2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Not sure what your on about


You know what I mean. Working Class people voted for Trump and Johnson. It was Turkeys voting for Christmas.

Both countries have a herd mentality when it comes to elections.

In America right now...

‘I’m voting for my guy’
[Their guy declares support for someone else, who has policies nowhere near their original ‘Team Leaders’]
’Im voting for the guy that my guy picked’

Your quoted Twitter poll suggests that the majority of Americans would vote for Sanders based on what helps them. That won’t happen. The questions asked are simplified to the point of pointlessness too.

As a for instance: On Economy, I could understand a Trump voter swinging to Bloomberg. As GDP and 401k’s are all Americans hear about. But the Economy is not that, for most Americans. It should be a gauge of ‘Can I afford to live my life’. Most would vote Trump or Bloomberg on that issue, despite it harming them more than it supports them.

It’s all broken.
538 now calling fo Biden to have a plurality of delegates 1738 to 1363 for Sanders with Bloomberg the King maker at 566

While Bloomberg has leverage for sure in that situation, it wouldn't change the fact that Biden would be a lock for the nomination at that stage as Bloomberg would never support Sanders (nor would Bernie or supporters want his help!).
Imagine a country built on revolution being afraid of it now.

In many ways though, the American revolution was a more conservative version of revolution. In terms of economics of the colonies, the status quo was kept post revolution with the only difference that parliament as a noose on the neck was cut off. Many of the founding fathers were nothing more than opportunistic businessmen and the revolution was good for their bottom line. Idealists like Jefferson and Franklin were sprinkled in but post-revolution, the Anglophile-Francophile split was the first major conflict zone in American politics. If you want a revolution in the sense you refer to, look to the French revolution; we all know how that turned out.
I wonder if there's decent analysis on who stays home? Is it nearly 100% the same individuals?

I can see arguments both ways for Trump vs Sanders and Trump vs Biden. With Sanders, you'll energize new people to vote but will give independents and moderate Republicans the excuse they need (terrified of communism or whatever) to hold their nose and vote Trump.

With Biden you'd lose all that new energy but perhaps the independents go with him and the never trumpers stay home.
Was watching Sky News this morning and they were in Las Vegas. They spoke to quite a few people and Bernie got a decent amount of support, with healthcare an important issue - and one of the people who they spoke to was originally from England and so had experience of healthcare in both countries. Said something about how we in the UK don't have to pay thousands of pounds for health insurance, though we do have private healthcare options if needed and that it was ridiculous the US just didn't do the same - especially with COVID as he made the point that the country is only as solid as the weakest person. If so many people can't afford healthcare, then it is going to end up being spread quite quickly and those with insurance will be affected.

There was someone spouting about how Bernie Sanders is a communist and would turn the USA into Venezuela, but as she had an 18-page document in her hand of Trump's achievements over four years, I don't think she had any inclination of voting for a Democrat candidate.

I would love Bernie to be the next President, but personally think none of the Democrat candidates will beat Trump with Biden and Bernie being quite divisive like you say.
If you want a reason to bang your head against your desk..
Jibraan Nawaz, a junior from Oklahoma, said he’s not registered to vote in Texas and didn’t know Oklahoma’s primary was also on Super Tuesday, but he said if he were to vote, he’d pick Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. Nawaz is a political science major, and so he said he’s a little embarrassed he hasn’t been keeping up with the election.

“Dude, 67% of people don’t even know their local representative for Congress,” he said. “I didn’t know mine until recently. It’s crazy because we should know that the primaries are happening. We should go out to register to vote. I just haven’t done it because I’m preoccupied with school.”

How the feck can you be a Pol Science major and not even be following politics? I’m English and I’ve known when Super Tuesday was for months ffs..
feck everything. My view is that centrists had a chance in 2016 and it blew up in their faces. In my view, Clinton is a much better candidate than Bloomberg or Biden and she lost. This time, the centrists don't get their chance and Sanders should get it. If Sanders doesn't get the nomination, I will leave USA on May 26th.
I wonder if there's decent analysis on who stays home? Is it nearly 100% the same individuals?

I can see arguments both ways for Trump vs Sanders and Trump vs Biden. With Sanders, you'll energize new people to vote but will give independents and moderate Republicans the excuse they need (terrified of communism or whatever) to hold their nose and vote Trump.

With Biden you'd lose all that new energy but perhaps the independents go with him and the never trumpers stay home.

Think this is a sound point. I like Bernie's ideas but his campaign is struggling with getting around the Repubs fear tactics about "socialism" and "communism". Your ideas might be the right ones but if you can't convince anyone that this is the case then your attempts will backfire on you massively. When you look at Civil Rights, while MLK and, to a lesser extent, JFK, had the vision, you still needed the brutal, cold, and pragmatic politics of LBJ to actually push through long lasting legislation that made the difference. I want to see a younger progressive leader have the right mix of vision and pragmatism to outsmart the Republicans and successfully implement single payer.
feck everything. My view is that centrists had a chance in 2016 and it blew up in their faces. In my view, Clinton is a much better candidate than Bloomberg or Biden and she lost. This time, the centrists don't get their chance and Sanders should get it. If Sanders doesn't get the nomination, I will leave USA on May 26th.
Oddly specific date.
If you want a reason to bang your head against your desk..

How the feck can you be a Pol Science major and not even be following politics? I’m English and I’ve known when Super Tuesday was for months ffs..
Most probably he thought he was majoring in Pot Science.
If you want a reason to bang your head against your desk..

How the feck can you be a Pol Science major and not even be following politics? I’m English and I’ve known when Super Tuesday was for months ffs..

spoke to an undergrad, who didn't know the election was today. he liked the little i talked abut bernie. his colleague early voted Warren.
Imagine a country built on revolution being afraid of it now.
One of many ironies. The one I posted from reddit being another.
feck everything. My view is that centrists had a chance in 2016 and it blew up in their faces. In my view, Clinton is a much better candidate than Bloomberg or Biden and she lost. This time, the centrists don't get their chance and Sanders should get it. If Sanders doesn't get the nomination, I will leave USA on May 26th.
I’d use a certain Denzel Washington meme but I’d probably be banned if I did :lol:

This is the sort of support the DNC is looking to cater for. Pick up disenfranchised conservatives over the disenfranchised progressives.


You/your company not going for a green card? I'm in a similar process, L1B expiring soon but hoping to get the Adjustment of Status application through before then.

I would have qualified for EB1 but when Trump got elected, I decided not to pursue green card. India isn't any better but at the least, it's my country and I will die with my brethren
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Biden and his endorsers/supporters acting like things were just great before Trump came is the most grating thing about all of this.
These people just want everything ticking on while they and their friends enjoy the pleasantries of being called liberal.
The more I think about it, the more my hatred grows. I wouldn't call myself a leftist either. I think I am someone middle-ground. But America is the worst and most corrupt society I have ever seen in the developed world. The greed and dog-eat-dog mentality is extreme.
It costs $1,400 to get tested for Corona Virus. My youngest sister who's a student has to think twice before seeing the doctor over a cold ffs! Disgusting country.
I can't work out if the DNC genuinely believe that Biden is capable of beating Trump despite all the baggage he is carrying or whether they are prepared to accept another four years of Trump to ensure the party does not get dragged over to the left.
I honestly think they believe 4 years of Trump is better that a "Socialist".
Biden and his endorsers/supporters acting like things were just great before Trump came is the most grating thing about all of this.
These people just want everything ticking on while they and their friends enjoy the pleasantries of being called liberal.
The more I think about it, the more my hatred grows. I wouldn't call myself a leftist either. I think I am someone middle-ground. But America is the worst and most corrupt society I have ever seen in the developed world. The greed and dog-eat-dog mentality is extreme.
It costs $1,400 to get tested for Corona Virus. My youngest sister who's a student has to think twice before seeing the doctor over a cold ffs! Disgusting country.
Then why do you care? This sounds like if I got all involved and emotional about the direction of the Communist Party of China.
Then why do you care? This sounds like if I got all involved and emotional about the direction of the Communist Party of China.
This is the 2020 US election thread and that is my opinion. What's your problem?
You know what I mean. Working Class people voted for Trump and Johnson. It was Turkeys voting for Christmas.

Both countries have a herd mentality when it comes to elections.
This is going to derail the thread but we've got a good few hours until Super Tuesday starts to get mildly interesting, so here it goes............

At best we could say it's a section of the working class but really the bulk of support for the likes of Trump and Johnston comes from older retirees(Who are basically like 19th century french peasants), upper classes, the very rich and the lower middle classes and yes some portion of a white working class. Most working class people aren't voting or some are denied a vote(American prisoners for example). There was a report I posted a while back that showed lots of these ''red wall'' labour seats weren't just full of old scared pensioners sitting alone in their homes but have in fact have a ton of lower middle class families(With the average age being 40) now these people are about to get fecked because they just voted tory and they are reliant on benefits(The switch over to universal credit is really going to hurt them), so yeah some are turkeys voting for Christmas but firstly million of people are in fact voting for a different and better future, but also we have find out why people are voting this way and what alternatives can be provided. The answer to the question what is to be done, isn't meh people pathetically stupid. I posted on the last page a tweet showing the donors of each candidate and guess who's leading with teachers, nursers, construction and truck drivers, its the guy who is appealing to their class interest, but the lawyers and investment managers are doing the same with Biden.

Your quoted Twitter poll suggests that the majority of Americans would vote for Sanders based on what helps them. That won’t happen.
This is just the capitalist realism brain slug that can effects us all at some point. Everything moves. Everything is subject to change. Nothing lasts. All social relations – slavery, serfdom, salaried work – are historical and transient(In short everyone go watch the film The Young Karl Marx). A decade ago we would have thought the idea of a socialist being popular in america was a utopian dream let alone one having the chance to win the most powerful office in world politics but here we are.
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