2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Wild guess.

Warren voted for it and Bernie did not?
Literal vote for imperialism, and people are like “look at this cooperation and bipartisanship. Democracy at its finest” not realizing majority of Congress are in the pockets of the military industrial complex.
Literal vote for imperialism, and people are like “look at this cooperation and bipartisanship. Democracy at its finest” not realizing majority of Congress are in the pockets of the military industrial complex.

Lets not forget the fossil fuel industry.
The Democratic Party are at the forefront of action to arrest Climate Change lest we forget.
Thread title is slacking.

So, after tomorrow we know what's happening, pretty much, right?

Either Sanders has a great night and has almost won, the moderates (including Liz) have a good night and we're likely having a contested convention, or it's all a bit middling and we're having to pay close attention to every battle going forward?

I know those are all very different things. But what I'm asking is it will be clear after tomorrow which of those is gonna be the rest of this story?

It is looking more likely that it will go to a contested convention.

Biden's performance in SC will have helped him win over a lot of the undecided voters tomorrow and help him peel away a lot of votes from people who were going to vote for other moderate candidates.
This is the part I do not agree with.
Social Security and Medicare are very old laws passed under a Real Democratic Party. Not what we have now.
Yet they are loved by everyone.
All Bernie is saying is he wants to strengthen/expand them.
Guess what everyone will want that even if propaganda goes full swing against them.

Many people do not vote because its the same ol, same ol.

If Bernie is the nominee, it will be a wave election, even if the DNC is using scare tactics against his nomination.

For me I choose to vote for something, than vote against.
Again you don't have to convince me. I voted for him. I am saying that he WILL have to convince millions of others to do what's best for them. And that is not going to be easy with all the disinformation and the aggressive tactics to brand him as a radical socialist. Fear mongering works. That's why the GOP use it. The trump administration just this week are saying things like the Dems are over blowing corona virus to "get trump". They played for Pence just yesterday on the morning shows clips of Don Jr saying Dems want corona virus to come here and kill people to "get trump". And he sat there waffling and giving even that outrageous example credence.

GOP are showing you what tactics they will use to fight acceptance. He's going to raise taxes on the middle class!! You and I know that will partially be offset by the lower costs of premiums and the like. But, people don't like hearing they will pay more. They must be convinced that overall you will pay less actually. You cant assume that everyone is into the minutiae of these policy proposals. What they will hear are the massive numbers being thrown around the trillions in costs. And they will expect to see immediate returns or it will be labeled a failure.

We know so called entitlements are loved once they get implemented. And those entitlements were strengthened and refined after first implementation the same way a lot of proposals will need to be. But people still vote for candidates that flat out tell them they want to cut those entitlements year after year
Again you don't have to convince me. I voted for him. I am saying that he WILL have to convince millions of others to do what's best for them. And that is not going to be easy with all the disinformation and the aggressive tactics to brand him as a radical socialist. Fear mongering works. That's why the GOP use it. The trump administration just this week are saying things like the Dems are over blowing corona virus to "get trump". They played for Pence just yesterday on the morning shows clips of Don Jr saying Dems want corona virus to come here and kill people to "get trump". And he sat there waffling and giving even that outrageous example credence.

GOP are showing you what tactics they will use to fight acceptance. He's going to raise taxes on the middle class!! You and I know that will partially be offset by the lower costs of premiums and the like. But, people don't like hearing they will pay more. They must be convinced that overall you will pay less actually. You cant assume that everyone is into the minutiae of these policy proposals. What they will hear are the massive numbers being thrown around the trillions in costs. And they will expect to see immediate returns or it will be labeled a failure.

We know so called entitlements are loved once they get implemented. And those entitlements were strengthened and refined after first implementation the same way a lot of proposals will need to be. But people still vote for candidates that flat out tell them they want to cut those entitlements year after year

Oh. I was not trying to convince you.
I know you understand.
My point was to highlight these programs that are loved, which you correctly state need to be strengthened.

this is what we are fighting on both sides if I may add.
Bloomberg is the logical conclusion of "vote blue no matter who". You abandon your principles year after year and constantly settle for less and this is what you get. A hollowed out shell of a country. We are truly the most callous country. Regular citizens not only expect to get trampled on by the rich and powerful but they defend it. Now they want us to vote for a racist authoritarian billionaire who is on the Epstein logs in order to defeat another racist authoritarian billionaire who is on the Epstein logs. Count me out. I said for years that I'd vote for Warren but she has shown her true colors these past few months. Its bernie or bust.
Bloomberg is the logical conclusion of "vote blue no matter who". You abandon your principles year after year and constantly settle for less and this is what you get. A hollowed out shell of a country. We are truly the most callous country. Regular citizens not only expect to get trampled on by the rich and powerful but they defend it. Now they want us to vote for a racist authoritarian billionaire who is on the Epstein logs in order to defeat another racist authoritarian billionaire who is on the Epstein logs. Count me out. I said for years that I'd vote for Warren but she has shown her true colors these past few months. Its bernie or bust.

Keep going lower and lower until you have to reach up to touch bottom.
Bloomberg is the logical conclusion of "vote blue no matter who". You abandon your principles year after year and constantly settle for less and this is what you get. A hollowed out shell of a country. We are truly the most callous country. Regular citizens not only expect to get trampled on by the rich and powerful but they defend it. Now they want us to vote for a racist authoritarian billionaire who is on the Epstein logs in order to defeat another racist authoritarian billionaire who is on the Epstein logs. Count me out. I said for years that I'd vote for Warren but she has shown her true colors these past few months. Its bernie or bust.
Why do people think Bloomberg has a real shot though? I think he has been found out by the complete dismantling he has taken in debates. The only reason he polls so high is the sheer amount of money he spends on Advertising across the country. You can't turn the TV on or go to any web page with ads without seeing one of his ads. You hear Obama's voice and honestly they sound like hes being endorsed by Obama now. Which is the point of the ads. He knows the effect they will have. Bloomberg's effect will be splitting the moderate vote at the end of the day.

Bloomberg had a shot because of all his money and Biden was looking excessively weak and vulnerable with all the weak Hunter Biden innuendos and him generally not performing prior to SC. I don't see Bloomberg having a shot in hell he would have been better served spending all that money on blue Senate races if he hates trump so much like he says.
Why do people think Bloomberg has a real shot though? I think he has been found out by the complete dismantling he has taken in debates. The only reason he polls so high is the sheer amount of money he spends on Advertising across the country. You can't turn the TV on or go to any web page with ads without seeing one of his ads. You hear Obama's voice and honestly they sound like hes being endorsed by Obama now. Which is the point of the ads. He knows the effect they will have Bloomberg's effect will be splitting the moderate vote at the end of the day.

Bloomberg had a shot because of all his money and Biden was looking excessively weak and vulnerable with all the weak Hunter Biden innuendos and him generally not performing prior to SC. I don't see Bloomberg having a shot in hell he would have been better served spending all that money on blue Senate races if he hates trump so much like he says.

Bloomberg has pretty much stated he will be in this election cycle until November, meaning he will fund corporate Democrats running for Congress.
Should Sanders win, he will face a Red/Blue wall.

But we shall overcome. ;)
It is looking more likely that it will go to a contested convention.

Biden's performance in SC will have helped him win over a lot of the undecided voters tomorrow and help him peel away a lot of votes from people who were going to vote for other moderate candidates.
I'm specifically looking for assurances that tomorrow is pivotal enough that our questions, regarding these things, will be promptly answered.
Literal vote for imperialism, and people are like “look at this cooperation and bipartisanship. Democracy at its finest” not realizing majority of Congress are in the pockets of the military industrial complex.

They’re not voting to reactivate the Death Star. It’s a routine defense bill that gets voted on every year.
Voting for a just any Dem purely to get rid of Trump isn’t going to get rid of Trumpism and will likely lead to another version of Trump after that other Dem’s disappointing presidency. You guys act like things will be happy and rosy once Trump is gone like “problem solved, everything’s gonna be good forever again”. The funny thing is that Biden and Bloomberg will get trounced against Trump and yall vote blue no matter who types are gonna be here, genuinely bewildered, going “but how?”

fecking seconded. People voted for Trump because they’ve been shafted by virtually all presidents in living memory, and the road to Trump was as much paved by the Dems and Clinton and Obama as anybody on the other side.

I get that Trump is worse, but I reckon in the long run it’s healthy to let the DNC know in no uncertain terms that you can’t bully people into voting for sustaining the status quo just because you have Trump on the other side.

It's fascinating watching such an impassioned speech - from a person who isn't even running herself - and then switching to somebody like Buttgeeg and seeing how utterly devoid of character he is. If it isn't Sanders against Trump, that would be a big letdown.
They’re not voting to reactivate the Death Star. It’s a routine defense bill that gets voted on every year.

More proof that at the end of the day, it is all just an idealogical game for some people. Even if you are someone who buys into that bullshit, the defense-industrial complex is one of the least scrutinized and poorly accounted industries if there was one. Anyone who says it is just another bill but is afraid none of Sanders bills will get passed is just revealing too much about themselves.
Warren is at 14% in CA, and the plurality of her support would go to Bernard. Her dropping out is the differene between him winning and him getting a monster delegate lead.
The solution is simple.
The Democratic Party needs to respect the will of the voters.
If the candidate with the most delegates gets the nomination, there will be no problem will there?
The will of the voters is not the candidate who wins most. The rules were set before the election started (and Bernie played a large part in the rules). There is nothing in the rules that says that the candidate with a plurality of delegates should win the nomination.

If Bernie gets the majority, he gets the nomination, if not it depends. Obviously, if it is a large gap, then I expect him to get it, but if it is close, it should go to a consensual choice.

You and a few other bernie bros not voting for the nominee if that happens won't matter, cause Biden could have won by 50 points, and you would have still been Bernie or bust.
Trump won because the GOP had winner-take-all rules in some big states, and because Cruz and Rubio and Kasich continued way too long, while Carson had already dropped out and endorsed him. This time, there's Yang who hasn't endorsed, Tulsi who's still running for her Fox job, and Warren who is a piece of shit, while Amy and Pete are gone. The Dems have learnt from the mistakes of the GOP. I just wish Bernie had attacked before this.
Got to wonder if Klobuchar was really worried about losing her home state. That's the plausible reason she stepped down today and not after tomorrow.
Klobuchar was polling at 2-3%, so even if after endorsing Biden, her voters go 2:1 to Biden, still the difference between Biden and Bernie decreased for only around 1%.

Bernie has still to be the frontrunner, but this will change if Bloomberg drops out while Warren continues.
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