2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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I can't work out if the DNC genuinely believe that Biden is capable of beating Trump despite all the baggage he is carrying or whether they are prepared to accept another four years of Trump to ensure the party does not get dragged over to the left.

I think the mentality is simply that while Trump effects the country, Sanders risks changing ‘their’ party. He’s a direct threat to their own power in a way that no Republican can ever be.

This is the sort of support the DNC is looking to cater for. Pick up disenfranchised conservatives over the disenfranchised progressives.

I think they are going after independents more so than old anti-Trump GOP refugees.
If Biden runs a campaign of just 'i am decency' and 'orange man bad', he'll definitely lose
'Decency' and 'character' are a subtle way of saying let's keep things the same.
The state that should be the most interesting tonight is Texas. Sanders was the favourite a couple of days ago and is expected to do very well with the Latino vote. Will be interesting to see whether Biden's momentum can turn his fortunes around here.
Really think people are losing focus on the bigger picture here. Whether it's Biden or Bernie, turnout is what wins elections, and we cannot let Trump be vindicated with 4 more years.

I like Bernie and believe if he were to be elected it could be a genuine watershed moment for the US. But. The way his supporters act like children if he loses the competition he's entered is pathetic.

Trump is an existential threat to America. If you can't get over your hurt feelings for a morning in November to do the right thing for your country, then you're very much the melting little snowflake the right love to accuse you of.
Biden is a terrible choice out of the possible candidates. Trump was always going to win big at the next election in my view but with Biden it's going to be even easier for him.
Both him and Fox news seem far more scared of Biden than Sanders.

I agree that Trump is likely to win regardless of the opponent (unless Coronavirus sends us in a recession), but there is absolutely nothing to suggest (bar being fans of him) than Bernie will do better than Biden in the general election. The fact that DNC have gone all in for Bernie, combined with Trump/Fox attacking him much more than Bernie, and Russia interfering to give the nomination to Bernie, makes me believe that as of now, Biden is more likely to win than Sanders.
Millions are gonna stay home in November.
Either way that is going to happen. Far-left are not going to vote Biden, centrists are not going to vote Sanders.

I don't get this 'we are not gonna vote anyone bar Bernie, so Democrats should choose him, otherwise are screwed'. I mean, you can return this argument on the other side.
Both him and Fox news seem far more scared of Biden than Sanders.

I agree that Trump is likely to win regardless of the opponent (unless Coronavirus sends us in a recession), but there is absolutely nothing to suggest (bar being fans of him) than Bernie will do better than Biden in the general election. The fact that DNC have gone all in for Bernie, combined with Trump/Fox attacking him much more than Bernie, and Russia interfering to give the nomination to Bernie, makes me believe that as of now, Biden is more likely to win than Sanders.

Or kills far more people than in other western countries, something I wouldn't be very surprised if this pandemic doesn't take a quick turn for the better due to weather or something like that.

If Bernie is the opponent I think Trump will be toast in that scenario. It has the potential expose US social services in general and healthcare in particular for the shameful thing it is.
Or kills far more people than in other western countries, something I wouldn't be very surprised if this pandemic doesn't take a quick turn for the better due to weather or something like that.

So far it has been pretty good in the US. Let's see what happens.

If Bernie is the opponent I think Trump will be toast in that scenario. It has the potential expose US social services in general and healthcare in particular for the shameful thing it is.
There is no data to suggest this. Both him and Biden seem to have around +2 or +3 in comparison with Trump, which essentially means nothing at this stage. Additionally, Trump machinery has been attacking Biden for years, while they have either left Bernie alone or almost root for him.
Really think people are losing focus on the bigger picture here. Whether it's Biden or Bernie, turnout is what wins elections, and we cannot let Trump be vindicated with 4 more years.

I like Bernie and believe if he were to be elected it could be a genuine watershed moment for the US. But. The way his supporters act like children if he loses the competition he's entered is pathetic.

Trump is an existential threat to America. If you can't get over your hurt feelings for a morning in November to do the right thing for your country, then you're very much the melting little snowflake the right love to accuse you of.

joe biden is not the right thing for the country
If the Dems lose this election then it’s very likely the Surpreme Court is gonna be fecked for a long time.
Someone on Reddit kindly converted the poll closing times into CET in case anyone is staying up.

Vermont, Virginia: 01:00
North Carolina: 01:30
Alabama, American Samoa, Maine, Massachusetts, Oklahoma, Tennessee: 02:00
Texas: 02:00 (except for El Paso and Hudspeth counties, where polls close at 03:00)
Arkansas: 02:30
Colorado, Minnesota: 03:00
Utah: 04:00
California: 05:00
Can’t find any concrete predictions from exit polls but narratives do not bode well.

“Voters made up their mind in the last couple of days”

“Young turn out is around 13%, over 40s at 50%+”.
If Biden wins this then its over, another four years of Trump.
I always find it interesting that this is the same talking point from both Biden Supporters and Bernie Supporters. When the Polling shows head to head with trump for both Candidates is pretty even at 49 42
So far it has been pretty good in the US. Let's see what happens.

There is no data to suggest this. Both him and Biden seem to have around +2 or +3 in comparison with Trump, which essentially means nothing at this stage. Additionally, Trump machinery has been attacking Biden for years, while they have either left Bernie alone or almost root for him.

I wasn't very clear, but the scenario I meant was Bernie facing Trump in the middle of a health crisis, not just Bernie facing Trump.

And of course there's no data, just my hunch. If they're toe to toe this can definitely make a difference.
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I've accepted Joe Biden will be installed as the nominee from the moment the super delegates openly told the media they'd work to stop Bernie. The democrats are happy with four more years of trump as long as their internal power structures are not changed. It's as simple as that now.

If people genuinely believe the lesson of 2016 is to run a worse democratic candidate than Clinton, then go ahead. Enjoy another four years of irrelevancy. The gall of every moderate to smugly talk about winning in the midterms in 2018 as some kind of mastermind achievement when the Obama era lost 1000+ democratic seats and elections across the country is just ignored is Orwellian rewriting of politics.

The sad thing is, when Joe Biden loses, people will blame progressive when they won't even be able to explain losing to a gameshow host autocrat.....twice hahahahaha
I've accepted Joe Biden will be installed as the nominee from the moment the super delegates openly told the media they'd work to stop Bernie. The democrats are happy with four more years of trump as long as their internal power structures are not changed. It's as simple as that now.

If people genuinely believe the lesson of 2016 is to run a worse democratic candidate than Clinton, then go ahead. Enjoy another four years of irrelevancy. The gall of every moderate to smugly talk about winning in the midterms in 2018 as some kind of mastermind achievement when the Obama era lost 1000+ democratic seats and elections across the country is just ignored is Orwellian rewriting of politics.

The sad thing is, when Joe Biden loses, people will blame progressive when they won't even be able to explain losing to a gameshow host autocrat.....twice hahahahaha
Dude, Sanders has 25% support from a party that less than 1/3 of Americans support. Essentially, his fanbase, while vocal, represent less than 10% of the American population.

It is not a bloody conspiracy. Just that his ideas do not connect well for the vast majority of the population. He was leading precisely because the moderates were divided. Now that only 2 moderates remain in the race, he is probably going to lose. And if Bloomberg drops, it is probably game over. The way how politics work, you need to connect to more people than the kids and the fanatics to win.

Bernie is way more popular in Europe than in the US.
Really think people are losing focus on the bigger picture here. Whether it's Biden or Bernie, turnout is what wins elections, and we cannot let Trump be vindicated with 4 more years.

I like Bernie and believe if he were to be elected it could be a genuine watershed moment for the US. But. The way his supporters act like children if he loses the competition he's entered is pathetic.

Trump is an existential threat to America. If you can't get over your hurt feelings for a morning in November to do the right thing for your country, then you're very much the melting little snowflake the right love to accuse you of.
Again, this assumes another Trump doesn’t come after a disappointing Biden presidency assuming he actually wins. We’d be back at square one. Electing Biden now doesn’t stop Trumpism and far right politics. Democrats are too spineless to bring about change that will positively affect working class lives.
It is not that simple at all. That’s actually completely wrong.

It actually is, go read some of the articles about the reform Commission within the DNC after Hillary lost. One of the prerequisites of Sanders not making a fuss at the last convention was the acceptance of a reform Commission. They outcome of which was a con job that made surface level changes hoping progressives would just go away and accept tokenism. Nothing has changed and accepting trump for another four years is a risk they are willing to live with as they won't have to actually reform the party.
Either way that is going to happen. Far-left are not going to vote Biden, centrists are not going to vote Sanders.

I don't get this 'we are not gonna vote anyone bar Bernie, so Democrats should choose him, otherwise are screwed'. I mean, you can return this argument on the other side.
I reject your false equivalency. More moderates, independents, and working class people will vote for Sanders than the other way around. Democrats are disenfranchising a base of working class voters + a whole generation of young voters. This is political suicide and they deserve it.
I can't work out if the DNC genuinely believe that Biden is capable of beating Trump despite all the baggage he is carrying or whether they are prepared to accept another four years of Trump to ensure the party does not get dragged over to the left.

It's pretty obvious isn't it?

they are showing more unity to defeat Bernie than we ever saw from them to defeat Trump

a Bernie win threatens systemic change which is the last thing any of these cnuts want

a Trump win just means they wait four years and then walk the next election - which is fine
I reject your false equivalency. More moderates, independents, and working class people will vote for Sanders than the other way around. Democrats are disenfranchising a base of working class voters + a whole generation of young voters. This is political suicide and they deserve it.
They why he is not doing better than 25-30% in the primaries? There are no superdelegates this time (in the first round), yet people are losing their shit now that it seems that he might not win after all.

How dare the Democrat establishment are getting united around someone who has been a Democrat for his entire life, served as senator for 30+ years, served as VP to a very popular president, instead of someone who proudly calls himself an independent and whom in 12 years as a senators sponsored (not co-sponsored) 3 bills, 2 of which were to change the names of some post offices? How dare they?

#bloodyConspiracy #bernieTheSaviour
Exit Polls saying Medicare For All polling well as is a complete overall of the economic system.
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