2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Tweeited by his chief of staff at the same moment as he endorsed Biden.

3 excellent polls for Bernie just now, but they all include the time before SC. Still if it's like that (tie in NC, decent lead in Texas, only vible candidate in Colorado) along with a double digit win in California, he will take back all the momentum.
3 excellent polls for Bernie just now, but they all include the time before SC. Still if it's like that (tie in NC, decent lead in Texas, only vible candidate in Colorado) along with a double digit win in California, he will take back all the momentum.

All these endorsements and Biden's lack of efforts to reach out in Super Tuesday states.
The party is scrambling. Painting a false narrative that he is back.
The party put everything into SC.

just wait till tomorrow.

they are still banking on stopping him in the convention.
But here is what they are dealing with. Bernie does not control what is happening. Those who are voting for him want real change and they are not going to accept anything else.
:lol: Wow. this is definitely pathetic now. They would have postponed tomorrow's primary in some states if they could. Kamala will soon endorse Biden as well I am sure though she may be negotiating for a VP or attorney general spot.
It is now or never essentially. If Bernie wins big tomorrow, it is game over for the centrist wing of the party.

I am not sure what last minute endorsements are gonna achieve. Dropping from the race sure, but the endorsements of O'Rourke and Reid are not gonna do much. Nice that Obama is staying neutral, that could actually have been the endorsement that matters to put Biden in lead for super Tuesday.
:lol: Wow. this is definitely pathetic now. They would have postponed tomorrow's primary in some states if they could. Kamala will soon endorse Biden as well I am sure though she may be negotiating for a VP or attorney general spot.

if he pulls it off from here, his campaign guys should manage rahul in 2024, they might actually win it :lol:
I googled his name.
Nehru's great grand son.

Nehru was a great man as was Mahatma Gandhi.
That may sound strange coming from someone from the UK. But they fought for justice and freedom.

Yes, Nehru was good, but every generation of his family gets worse!
Allegations of sexual assault was a preferable reason to part wa–, I mean have Chris Matthews retire, than him retiring because he was being ridiculous about Bernie Sanders with his Nazi and public execution comparisons.
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