2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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genuinely mystified tht alabama and tenn have 52 and 64 delegates, while colorado and minn has only 67 and 75.

if these numbers hold, it will be a 31 delegate gain for bernie (total lead = 37). warren will have ~160 delegates, bloomberg will have ~110.
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genuinely mystified tht alabama and tenn have 52 and 64 delegates, while colorado and minn has only 67 and 75.

That would be an amazing result for Biden, winning 7 states with Bernie only getting 6. Can't see Bernie even winning plurality of votes if this ends up being the actual result.
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I swear, if this desperate hail mary from the establishment ends up getting Biden the nomination... The US is fecked.
It's funny how many rich white liberals don't want actual progress, or a socially and environmentally conscious government.

They just want to go back to a time where they heard about racism less, when they heard about inequality less, when they heard about climate change less.
He looks like he already ate two Bidens.

73, chunky as anything, and looking to go eight years as president. Makes me question conventional health advice.
"Be massively rich" is pretty good conventional health advice.
So much discord within the Democrats. Republicans will vote Red no matter what. While its Bernie or bust for a lot of people. Trump is coming back alright.
They really are putting a lot on the idea that people are fed up with seeing Trump on their tv screens.
Which is on the whole probably not wrong, given the current economy.

White liberals, especially the new suburban women they’ve wooed into their ranks, really have no appetite for a real political struggle, for them it’s all about getting people they feel are qualified and polished into power and believe that the system itself should function correctly with those people in charge, while shirking at every turn from tweaking said system even if the people they elected attempt to do so.

Conservatives understand the game and the stakes involved. It’s about getting their people in to change the system to their liking.
It's funny how many rich white liberals don't want actual progress, or a socially and environmentally conscious government.

They just want to go back to a time where they heard about racism less, when they heard about inequality less, when they heard about climate change less.

Yeah, it was rich white people in South Carolina who swung it, not the black voters who went overwhelmingly for Biden because they think he has a better shot at winning. That will likely be the case throughout the states with large black populations (aka the South).
Yeah, it was rich white people in South Carolina who swung it, not the black voters who went overwhelmingly for Biden because they think he has a better shot at winning. That will likely be the case throughout the states with large black populations (aka the South).

That has absolutely nothing to do with what I said.
That was my thoughts when Trump put Pence in charge of the Corona Virus. He needs a bloody good reason to scrap the evangelical's golden boy.

Pence is expendable in any case. He was always a generic character in Republican politics. Haley is their rising star at the moment, which would give Trump a bit of diversity swag that he can market as nauseum for the rest of the campaign.
The real fight is not universal health care or decent living standards or even the climate crisis. What really matters is getting rid of the obnoxious troll that has been verbally dunking on us good ol' liberal boys for 4 years, because he's really hurting our feelings. Come on bros jump on the team and come on in for the big win. Try seeing corporate pandering as a stepping stone to social progress for a change.
What year exactly does she want to go back to?
Is she a liberal or conservative? It's usually the 90's for the libs. They want that post cold-war 'end of history' optimism back. We all know what the conservatives want to go back to.
Not true, they always work together when there is policy overlap. The Senate recently passed the defense bill by an 86-8 margin to expand defense spending. There are plenty of other areas where this happens as well.

Always? So what about the Violence Against Women act issues at the end of last year?
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