2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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How she justifies staying in now is beyond me. She likely loses her home state to bernie as well going on recent polls.

I was in Liz Warren's camp when she entered the race. I loved her plan, the passion and would have enjoyed her going toe to toe with Trump during the debates. Now I can't even recognize her. From the silly attacks on Bernie, to flip flopping on M4A, to not disclosing her financing sources, to taking money from rich donors. WTF happened to her?
Interesting. I thought that he doesn't like Biden cause Biden went once behind his back and made a deal with McConnell while Reid was planning to just nuke their filibuster.

Reid has talked on length about it. To be fair, he probably does not like Sanders that much too with Sanders being an arse when it came to Obamacare.

In any case, it seems a lot like coordinated moves from the establishment Democrats.

They will all galvanize behind Biden to thwart the alternative.
I have a presentation to give tomorrow and am wondering if I can make it to a canvassing thing this evening. One day before polling could make a real difference.
I was in Liz Warren's camp when she entered the race. I loved her plan, the passion and would have enjoyed her going toe to toe with Trump during the debates. Now I can't even recognize her. From the silly attacks on Bernie, to flip flopping on M4A, to not disclosing her financing sources, to taking money from rich donors. WTF happened to her?

She definitely miscalculated on a several fronts. Also, not being a man is generally not helpful in Presidential races.
I was in Liz Warren's camp when she entered the race. I loved her plan, the passion and would have enjoyed her going toe to toe with Trump during the debates. Now I can't even recognize her. From the silly attacks on Bernie, to flip flopping on M4A, to not disclosing her financing sources, to taking money from rich donors. WTF happened to her?

The snake has shed its skin and now reveals it true self.
Because they are endorsing, that's the difference. There are actual H2H polls showing Bernie beating every other candidate in a 1v1. But, Amy will endorse Biden today and Pete later. That will make a difference to their supporters who ight have gone elsewhere.
Bloomberg appeared when Biden looked lost, to consolidate them around himself, and will disappear if Biden consolidates. They are playing strategically, while Warren is not, she is playing like a suicide pilot aimed at one spot.

Come on you are not that dumb. Pete and Amy were never going to endorse Bernie. Amy was always going to support Biden and Pete one of Biden or Bloomberg. Open endorsements are not going to transfer complete vote share of these candidates. For example I expect Bernie to win Minnesota now.
Come on you are not that dumb. Pete and Amy were never going to endorse Bernie. Amy was always going to support Biden and Pete one of Biden or Bloomberg. Open endorsements are not going to transfer complete vote share of these candidates. For example I expect Bernie to win Minnesota now.

Either all endorsed or none did. I did not see Warren not joining the others.

Anyway -

a spectre is haunting america - the spectre of bernard. all the powers of old america have entered into holy alliance to exorcise him - high-school educated evangelicals and college postgrads, breitbart and wapo, fbi and trump, pelosi and mcconnell.
Because only now it is clear who can take Bernie on; after the 1st 2 states it was not.

Yes, makes sense that Dem establishment wanted a proof of winnability from Biden before throwing their lot in with him. Bernie is lucky that Super Tuesday is so close to SC otherwise this would have hurt him even more. Despite this push, if polls for Super Tuesday hold, Bernie would go into the convention with a plurality.
I was in Liz Warren's camp when she entered the race. I loved her plan, the passion and would have enjoyed her going toe to toe with Trump during the debates. Now I can't even recognize her. From the silly attacks on Bernie, to flip flopping on M4A, to not disclosing her financing sources, to taking money from rich donors. WTF happened to her?
She got desperate, I think.
Women still face a tougher time getting elected. It’s a masculanized country.
Of course. There is a reason why there has never been a female president (and only one female nominee from the big parties) in the history of US.
Biden's nom is reliant on 3rd and 6th place dropping out. Are you even trying?

Shamans and the Biden bros are not crying out for Klobuchar to drop out though. FFS, what has happened to you? Why are you ranting here with defeatist attitude? What happened to the 'we have the best policies' and 'we have the charisma'. You are having a meltdown here for nothing.
I was in Liz Warren's camp when she entered the race. I loved her plan, the passion and would have enjoyed her going toe to toe with Trump during the debates. Now I can't even recognize her. From the silly attacks on Bernie, to flip flopping on M4A, to not disclosing her financing sources, to taking money from rich donors. WTF happened to her?
I thought she might be a strong candidate, given the progressive positions but also the actual party credentials (I still imagine that being an independent only makes Sander's life harder at each turn). But it does seem like she just played her hand terribly.
I was in Liz Warren's camp when she entered the race. I loved her plan, the passion and would have enjoyed her going toe to toe with Trump during the debates. Now I can't even recognize her. From the silly attacks on Bernie, to flip flopping on M4A, to not disclosing her financing sources, to taking money from rich donors. WTF happened to her?

example(Also her voting on foreign policy should have been a massive warning sign to lot of people)

The weakness of the american left and the god awful rise of ''progressivism'' made it look like a someone who was a republican until the age of 40 was somehow on the left.
Yes, makes sense that Dem establishment wanted a proof of winnability from Biden before throwing their lot in with him. Bernie is lucky that Super Tuesday is so close to SC otherwise this would have hurt him even more. Despite this push, if polls for Super Tuesday hold, Bernie would go into the convention with a plurality.

I'm glad to know that it's not only me who thinks like this (Although let's not tell Saaz that we coordinated this message on the Desi Whatsapp group)
People listen to anyone, man or woman who believes in what he or she says.
Just listen to Turner.

You want to believe when she speaks.

You may but millions of others likely don’t, otherwise she would’ve become more than a state Senator.
Meet Joe Biden’s Muslim Outreach Coordinator: A Supporter Of Narendra Modi And His Islamophobic, Hindu Nationalist Agenda


@shamans :lol:
Of course. There is a reason why there has never been a female president (and only one female nominee from the big parties) in the history of US.

100%. Warren was a fantastic candidate by all accounts, and yet is floundering in 4th and will probably bow out soon.
Buttigieg Drops Out! Down Goes Buttigieg!

I hate this fecking buffalo, but he was insightful in that:

i) donors asked Pete to drop out, as they want to consolidate the moderates vote​
ii) Pete's going to run again, and by dropping out now he doesn't have to explain the atrocious numbers in California and Texas that he would have gotten had he stayed in the race. Pete preserves his brand which is what he cares the most about. It's smart politicking.​
Because they are endorsing, that's the difference. There are actual H2H polls showing Bernie beating every other candidate in a 1v1. But, Amy will endorse Biden today and Pete later. That will make a difference to their supporters who ight have gone elsewhere.
Bloomberg appeared when Biden looked lost, to consolidate them around himself, and will disappear if Biden consolidates. They are playing strategically, while Warren is not, she is playing like a suicide pilot aimed at one spot.

Said it here.
People go for a candidate for different reasons.
They don't just go where their candidate of choice tells them to go.
the votes splinter between candidates and some wont even bother to vote.


Bernie supporters were very keen on him in 2016.
many simply did not vote for Hillary after he endorsed her.
Said it here.
People go for a candidate for different reasons.
They don't just go where their candidate of choice tells them to go.
the votes splinter between candidates and some wont even bother to vote.


Bernie supports were very keen on him in 2016.
many simply did not vote for Hillary after he endorsed her.

thought policies are all that matter and the truth will win.
The main effect seems like it will be in places like California where Joe was hovering just under the viability threshold of 15%. Even if Klobuchar and Buttigieg voters split evenly between Bernie and Biden it's Biden who will undoubtedly benefit the most. 14 -->15% is worth a lot more than 45-->46%
Just saw that 538 is forecasting Biden to win Texas even though all their polls user have Sanders ahead.. how?
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