2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Warren will likely drop out before the end of this month and ask her delegates to vote Sanders in a second round.
What if Biden gets a plurality but not a majority? Should he still get the nomination?

Asking Bernie or bust brigade.
Centrist don’t get: Sanders can beat Trump. Trump will decimate Biden.
Polls show them doing virtually identical against Trump. And Biden has been attacked from the Republican media for a year now, while Sanders started getting attacked a week ago.
What if Biden gets a plurality but not a majority? Should he still get the nomination?

Asking Bernie or bust brigade.

You support a loser who has made it likely. Think about that, and the fact that you gloat about it, which shows that your politics is just online aesthetics in a far more perverse way than the Bernie or busters you hate so much.
You support a loser who has made it likely. Think about that, and the fact that you gloat about it, which shows that your politics is just online aesthetics in a far more perverse way than the Bernie or busters you hate so much.
No, I am asking them the same question that they were asking before. They were saying, it doesn't matter the difference, if Bernie has a single delegate more, he should get the nomination. Now that the things have changed, does the same stand for Biden, or the logic applies only to the Dear Leader *.

* Bernie is nice actually, it is his rabid fans I have a problem with.
There's a not inconsiderable chance that Biden gets confused by all that's going on and announces he's withdrawing before anyone in his campaign realises what he's doing.
Trump won because the GOP had winner-take-all rules in some big states, and because Cruz and Rubio and Kasich continued way too long, while Carson had already dropped out and endorsed him. This time, there's Yang who hasn't endorsed, Tulsi who's still running for her Fox job, and Warren who is a piece of shit, while Amy and Pete are gone. The Dems have learnt from the mistakes of the GOP. I just wish Bernie had attacked before this.
Now that you mention it, I do remember early on when the sum of all the other guys in GOP polls would be ahead of Trump, but by the end given the level of support Trump seemed to have amassed in that base I'm not sure that if he'd just run against simply Cruz, Rubio or anyone else that the end result wouldn't have been the same.

And also, you're dealing with moderates this time around. Of course ego still plays a part, but it's exactly the crowd where you'd expect some pragmatic actions to achieve what they see as a preferable outcome even if not ideal.
Polls show them doing virtually identical against Trump. And Biden has been attacked from the Republican media for a year now, while Sanders started getting attacked a week ago.

Republicans have an absolutely horrendous attack lined up against Biden which is akin to Bengazhi / Buttery Males. Biden is just not going to inspire anyone to get out to vote for him in the way Sanders can. He will get the default votes, some never Trump votes and nothing else.
What if Biden gets a plurality but not a majority? Should he still get the nomination?

Asking Bernie or bust brigade.
Yes. That means the voters have spoken, and not the establishment superdelegates.
Republicans have an absolutely horrendous attack lined up against Biden which is akin to Bengazhi / Buttery Males. Biden is just not going to inspire anyone to get out to vote for him in the way Sanders can. He will get the default votes, some never Trump votes and nothing else.
And they have a horrendous attack with Comrade Bernie and Commie Bernie which will have an effect with the independents (or even moderate Dems).

They started attacking Bernie only one week ago, while they have been attacking Biden for years now. Trump seems scared of Biden, but actually seem to not give a shit about Bernie. Sure, he might have miscalculated it (same as Dems miscalculated Trump), but as of now, there is absolutely nothing to suggest that Bernie will do better than Biden.
And they have a horrendous attack with Comrade Bernie and Commie Bernie which will have an effect with the independents (or even moderate Dems).

They started attacking Bernie only one week ago, while they have been attacking Biden for years now. Trump seems scared of Biden, but actually seem to not give a shit about Bernie. Sure, he might have miscalculated it (same as Dems miscalculated Trump), but as of now, there is absolutely nothing to suggest that Bernie will do better than Biden.
More people support Sanders policies than support democrats. 'Independents' aren't anywhere near as simple as 'people somewhere between the two parties'.
With Biden, all i hear is bringing back class and civility back to the White House, but not so much policies. IMO he is an election and 4 years too late.
It's a win win for establishment Democrats . If Biden gets nominated and manages a miracle to become President or if he is defeated .The status quo is preserved.
Except the Pentagon has never been audited.
Do we really know how and where all this money goes?

They literally just did an audit a year ago. There are inefficiencies just like there are at any other executive agency. That’s the nature of big government.
I have that sinking feeling today. The last time I had that feeling about Bernie's campaign was when the news came out that he had an heart attack.
Murdoch could speed things up by finally offering her the job she wants at Fox.
You're slightly obsessed with this.

I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm just saying I think you've made this point most days in the last week.
Harry Reid has now endorsed Biden.
Interesting. I thought that he doesn't like Biden cause Biden went once behind his back and made a deal with McConnell while Reid was planning to just nuke their filibuster.

Reid has talked on length about it. To be fair, he probably does not like Sanders that much too with Sanders being an arse when it came to Obamacare.

In any case, it seems a lot like coordinated moves from the establishment Democrats.
:lol: @ @berbatrick 's meltdown.

Answer me this, weren't Bernie supports saying that cable news argument of moderates splitting vote helping Bernie was incorrect as in even if moderate field was thin, Bernie would still be in lead? Now when moderates are consolidating, you are proving that hypothesis correct. Would Bernie have even won Iowa, NH if he up against a single moderate candidate?

All this panic is unfounded anyway given Bloomberg is still in. If Warren remains as only spoiler in the field with Biden and Bernie then you can cry.
:lol: @ @berbatrick 's meltdown.

Answer me this, weren't Bernie supports saying that cable news argument of moderates splitting vote helping Bernie was incorrect as in even if moderate field was thin, Bernie would still be in lead? Now when moderates are consolidating, you are proving that hypothesis correct. Would Bernie have even won Iowa, NH if he up against a single moderate candidate?

All this panic is unfounded anyway given Bloomberg is still in. If Warren remains as only spoiler in the field with Biden and Bernie then you can cry.

Because they are endorsing, that's the difference. There are actual H2H polls showing Bernie beating every other candidate in a 1v1. But, Amy will endorse Biden today and Pete later. That will make a difference to their supporters who ight have gone elsewhere.
Bloomberg appeared when Biden looked lost, to consolidate them around himself, and will disappear if Biden consolidates. They are playing strategically, while Warren is not, she is playing like a suicide pilot aimed at one spot.
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