2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Even if that means Trump electing more and more judges to the supreme court? Even if he's Trump-lite, I assume a democrat would still vote for Biden for this reason alone.
You act like a Biden presidency won’t see a return of another Trump afterward so I reject the premise of this question.
The reality is that 2016 and this cycle proves there is sufficient need for real policies. Health Care and Climate Change for starters.
Non Aligned/Independent voters is a huge chunk. They are not all Progressives.
people across the spectrum have moved away from the two parties.

Most would say it would hurt the Democrats more. But I'm not sure. I believe an honest candidate can appeal to people from all sides.
Mark me down right at the top of the list of people who dislike first past the post, it's a really weak system for expressing the preference of the electorate. The different forms of proportional representation tend to be better for legislatures, and some sort of multi-round system is better for executive elections.

But as is in the US, creating a 3rd party just isn't a winning strategy. Put it this way: there is no path for Sanders to winning the presidency that isn't at the top of the Dem ticket. Of course as a large independent he could always torpedo the Dem chances in the GE by running on the ticket as an independent, but he couldn't ever actually win the whole thing.
You act like a Biden presidency won’t see a return of another Trump afterward so I reject the premise of this question.

To be fair, this is definitely a possibility if, as Biden says, he wants us to return back to normal. Think any ideal alternative to Trump would need to address changes brought upon by automation/technology and Biden has been incapable of doing this so far.
Mark me down right at the top of the list of people who dislike first past the post, it's a really weak system for expressing the preference of the electorate. The different forms of proportional representation tend to be better for legislatures, and some sort of multi-round system is better for executive elections.

But as is in the US, creating a 3rd party just isn't a winning strategy. Put it this way: there is no path for Sanders to winning the presidency that isn't at the top of the Dem ticket. Of course as a large independent he could always torpedo the Dem chances in the GE by running on the ticket as an independent, but he couldn't ever actually win the whole thing.
He’s saying third party after the 2020 elections when the Dems eventually get trounced in this hypothetical scenario.
Mark me down right at the top of the list of people who dislike first past the post, it's a really weak system for expressing the preference of the electorate. The different forms of proportional representation tend to be better for legislatures, and some sort of multi-round system is better for executive elections.

But as is in the US, creating a 3rd party just isn't a winning strategy. Put it this way: there is no path for Sanders to winning the presidency that isn't at the top of the Dem ticket. Of course as a large independent he could always torpedo the Dem chances in the GE by running on the ticket as an independent, but he couldn't ever actually win the whole thing.

I'm not talking about Bernie running again. This is his last shot. But there will be many others coming to the fore to represent people who have been lied to by by both parties. That's why we have Trump.
To be fair, this is definitely a possibility if, as Biden says, he wants us to return back to normal.
Normal being an 8 year Presidency that bailed out Wall Street crooks, continued war, and lost over 1000 Democratic seats in state and national offices. Galaxy brain levels of thinking. But hey, Obama made nice speeches so that’s all that mattered. Privileged people in a nutshell. Ignore the bad, it don’t exist, gotta get back to brunch and reality shows. Live laugh love!
He’s saying third party after the 2020 elections when the Dems eventually get trounced in this hypothetical scenario.

Even in that scenario, Bernie wouldn't get enough voters to do anything but ensure that the Rs continue to sweep elections and destroy minority rights. There is a reason why he joined the Dem party, with all of the power-brokers against him, in the first place.
Based on 0 facts.

People here laughed with how the corrupt media, put progressives in one side being defeated from the moderates, but now that the moderates actually are getting united, the same people are losing their shit.

Maybe, just maybe, there are more moderate than progressives in the Democratic party. Maybe, if the candidate you support doesn't win, you get behind the other. Cause you know, Democracy works both ways, not only if it favors your candidate (until 2 days ago people were lecturing on the democracy and how Bernie should get the nomination if the will of the people says so). What if the will of the same people says that Biden should get the nomination?
Ok but still I am not voting for Biden.

Primarily because I'm in India.
Even in that scenario, Bernie wouldn't get enough voters to do anything but ensure that the Rs continue to sweep elections and destroy minority rights. There is a reason why he joined the Dem party, with all of the power-brokers against him, in the first place.
As RD pointed out, Bernie won’t be running again after 2020. Bernie did right by running as a Dem but their reactions to this run, and the hypothetical scenario where they screw him over, deserves only a tear down of the party. There the obvious consequences but that’s what it’s gonna have to take and it will be the establishment’s fault.
The recriminations and panic is just excessive.

What doomed Sanders in 2016 wasn’t only the South, he lost nearly all states with big delegates count, TX, FL, CA, NY, PA, OH, AZ, MA, now more of them vote tomorrow and he’s on track to win the majority of them.

In the very unlikely scenario that Biden trounces him across the Deep South and comes out with similar delegate lead that Clinton did in those places, Sanders would still very likely have a slight lead that’s unlikely to change by the end of the race, given about 60% of delegates will have been allocated by March 20 and the rest are distributed equally if not slightly tilted towards the Northern and Western states in remaining contests.

He needs a plurality and a decent-ish lead on top of that. Not happening as far as I can see. If he pulls this off it would be amazing.
Balance it out bu reading @shamans posts and you’ll regain your clarity.

In all seriousness, he’s not representative of the whole base and by making this choice based off one poster is essentially giving him so much power. That is assuming you’re being serious.

If you think extreme far left balance is being a biden supporter then just shows which views are saner!
A Third party will not work if it is purely Progressive.
It needs to have a wide umbrella.
I remember in 2016 when potential Trump voters saying they would vote for Sanders if they could not vote for Trump. These were die hard Republicans who felt their party had abandoned them.

Trump lied about what he was going to do. These are the people Sanders is going after along with new voters.

The need for health care has risen so much if the exit polls are right.
As RD pointed out, Bernie won’t be running again after 2020. Bernie did right by running as a Dem but their reactions to this run, and the hypothetical scenario where they screw him over, deserves only a tear down of the party. There the obvious consequences but that’s what it’s gonna have to take and it will be the establishment’s fault.

Well I think whoever replaces Bernie on the progressive mantle needs to think about a better way to out-message Republicans in winning over independent supporters on progressive policies. One way to do this would be to emphasize and safeguard personal freedoms even in a single-payer environment. Think Bernie's campaign advisers have let him down for the last 4 years in this regard and more thought needs to be given to this to combat the widening income inequality that might undermine the republic.
If you think extreme far left balance is being a biden supporter then just shows which views are saner!
Honest question here - How do you feel about Biden mental health ? It's clear the guy is really struggling, does it worry you at all ?
If you think extreme far left balance is being a biden supporter then just shows which views are saner!

@Florida Man 's point is that if someone reads RD and thinks Bernie-or-busters are assholes, that someone should read you and realise Biden-or-busters like you are assholes too.
What’s Warren’s explanation for her political transformation in her 40s? Mid-life crisis? Road to Damascus moment?
What’s Warren’s explanation for her political transformation in her 40s? Mid-life crisis? Road to Damascus moment?

She did research expecting to find that poor people's bad habits are to blame for bankruptcies and did not, something like that.

edit - she has also said that from 1996 on, the Republicans stopped being good for capitalism. not sure which one was the conversion.
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Mark me down right at the top of the list of people who dislike first past the post, it's a really weak system for expressing the preference of the electorate. The different forms of proportional representation tend to be better for legislatures, and some sort of multi-round system is better for executive elections.

But as is in the US, creating a 3rd party just isn't a winning strategy. Put it this way: there is no path for Sanders to winning the presidency that isn't at the top of the Dem ticket. Of course as a large independent he could always torpedo the Dem chances in the GE by running on the ticket as an independent, but he couldn't ever actually win the whole thing.
To be fair, would be funny to see Bernie Sanders - Ron Paul ticket.

Based on this, if Bloomberg drops out on Wednesday, it might ensure Biden getting a majority.

It isn't happening, but it would be nice if Warren drops out ASAP, which would make Sanders have a big win tomorrow.
Based on this, if Bloomberg drops out on Wednesday, it might ensure Biden getting a majority.

It isn't happening, but it would be nice if Warren drops out ASAP, which would make Sanders have a big win tomorrow.

Biden and Sanders are projected to both get about 1500 delegates at this rate.
If you think extreme far left balance is being a biden supporter then just shows which views are saner!
First of all, whoosh, but shame on me for expecting you to catch that. Secondly, if you think Bernie is extreme far left, then it just shows which views have more mental capacity! Try again.
@Florida Man 's point is that if someone reads RD and thinks Bernie-or-busters are assholes, that someone should read you and realise Biden-or-busters like you are assholes too.
To be fair to him, he’s not exactly Biden or bust. But some of us still give him shit for his vote for Trump comment. Just banter though before he gets defensive on this comment.
To be fair, would be funny to see Bernie Sanders - Ron Paul ticket.
Heads would literally explode :lol:
It would be crazy if Biden got to become president after Trump presidency. Someone who failed with multiple presidential bids before and is far from the progression in US politics post Obama. Hillary >>> Biden IMHO
Is this realistic? Won't that destroy his chances of winning?

In fact I think he would do better not to debate. I mean there are no fence sitters as far as Trump is concerned.
he is very good at bringing out his supporters to vote for him.
This is why we need a candidate that is also good at bringing out his voters.
Sanders does this.

Biden mind you would be a god send for Trump.
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