2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Would be a strong move. He's got the evangelicals in the bag and that would be a strong play for the suburban soccer mom vote.

Biden will have no chance of winning.
This is going to be like the UK General Election on steroids. Trump is going to win big, get a huge mandate and it's going to feck America as we know it.
Biden is a terrible choice out of the possible candidates. Trump was always going to win big at the next election in my view but with Biden it's going to be even easier for him.
It's funny how many rich white liberals don't want actual progress, or a socially and environmentally conscious government.

They just want to go back to a time where they heard about racism less, when they heard about inequality less, when they heard about climate change less.
Sad but true.
All these Biden endorsements are a push for no change.
Warren, for the love of god

it's right here if you endorse.
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Yeah, it really is just f'n' sad. I spoke with a friend in Arkansas and she said she voted for Biden because she didn't think Bernie could beat Trump. The DNC plan is working like a charm.

There are plenty of people who don’t think Sanders can beat Trump, nor can he support downballot congressional Dem candidates - most of whom are moderates, which in their view could result in losing the house. This is the fundamental reason everyone is suddenly coalescing around Biden.
There are plenty of people who don’t think Sanders can beat Trump, nor can he support downballot congressional Dem candidates - most of whom are moderates, which in their view could result in losing the house. This is the fundamental reason everyone is suddenly coalescing around Biden.
It will backfire on them.
Which is on the whole probably not wrong, given the current economy.

White liberals, especially the new suburban women they’ve wooed into their ranks, really have no appetite for a real political struggle, for them it’s all about getting people they feel are qualified and polished into power and believe that the system itself should function correctly with those people in charge, while shirking at every turn from tweaking said system even if the people they elected attempt to do so.

Unless this virus really hurts the economy, Trump is going to very difficult to beat. I think I'm right in saying that this suburban white women vote (The soccer moms)is also one of the groups Sanders does the worst with, which makes sense considering their lack for political struggle. But this was also Clinton pitch in 2016, I'll guess we will find out soon enough if the issue with Clinton was her sheer unpopularity or something more ingrained in american society.
It's going to be Hillary all over again. Just who the feck does Joe Biden actually excite? Which voters (outside the Dem hardcore who will vote D regardless) are going to wake up thinking 'Hell yeah! Biden will reshape this country to an exciting new vision!!'? Sure there are the people who didn't vote D last time and just desperately want rid of Trump, but that's true whoever the Dems pick.

Instead everyone is apparently supposed to care more about the downticket races, and ignore the fact they have exactly one candidate who is energizing the youth and the non-traditional Democratic voters this cycle.
I can't work out if the DNC genuinely believe that Biden is capable of beating Trump despite all the baggage he is carrying or whether they are prepared to accept another four years of Trump to ensure the party does not get dragged over to the left.
I can't work out if the DNC genuinely believe that Biden is capable of beating Trump despite all the baggage he is carrying or whether they are prepared to accept another four years of Trump to ensure the party does not get dragged over to the left.

As long as they keep their big money donors, I don't think they give a shit if they win or not.
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