2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Just saw that 538 is forecasting Biden to win Texas even though all their polls user have Sanders ahead.. how?

he has got a ~10-point bump from SC and a few percent from Pete and Amy, will be enough for a ~3-5 point win depending on how much of the vote was early.
It's very good that Democratic norms about civility mean that this cannot be brought up* till the moment he is the nominee and Trump will tear him to pieces on this and Ukraine without lifting a finger.

*and if it is you're out - see Booker
And that's before the marathon of a general election.Sleepy Joe is being kind.

Absolutely. If one really wants to dig into Biden there is a ton of material. The crime bill for example. I can't believe anyone voting for him after reading how far that bill goes to inflict violence on African Americans. Not just to those who were incarcerated but their families on the outside. He is an awful candidate with a long history of disgusting anti-black policies. It is a cruel joke that there are people who are advocating to vote for him.
Gambling on a senile senior citizen. Are the voters not noticing this ? It's not like he has just one occurrence such as the one in that tweet above.
if by some miracle bernie holds on to his lead tomorrow, he has a narrow path - viability in florida, winning NY, the west, and midwest, while biden takes 80-90% in each southern state. i don't think it's likely.
They’re not voting to reactivate the Death Star. It’s a routine defense bill that gets voted on every year.
Bipartisanship to increase funding for our already ridiculous and unregulated defense budget while spinelessly asking “how we gonna pay for this?” for any policy that actually addresses real issues among the people in this country... I mean, it spells itself out everything wrong with this government and explains logically why people-centric politicians have a hard time passing meaningful legislation. Bipartisanship for the sake of bipartisanship and bill passing for the sake of bill passing =/= quality as a politician. This lack of context is frustrating to say the least and media continues to use it as a way to mislead people.
No, I am asking them the same question that they were asking before. They were saying, it doesn't matter the difference, if Bernie has a single delegate more, he should get the nomination. Now that the things have changed, does the same stand for Biden, or the logic applies only to the Dear Leader *.

* Bernie is nice actually, it is his rabid fans I have a problem with.
Enough with this bullshit. Majority of his supporters are a welcoming nice bunch, but don’t let facts get in the way of a good narrative. Don’t confuse passion and standing up for one’s beliefs with rabidness. That’s just acting like the so called Bernie Bro myth some of yall claim to hate so much.
Bipartisanship to increase funding for our already ridiculous and unregulated defense budget while spinelessly asking “how we gonna pay for this?” for any policy that actually addresses real issues among the people in this country... I mean, it spells itself out everything wrong with this government and explains logically why people-centric politicians have a hard time passing meaningful legislation. Bipartisanship for the sake of bipartisanship and bill passing for the sake of bill passing =/= quality as a politician. This lack of context is frustrating to say the least and media continues to use it as a way to mislead people.

Its called. "you rub my back. I rub yours"

They like to call it bipartisanship don't you know.
I was in Liz Warren's camp when she entered the race. I loved her plan, the passion and would have enjoyed her going toe to toe with Trump during the debates. Now I can't even recognize her. From the silly attacks on Bernie, to flip flopping on M4A, to not disclosing her financing sources, to taking money from rich donors. WTF happened to her?
To be honest I don’t think anything happened to her. This IS the real Warren. She diddled us all.
To be honest I don’t think anything happened to her. This IS the real Warren. She diddled us all.

Do you think she’s always been genuine in her efforts to become POTUS or do you think she’s part of the establishment management of Sanders? Split the progressive vote and then consolidate it being Biden.
Obama won the senate race, Turner lost by 20 points the election for secretary of state (a position that is nowhere as prestigious as senator).
Probably didn’t help running out of Ohio. If she represented a place like the district that has Oakland, she’d kill it in my opinion.
Do you think she’s always been genuine in her efforts to become POTUS or do you think she’s part of the establishment management of Sanders? Split the progressive vote and then consolidate it being Biden.
Can it be both? I think she genuinely wanted to be President but not for the reasons she advertised. All her actions as of late just shows her true self in a self serving effort further her own political career and have power — probably wanted the ego trip of being the first female President similarly to Hillary.

The debates between him and Trump are going to be something.

It’s going to descend into something out of Hook where Peter Pan and the other brown dude have a name calling battle. Except instead of watching with joy, we will have a collective facepalm.
Unless the DNC fixes it, Biden wont be the nominee.

Secondly Trump wont debate anyone.

This is exactly what we need here. Sanders will beat the field. DNC won't have the guts to steal the election from Sanders even if we are close to a contested convention. Priority is beating Trump and I'm sure Bernie Sanders will do it. IF he doesn't, I'll spend the next 4 years harrying @Eboue (So nothing's changed)
Enough with this bullshit. Majority of his supporters are a welcoming nice bunch, but don’t let facts get in the way of a good narrative. Don’t confuse passion and standing up for one’s beliefs with rabidness. That’s just acting like the so called Bernie Bro myth some of yall claim to hate so much.
I used to lean towards Bernie until I read @Red Dreams posts in this thread.
I was pro-Bernie until I read @Red Dreams posts in this thread.
Balance it out bu reading @shamans posts and you’ll regain your clarity.

In all seriousness, he’s not representative of the whole base and by making this choice based off one poster is essentially giving him so much power. That is assuming you’re being serious.
It’s going to descend into something out of Hook where Peter Pan and the other brown dude have a name calling battle. Except instead of watching with joy, we will have a collective facepalm.

Balance it out bu reading @shamans posts and you’ll regain your clarity.

In all seriousness, he’s not representative of the whole base and by making this choice based off one poster is essentially giving him so much power. That is assuming you’re being serious.
I used to have a lot of sympathy for Spurs as well. Until Glastonspur. @Red Dreams has the same kind of toxicity in this thread.
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