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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This myth that Obama’s time was all sunshine and daisies and that we need to return to that is more akin to religion than the bullshit Revan is trying to spout.
No, but that you have to accept that in the real world, progress comes slowly and incrementally. And more often than you would like, you have to compromise in order to have things done.

In the fantasy world, Bernie the superhero solves everything. If only he can actually win a nomination.
Acting like a cult is another matter though.

I don't even like Biden, but if most of the people vote him, so be it. Acting with some superiority complex on the other hand.

Let's be fair, until 2 days ago, people were saying 'oh my God, the evil establishment is going to steal the nomination from Sanders even if he wins the will of the people. The fecker'. Now, 'the will of the people' probably is gonna choose Biden to be the nominee. Accept it and move on, don't cry conspiracy, these elections(unlike the last ones) seem to be fair.
It was a clear coordinated effort to stop Bernie. Like it couldn’t have been more obvious. 2016 was subtler than this.
No, but that you have to accept that in the real world, progress comes slowly and incrementally. And more often than you would like, you have to compromise in order to have things done.

In the fantasy world, Bernie the superhero solves everything. If only he can actually win a nomination.

What incremental progress exactly are you expecting Biden to make?
No, but that you have to accept that in the real world, progress comes slowly and incrementally. And more often than you would like, you have to compromise in order to have things done.

In the fantasy world, Bernie the superhero solves everything. If only he can actually win a nomination.
Jesus fecking Christ it’s pointless talking to you now.
Well I can't blame someone for trying to appeal to them but it surprises me that people still think relying on youth voters to turnout is a winning strategy.matter how much you try to appeal to them, they won't.

Unfortunately I fear the Sanders fans will blame elsewhere and push conspiracies rather than blame this kind of shocking turnout. He bet his stake on them and they failed him (it seems anyway).
Mostly likely but I put this down to a lack of left political education. Personally I think there are massive ideological failures within this Sanders campaign/new left movement. But thats another very boring and long post.
Bloomberg is going to have a bad night. Suspect he will be dropping out tomorrow

Has anyone ever wasted their money quicker in the history of the world?

He’s pissed away hundreds of millions and all he got out of it was humiliation on live TV.
Prioritising removing Trump as such is like prioritising ordering a new couch while your house is on fire.
Well I can't blame someone for trying to appeal to them but it surprises me that people still think relying on youth voters to turnout is a winning strategy. It doesn't seemingly matter how much you try to appeal to them, they won't turn up. Virtually across the western world young people just don't vote even when a candidate is extremely favourable for them.

Unfortunately I fear the Sanders fans will blame elsewhere and push conspiracies rather than blame this kind of shocking turnout. He bet his stake on them and they failed him (it seems anyway).
It can be both because the coordinated effort by the DNC is clear as day. The turnout is very disappointing if these numbers hold up so it’s a double whammy.
What incremental progress exactly are you expecting Biden to make?
Strengthen Obamacare, replace RGB, Breyer and hopefully, Thomas with liberal judges, appoint liberal judges in lower levels, strengthen the ties with allies, do some investments to combat climate change, reverse the abortion bans, undo the tax cut Trump gave, and so on. Stuff that actually has a chance of being happening.

Free college, M4A, Green New Deal have 0 chance happening.
BBC reporting that 52% have voted for Biden in Virginia, 22% for Sanders. Why is this? What makes Biden so appealing in Virginia but not so much in nearby South Carolina?
BBC reporting that 52% have voted for Biden in Virginia, 22% for Sanders. Why is this? What makes Biden so appealing in Virginia but not so much in nearby South Carolina?

He also beat Sanders by the same margin in South Carolina.
BBC reporting that 52% have voted for Biden in Virginia, 22% for Sanders. Why is this? What makes Biden so appealing in Virginia but not so much in nearby South Carolina?
Biden won by 30 points in South Carolina too.
Still a lot of boomers out there.

Typical old fecks getting to cause irreparable long-term damage to the entire country by giving Trump four more years before they do the decent thing and die.

Same shit happened to you Brits with Brexit.
Strengthen Obamacare, replace RGB, Breyer and hopefully, Thomas with liberal judges, appoint liberal judges in lower levels, strengthen the ties with allies, do some investments to combat climate change, reverse the abortion bans, undo the tax cut Trump gave, and so on. Stuff that actually has a chance of being happening.

Free college, M4A, Green New Deal have 0 chance happening.

Literally all of that is what Sanders would achieve on top of making the conversation for the latter national.

Biden is against Obamacare and there isn’t a hope in hell of him nominating actual liberal judges. He will nominate moderate conservative judges that have been pre-agreed by McConnell.
Is it just me that thinks US politics would benefit so much more if they broke into 4 or 5 significantly sized parties? Bipartisanship is surely an exhausted concept by now...

Nothing in these primaries makes sense to me. We have primaries here too, but they're nothing like this!
Strengthen Obamacare, replace RGB, Breyer and hopefully, Thomas with liberal judges, appoint liberal judges in lower levels, strengthen the ties with allies, do some investments to combat climate change, reverse the abortion bans, undo the tax cut Trump gave, and so on. Stuff that actually has a chance of being happening.

Free college, M4A, Green New Deal have 0 chance happening.

Also worth noting that if a Dem wins, the US is back in the Paris agreement.
He also beat Sanders by the same margin in South Carolina.
My mistake, I was looking at the wrong page and typed the first state that came to my head. I meant Maryland. I see Sanders (on the site Im using anyway) has an 8% lead. Seems quite a shift from two states next to each other.
Is it just me that thinks US politics would benefit so much more if they broke into 4 or 5 significantly sized parties? Bipartisanship is surely an exhausted concept by now...

Nothing in these primaries makes sense to me. We have primaries here too, but they're nothing like this!

The GOP would rule forever if that happened.

Democrats are already a microcosm of a standard Western Political spectrum, it’s why they have so much trouble pulling in the same direction.
Literally all of that is what Sanders would achieve on top of making the conversation for the latter national.

Biden is against Obamacare and there isn’t a hope in hell of him nominating actual liberal judges. He will nominate moderate conservative judges that have been pre-agreed by McConnell.
There have already been Democrat senators who have said that they are not gonna vote Sanders for president, let alone vote his policies. And the senate race is very important, you cannot do much without the senate.

Medicare for All cannot happen even if Democrats get the senate (and keep the house). Strengthening Obamacare, for example, is gonna happen if Biden is president and Democrats win the senate.

M4A is much better than Obamacare, but I would prefer some non-ideal solution rather than nothing. Rinse and repeat for all the other issues.
The GOP would rule forever if that happened.

Democrats are already a microcosm of a standard Western Political spectrum, it’s why they have so much trouble pulling in the same direction.

I meant the entire political spectrum, not just the Democratic party.

Primaries here are about things such as simple internal power struggles or the stance an opposition party should take, such as more collaborative or disruptive with the government. Not a wide range of completely different policies and ideas for the future of the country... It's insane.

That said, yeah... What would the Republicans split into? They would rule forever in the US.
No, but that you have to accept that in the real world, progress comes slowly and incrementally. And more often than you would like, you have to compromise in order to have things done.

In the fantasy world, Bernie the superhero solves everything. If only he can actually win a nomination.

The thing is that it is pretty obvious that Bernie won't be able to do anything if elected president because republicans won't work with him and a big chunk of democrats won't work with him either. I can't imagine a single person taking down the multi-billion health insurance industry or implementing the so-called "wealth tax", which in theory will never work as those billionaires he refers to know how to work the system and how to find tax loopholes (lowering their salaries and paying themselves via dividends that are taxed in a lower rate, for example).

The reason why people would prefer Biden over Bernie is simply because Biden will work with both republicans and democrats and at least will have something done during his term.
The thing is that it is pretty obvious that Bernie won't be able to do anything if elected president because republicans won't work with him and a big chunk of democrats won't work with him either. I can't imagine a single person taking down the multi-billion health insurance industry or implementing the so-called "wealth tax", which in theory will never work as those billionaires he refers to know how to work the system and how to find tax loopholes (lowering their salaries and paying themselves via dividends that are taxed in a lower rate, for example).

The reason why people would prefer Biden over Bernie is simply because Biden will work with both republicans and democrats and at least will have something done during his term.

I still would prefer Bernie to win (despite his increasingly annoying fanbase), but that is more because I think that the issues he is talking about are important, and it would be cool to have him president, rather than I expect him to actually implement his policies. I have no doubt that Biden would be a better and more effective president.

In the ideal world, where Sanders has also 50 loyal senators to him (and Dems control the house), Sanders would probably be the best US president since FDR.
It can be both because the coordinated effort by the DNC is clear as day. The turnout is very disappointing if these numbers hold up so it’s a double whammy.

I don't really see it. I mean, he got a bunch of endorsements in the past few days, but candidates drop out every primary and endorse another candidate. There was zero path to nomination for either Klobuchar (who frankly should have dropped out earlier) or Buttigieg (who was polling awfully for super tuesday). There's nothing unusual there. It makes sense to time your endorsements for the time they'd have the most effect.

The fact is it appears Sanders hasn't been able to achieve the increase in turn out and he will likely lose the primary because of that. The DNC presumably want Biden, of course they do, he's a Democrat, but I don't see what has happened that has been so unfair to Sanders.

Ultimately the Sanders campaign gambled on turn out and gambled that more candidates would stay in so they could win with a low share of the vote so they didn't have to build bridges - that hasn't happened and he appears to have a ceiling now. The blame, if there is any, is on the Sanders campaigns gambles appearing to have failed. And with that said things can still change quickly, like they did for Biden.
The thing is that it is pretty obvious that Bernie won't be able to do anything if elected president because republicans won't work with him and a big chunk of democrats won't work with him either. I can't imagine a single person taking down the multi-billion health insurance industry or implementing the so-called "wealth tax", which in theory will never work as those billionaires he refers to know how to work the system and how to find tax loopholes (lowering their salaries and paying themselves via dividends that are taxed in a lower rate, for example).

The reason why people would prefer Biden over Bernie is simply because Biden will work with both republicans and democrats and at least will have something done during his term.

Very true. The political conditions to implement Sanders' policies simply don't exist at the moment, and could render him a lame duck from day one.
Anyone who thinks the GOP are going to “work with Biden” on anything that isn’t part of their own agenda is a village idiot.

I still would prefer Bernie to win (despite his increasingly annoying fanbase), but that is more because I think that the issues he is talking about are important, and it would be cool to have him president, rather than I expect him to actually implement his policies. I have no doubt that Biden would be a better and more effective president.

In the ideal world, where Sanders has also 50 loyal senators to him (and Dems control the house), Sanders would probably be the best US president since FDR.

That's the whole point of a politician and president though. He can get shit done. We dont want fancy speeches and saying the right things. We want to beat trump!
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