2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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So depressing if Biden wins... why not just put a vacuum cleaner up against Trump. Would have about same change to win...
It actually is, go read some of the articles about the reform Commission within the DNC after Hillary lost. One of the prerequisites of Sanders not making a fuss at the last convention was the acceptance of a reform Commission. They outcome of which was a con job that made surface level changes hoping progressives would just go away and accept tokenism. Nothing has changed and accepting trump for another four years is a risk they are willing to live with as they won't have to actually reform the party.
The DNC is happy with losing the election if they don’t get their first choice of candidate...that is your contention? Think about that for a minute.

You do realize they already know none of Bernie’s more ambitious plans will make it through Congress, right? Ergo, no seismic reformation of the party necessary.
Dude, Sanders has 25% support from a party that less than 1/3 of Americans support. Essentially, his fanbase, while vocal, represent less than 10% of the American population.

It is not a bloody conspiracy. Just that his ideas do not connect well for the vast majority of the population. He was leading precisely because the moderates were divided. Now that only 2 moderates remain in the race, he is probably going to lose. And if Bloomberg drops, it is probably game over. The way how politics work, you need to connect to more people than the kids and the fanatics to win.

Bernie is way more popular in Europe than in the US.

yeah dude you're the expert on the american people

*insert wanking gif*
They why he is not doing better than 25-30% in the primaries? There are no superdelegates this time (in the first round), yet people are losing their shit now that it seems that he might not win after all.

How dare the Democrat establishment are getting united around someone who has been a Democrat for his entire life, served as senator for 30+ years, served as VP to a very popular president, instead of someone who proudly calls himself an independent and whom in 12 years as a senators sponsored (not co-sponsored) 3 bills, 2 of which were to change the names of some post offices? How dare they?

#bloodyConspiracy #bernieTheSaviour
It’s like all the posts showing Biden’s ugly side has gone in one ear and out the other. As if being a Democrat for a long time is some gold standard for Presidency. This attitude and thinking really deserves more Trump.
I reject your false equivalency. More moderates, independents, and working class people will vote for Sanders than the other way around. Democrats are disenfranchising a base of working class voters + a whole generation of young voters. This is political suicide and they deserve it.
This just sounds weird. If Bernie is going to get those people to vote for him then he'll win surely?
It’s like all the posts showing Biden’s ugly side has gone in one ear and out the other. As if being a Democrat for a long time is some gold standard for Presidency. This attitude and thinking really deserves more Trump.
Yeah, as a general rule, Democrats tend to vote for Democrats. Additionally, as a general rule, people like to work with people who get things done, even if those things are not always ideal.
They why he is not doing better than 25-30% in the primaries? There are no superdelegates this time (in the first round), yet people are losing their shit now that it seems that he might not win after all.

How dare the Democrat establishment are getting united around someone who has been a Democrat for his entire life, served as senator for 30+ years, served as VP to a very popular president, instead of someone who proudly calls himself an independent and whom in 12 years as a senators sponsored (not co-sponsored) 3 bills, 2 of which were to change the names of some post offices? How dare they?

#bloodyConspiracy #bernieTheSaviour
I still think a lot of people here underestimate the Independent/not a Democrat aspect of Sanders and what it means for his support in primary elections and then also crucially for his chances to win a contested convention. You can't just show up one day, show that you have 30-40% support of the party's electorate (which is nonetheless impressive) and then strong-arm the party into handing you the keys without any further compromise.
No, but neither are you. At least I am not part of a religious group like you and the other fanatical Bernie bros.
How dare we want someone who stands up for us and against the billionaire class who buys politicians. Religious my ass. Wind your neck in.
Yeah, as a general rule, Democrats tend to vote for Democrats. Additionally, as a general rule, people like to work with people who get things done, even if those things are not always ideal.
They were willing to work with Bloomberg so your logic fails again.
I still think a lot of people here underestimate the Independent/not a Democrat aspect of Sanders and what it means for his support in primary elections and then also crucially for his chances to win a contested convention. You can't just show up one day, show that you have 30-40% support of the party's electorate (which is nonetheless impressive) and then strong-arm the party into handing you the keys without any further compromise.
Show me some data that independents support Sanders more than Biden.

Independents (while belonging to many categories, like far left, centrists, anarchists, libertarian, or far right) for the most part are moderates/centrists. Why Sanders is going to do some well with them?
As of now, Sanders has 2 categories of voters: the left-wing, and the kids who think that revolution is cool and facts don't matter.
How dare we want someone who stands up for us and against the billionaire class who buys politicians. Religious my ass. Wind your neck in.
Wanting your political leader to win is totally understandable. Becoming part of a neo-religion is quite risky though.
Show me some data that independents support Sanders more than Biden.

Independents (while belonging to many categories, like far left, centrists, anarchists, libertarian, or far right) for the most part are moderates/centrists. Why Sanders is going to do some well with them?
As of now, Sanders has 2 categories of voters: the left-wing, and the kids who think that revolution is cool and facts don't matter.
Revan, I am agreeing with you.
Wanting your political leader to win is totally understandable. Becoming part of a neo-religion is quite risky though.
Are you purposely being this obtuse or do you really think people like me are in a political religion? Because you sound like you’re on a windup there.
Am i missing something or are these turnout numbers very low for all groups ?

(The 13% for 18-29 year olds is awful for Sanders)
All centrist candidates attacked Bloomberg as much as possible in the debates.
Hmm and how did he even get into the debate in the first place? This guy was a Republican his whole life may I remind you but feck context right?
Am i missing something or are these turnout number very low for all groups ?

(The 13% for 18-29 year olds is awful for Sanders)

We’re you expecting them to add up to more than 100%?
Am i missing something or are these turnout numbers very low for all groups ?

(The 13% for 18-29 year olds is awful for Sanders)

It's pretty obvious at this juncture he's not going to have the kind of youth surge his supporters speculate based on absolute zero evidence at all.

We heard all that nonsense about youthquakes with Corbyn and look how that turned out.
Bernie wins Vermont in the shock of the evening.
Are you purposely being this obtuse or do you really think people like me are in a political religion? Because you sound like you’re on a windup there.
I am saying that some of Bernie bros are showing almost religious-like devotion to his cult.
Hmm and how did he even get into the debate in the first place? This guy was a Republican his whole life may I remind you but feck context right?
Actually, he was Democrat most of his time. But he was for a few years a Republican when he was leading a blue city.
It's pretty obvious at this juncture he's not going to have the kind of youth surge his supporters speculate based on absolute zero evidence at all.

We heard all that nonsense about youthquakes with Corbyn and look how that turned out.
It's was always based more on the idea that young people will come out if they are offered something like real change. It's only possible to know if this will happen if you try it and I can't blame people for having a go at the very least.

It was a bit different with Corbyn tbh.
Removing your lips from the corporate dick = Bernie bros cult luls.
This myth that Obama’s time was all sunshine and daisies and that we need to return to that is more akin to religion than the bullshit Revan is trying to spout.
It's was always based more on the idea that young people will come out if they are offered something like real change. It's only possible to know if this will happen if you try it and I can't blame people for having a go at the very least.

It was a bit different with Corbyn tbh.

Well I can't blame someone for trying to appeal to them but it surprises me that people still think relying on youth voters to turnout is a winning strategy. It doesn't seemingly matter how much you try to appeal to them, they won't turn up. Virtually across the western world young people just don't vote even when a candidate is extremely favourable for them.

Unfortunately I fear the Sanders fans will blame elsewhere and push conspiracies rather than blame this kind of shocking turnout. He bet his stake on them and they failed him (it seems anyway).
Progressives don’t like Biden == BeRnIe BrOs are a religious cult. Wind up it is, then.
Acting like a cult is another matter though.

I don't even like Biden, but if most of the people vote him, so be it. Acting with some superiority complex on the other hand.

Let's be fair, until 2 days ago, people were saying 'oh my God, the evil establishment is going to steal the nomination from Sanders even if he wins the will of the people. The fecker'. Now, 'the will of the people' probably is gonna choose Biden to be the nominee. Accept it and move on, don't cry conspiracy, these elections(unlike the last ones) seem to be fair.
Biden should make Jim Clyburn take a pic of whatever cabinet position he wants. He has single handedly brought Biden back from the dead. Amazing :lol:
Last time South Carolina was so influential in politics, a Civil War happened. :nervous:
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