2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Why? I don't give a shit either way.

You could also become pro-Trump if you avoided all news about him.
Merely a suggestion. Do as you please.

No way I become Trump voter even with no news. Policies matter to me and I’m simply not into his, especially with the America First perspective. Can’t say the same of everyone though.
Bloomberg's run is based on his own ego. Its probably hurt Biden more than anything, so I doubt the DNC would be ok with that.

They did change the rules for him. So its not without their Ok.
Banter aside, the SC result was better than expected. But the DNC did not see the wipeout in the early states and certainly not Nevada.
the Super Tuesday Results may well swing the pendulum back.

I suspect Sanders knew the possibility of the effects of SC and started campaigning early in those states.
Early voting is a huge factor.
if by some miracle bernie holds on to his lead tomorrow, he has a narrow path - viability in florida, winning NY, the west, and midwest, while biden takes 80-90% in each southern state. i don't think it's likely.
I don't see it happening, especially after the new Cuba thing (which to be fair, he said nothing wrong, but politics is stupid).
Corrupt for power the lot of them. Bernie is the only choice who can stand up to Trump and yet the morons gang up to support Biden.
The recriminations and panic is just excessive.

What doomed Sanders in 2016 wasn’t only the South, he lost nearly all states with big delegates count, TX, FL, CA, NY, PA, OH, AZ, MA, now more of them vote tomorrow and he’s on track to win the majority of them.

In the very unlikely scenario that Biden trounces him across the Deep South and comes out with similar delegate lead that Clinton did in those places, Sanders would still very likely have a slight lead that’s unlikely to change by the end of the race, given about 60% of delegates will have been allocated by March 20 and the rest are distributed equally if not slightly tilted towards the Northern and Western states in remaining contests.
Corrupt for power the lot of them. Bernie is the only choice who can stand up to Trump and yet the morons gang up to support Biden.
Based on 0 facts.

People here laughed with how the corrupt media, put progressives in one side being defeated from the moderates, but now that the moderates actually are getting united, the same people are losing their shit.

Maybe, just maybe, there are more moderate than progressives in the Democratic party. Maybe, if the candidate you support doesn't win, you get behind the other. Cause you know, Democracy works both ways, not only if it favors your candidate (until 2 days ago people were lecturing on the democracy and how Bernie should get the nomination if the will of the people says so). What if the will of the same people says that Biden should get the nomination?
The recriminations and panic is just excessive.

What doomed Sanders in 2016 wasn’t only the South, he lost nearly all states with big delegates count, TX, FL, CA, NY, PA, OH, AZ, MA, now more of them vote tomorrow and he’s on track to win the majority of them.

In the very unlikely scenario that Biden trounces him across the Deep South and comes out with similar delegate lead that Clinton did in those places, Sanders would still very likely have a slight lead that’s unlikely to change by the end of the race, given about 60% of delegates will have been allocated by March 20 and the rest are distributed equally if not slightly tilted towards the Northern and Western states in remaining contests.

The issue is that Sanders needs a majority of delegates (>1991) to win the nomination. If no one reaches that threshold then superdelegates come into play and Biden will walk away with the nomination.
Question to the Bernie people: would you do another Bernie or Bust if Biden wins the nomination arriving at the convention with a plurality/majority of delegates? No cheating took place, just the establishment coming together to support Biden.
Question to the Bernie people: would you do another Bernie or Bust if Biden wins the nomination arriving at the convention with a plurality/majority of delegates? No cheating took place, just the establishment coming together to support Biden.

I long ago decided I would not vote for Biden in any circumstances. He is Trump lite.

But I would vote for the Democrats for House and Senate.
If they stole the nomination from Bernie, I would not vote Democrat for President or Congress.
The issue is that Sanders needs a majority of delegates (>1991) to win the nomination. If no one reaches that threshold then superdelegates come into play and Biden will walk away with the nomination.
No party has ever supplanted the popular will since it became the method for choosing presidential nominee.

It’s a lot of hot air imo. David Plouffe already said the other day that even a 50 delegate lead can’t be overturned, can’t see his old boss holding a different public stance.
Question to the Bernie people: would you do another Bernie or Bust if Biden wins the nomination arriving at the convention with a plurality/majority of delegates? No cheating took place, just the establishment coming together to support Biden.

Not an American but I'd wager it would depend on the means by which Bernie loses the nomination (if he loses). If he goes into the DNC in July with most delegates but gets denied by the superdelegates in Biden's favour then I can see there being a bitter resentment again leading to apathy in the polls come November.

Would be a stupidly risky move by the Democrats, and dare I say they'd deserve another humiliation in November if that were the case. Just unfortunate the rest of world suffers.
Who will win the Texas primary?
Biden is forecasted to win an average of 30% of the vote in Texas. In 80% of simulations, he wins between 24% and 36% of the vote. He has a 3 in 5 (55%) chance of winning the most votes, a bit better than the second most likely winner, Sanders, who has a 2 in 5 (43%) chance.

How well Biden does tomorrow depends solely on how well the Democratic machinery works. Bringing out traditional voters. It did well in SC.
What Sanders has done is bring out new voters. This is an unknown.
Early voting can provide some indication. But we don't have all the data.
Has Biden got any ground game for tomorrow or is he mostly hoping that the coverage from his big win will bring out voters ?
Not an American but I'd wager it would depend on the means by which Bernie loses the nomination (if he loses). If he goes into the DNC in July with most delegates but gets denied by the superdelegates in Biden's favour then I can see there being a bitter resentment again leading to apathy in the polls come November.

The damage will be permanent I believe.
A third independent party emerging will be a reality.
Question to the Bernie people: would you do another Bernie or Bust if Biden wins the nomination arriving at the convention with a plurality/majority of delegates? No cheating took place, just the establishment coming together to support Biden.
Why isn't this question directed the other way? People in the media are directly saying many democrat (moderates) won't vote for Bernie and that is used as a stick to beat Bernie. And in the same breath, Bernie is criticised for Bernie or bust even if the evidence from the last two democratic primary (Clinton vs Bernie and Clinton vs Obama) suggest completely opposite.
I long ago decided I would not vote for Biden in any circumstances. He is Trump lite.

But I would vote for the Democrats for House and Senate.
If they stole the nomination from Bernie, I would not vote Democrat for President or Congress.

Even if that means Trump electing more and more judges to the supreme court? Even if he's Trump-lite, I assume a democrat would still vote for Biden for this reason alone.
Why isn't this question directed the other way? People in the media are directly saying many democrat (moderates) won't vote for Bernie and that is used as a stick to beat Bernie. And in the same breath, Bernie is criticised for Bernie or bust even if the evidence from the last two democratic primary (Clinton vs Bernie and Clinton vs Obama) suggest completely opposite.

Don't the polls give Sanders a more favourable chance of beating Trump than Biden?

Either way in the scenario where Sanders loses to Trump in November, I wouldn't hold my breath with that being the narrative, whereas instead the focus will be on Sanders' supposed poor 'electability', and not apathetic Dem voters gifting Trump the white house (as was the supposed consensus with Hillary in 2016 with the vitriol subjected towards Sanders' supporters).
Even if that means Trump electing more and more judges to the supreme court? Even if he's Trump-lite, I assume a democrat would still vote for Biden for this reason alone.
RD has long decided that mainstream democrats are equally as bad as republicans, and he probably respects republicans more for being openly evil, or something of the sort.
Why isn't this question directed the other way? People in the media are directly saying many democrat (moderates) won't vote for Bernie and that is used as a stick to beat Bernie. And in the same breath, Bernie is criticised for Bernie or bust even if the evidence from the last two democratic primary (Clinton vs Bernie and Clinton vs Obama) suggest completely opposite.

My anecdotal evidence from seeing SM activity is that moderate Dems (voters at least) hate Trump so much that they will vote Bernie over Trump, many progressives in Bernie camp would not vote for someone like Biden or it seems like anyone else than Bernie.
Third parties simply don't work on a national level with first past the post.

The reality is that 2016 and this cycle proves there is sufficient need for real policies. Health Care and Climate Change for starters.
Non Aligned/Independent voters is a huge chunk. They are not all Progressives.
people across the spectrum have moved away from the two parties.

Most would say it would hurt the Democrats more. But I'm not sure. I believe an honest candidate can appeal to people from all sides.
My anecdotal evidence from seeing SM activity is that moderate Dems (voters at least) hate Trump so much that they will vote Bernie over Trump, many progressives in Bernie camp would not vote for someone like Biden or it seems like anyone else than Bernie.
sounds like a good reason to nominate bernie
My anecdotal evidence from seeing SM activity is that moderate Dems (voters at least) hate Trump so much that they will vote Bernie over Trump, many progressives in Bernie camp would not vote for someone like Biden or it seems like anyone else than Bernie.
if that's the case then aren't the democrats morally required to nominate Bernie and all the establishment's argument about electability moot?
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