2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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That’s an entirely separate topic from my original post about policy overlap. Both parties rarely agree on judges, which is why it’s critical to get rid of Trump.

Democrats agree to confirmations of 15 Trump judges
Senate Democrats accepted an offer Thursday from Senate Republicans to confirm 15 lifetime federal judges in exchange for the ability to go into recess through the midterms, allowing endangered Democrats to campaign

(they lost the senate, btw)

Amy Klobuchar’s Bipartisan Record Includes Voting for Many Trump Judicial Nominees

WASHINGTON — On the campaign trail, from the debate stage and in private fund-raisers, Senator Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota trumpets her years of experience as a lawmaker and her bipartisan appeal as a pragmatist as the central assets that would make her the toughest Democratic nominee to face off against President Trump.

But one aspect of her record in particular has frustrated and even outraged some in her own party: her support for Mr. Trump’s judges.

Last year, Ms. Klobuchar’s willingness to aid the Trump administration in its sweeping transformation of the federal judiciary earned Ms. Klobuchar an F grade from a liberal advocacy group focused on the federal judiciary.

From 2017 to 2018, Ms. Klobuchar voted to advance Mr. Trump’s judicial confirmations 64 percent of the time, according to Demand Justice, the advocacy group. The other two senators still in the Democratic race, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, voted slightly less than half the time to advance Mr. Trump’s nominations.
This Democratic Senator Won’t Commit to Voting for Her Party in 2020
Which is to say: Sinema has decided to err on the side of being needlessly reactionary. She doesn’t even plan to endorse her party’s nominee for Arizona’s other Senate seat in 2020 — and won’t commit to voting for a Democrat against Donald Trump next year, either
There would still be considerable obstruction from a GOP Senate under a Biden administration, but it wouldn’t be a full blown political civil war as would happen if Sanders was elected.

This is simply conjecture on your part.
A living wage under any administration is what everyone wants. But if you mean it would be 'easier' under Biden, what you are saying is he will compromise on other issues. I mean bend over.
how do you think this will pass Mitch McConnell's senate under a Joe Biden presidency?

McConnell will use it to gain bipartisan support for a range of republican legislation before ultimately whipping his majority to vote it down with the help of Sinema and Manchin to claim it was also a Bi-Partisan effort.

That's if Biden had the remotest bit of interest in backing it himself.
But Sinema has charted a different course. Instead of emulating progressives like Brown and Baldwin from light-red states, she has named West Virginia’s Joe Manchin as her role model (a Democrat who answers to an electorate that went for Trump by 40 points). Sinema was one of only three Democrats to vote for Bill Barr’s confirmation as attorney general. When virtually every other Democrat voted “present” on the Green New Deal resolution, Sinema crossed party lines to register her opposition to the very concept of a pro-labor, climate-centric industrial policy. Earlier this month, she voted against restoring Obama-era regulations on coal pollution. In all of these cases, no Democratic senator from a remotely purple state voted as Sinema did. Montana’s Jon Tester, whose state backed Trump by 20 points in 2016, toed the party line on all of these votes.

Which is to say: Sinema has decided to err on the side of being needlessly reactionary. She doesn’t even plan to endorse her party’s nominee for Arizona’s other Senate seat in 2020 — and won’t commit to voting for a Democrat against Donald Trump next year, either

It's funny to remember all the people on here who berated green party voters for not voting for this monster
Ya, I'm worried Biden well keep it close though.

So, long post says "not voting for the Democrat is bad because Trump gets to choose judges".

Reply says Dems corporate with him on judges.

You praise them for that cooperation.

So, can for clarify, do you agree that it is important to vote against him to ensure had judges don't get in, or is it important for the people you vote for to confirm his bag judges to show cooperation? These are mutually exclusive positions.
You are operating under the mistaken assumption that I am suggesting that every single judge he picks is inevitably "bad". And that Democrats should blanket block any of them regardless of whether a few actually qualified decent judges are put up for vote.

Trump has flipped the 9th Circuit — and some new judges are causing a ‘shock wave’
This is a decent article discussing some of the inner workings and changes that the 9th circuit is seeing with all these new appointments. Some of the judges think that a few of them will learn and have the potential to be good judges. But, what is important is why Mitch and trump are so adamant to flood the courts with their appointees some good but a lot more importantly are just young and hopefully receptive to pay the GOP back.

I disagree that you just blanket say no to all trump appointees. That's what Mitch did to Obama and it was wrong then as it is now.

Supreme Court to hear challenge to Obamacare

Again they will keep trying just like they have Roe vs Wade for decades. All they need is a couple more votes to change or be replaced. Medicare for All, any climate change proposal, any gun control measure, any equal rights measures that barely passed now would be in jeopardy for decades. What matters is why the GOP think its good for them to pile their judges on. They told you why, you don't have to guess. They think that more of their judges will eventually uphold their efforts at gerrymandering, keeping "the gays" from equal rights. Turn back Roe vs Wade. Eliminate Medicare/Medicaid despite their own base desperately needing those "entitlements" They keep coming for them.

That might not matter for some people. It is minorities, and the most vulnerable that gets effected first from a lot of these decisions. People with means can always find a way around some of these things.

I am a black man that has lived in the south my whole life. I can't afford to just wait a few decades for "change. GOP by and large need to be voted into utter obscurity. They cannot be allowed to keep suppressing minority votes to retain power.
I am not under any illusion that a post on the Caf is going to "save American Democracy". A fundamental change in how millions of people think of their vote needs to happen, I am painfully aware of that. I just voted for Bernie like I said. I am not oblivious to how hard it will be for him to enact all the things hes promising if he does win. And I am not so myopic as to think that if he does fail to get the nomination that "I'm out".

I think he's got it though. Moderates were spreading themselves too thin with multiple candidates and allowing him to run away with it.
This is simply conjecture on your part.
A living wage under any administration is what everyone wants. But if you mean it would be 'easier' under Biden, what you are saying is he will compromise on other issues. I mean bend over.

Republicans don’t want it, nor do some Dems, so it wouldn’t be a stretch to say there will be tremendous push back for nearly all of Sanders policies, which would effectively render him a lame duck from day one.
I may be completely off base here but I heard an NPR podcast where they discussed how vulnerable senators/house members are targeted for votes and how they tie a vote for an important topic like a judge to other votes such as funding for HIV and health care. Doesn't absolve the blame fully but it would be interesting to see how much people give up to get what they want.
Republicans don’t want it, nor do some Dems, so it wouldn’t be a stretch to say there will be tremendous push back for nearly all of Sanders policies, which would effectively render him a lame duck from day one.

You are speaking of Congress.
People in Ohio for example want the same things people in California want. Health care, Climate Change Action and living wage.
A president has the pulpit to speak directly to people on issues everyone wants.
And you are incapable of thinking ahead.
Try and figure out what I meant.
I've been trying to figure out what you mean for about two and a half thousand posts, and I don't think I'm getting anywhere. It's like reading the Facebook wall of a 50 year old, which incidentally is how you treat this thread.

A consideration.
This Wuhan virus may have massive effect on the elections. I don't know in what way btw.

Stellar analysis.
You are speaking of Congress.
People in Ohio for example want the same things people in California want. Health care, Climate Change Action and living wage.
A president has the pulpit to speak directly to people on issues everyone wants.

The people you speak of in Ohio and elsewhere are already represented by their elected Congressional representatives, so if people truly wanted the policies you cite then they would have elected people to advance them. The fact that this hasn’t happened suggests that people don’t vote on policy alone - they also vote on culture, identity, likeability, and a range of other variables.
You are operating under the mistaken assumption that I am suggesting that every single judge he picks is inevitably "bad". And that Democrats should blanket block any of them regardless of whether a few actually qualified decent judges are put up for vote.

Trump has flipped the 9th Circuit — and some new judges are causing a ‘shock wave’
This is a decent article discussing some of the inner workings and changes that the 9th circuit is seeing with all these new appointments. Some of the judges think that a few of them will learn and have the potential to be good judges. But, what is important is why Mitch and trump are so adamant to flood the courts with their appointees some good but a lot more importantly are just young and hopefully receptive to pay the GOP back.

I disagree that you just blanket say no to all trump appointees. That's what Mitch did to Obama and it was wrong then as it is now.

Supreme Court to hear challenge to Obamacare

Again they will keep trying just like they have Roe vs Wade for decades. All they need is a couple more votes to change or be replaced. Medicare for All, any climate change proposal, any gun control measure, any equal rights measures that barely passed now would be in jeopardy for decades. What matters is why the GOP think its good for them to pile their judges on. They told you why, you don't have to guess. They think that more of their judges will eventually uphold their efforts at gerrymandering, keeping "the gays" from equal rights. Turn back Roe vs Wade. Eliminate Medicare/Medicaid despite their own base desperately needing those "entitlements" They keep coming for them.

That might not matter for some people. It is minorities, and the most vulnerable that gets effected first from a lot of these decisions. People with means can always find a way around some of these things.

I am a black man that has lived in the south my whole life. I can't afford to just wait a few decades for "change. GOP by and large need to be voted into utter obscurity. They cannot be allowed to keep suppressing minority votes to retain power.
I am not under any illusion that a post on the Caf is going to "save American Democracy". A fundamental change in how millions of people think of their vote needs to happen, I am painfully aware of that. I just voted for Bernie like I said. I am not oblivious to how hard it will be for him to enact all the things hes promising if he does win. And I am not so myopic as to think that if he does fail to get the nomination that "I'm out".

I think he's got it though. Moderates were spreading themselves too thin with multiple candidates and allowing him to run away with it.

I disagree about the blanket no - they have a plan of ideological takeover, which will last for decades because of lifetime appointments, and that needs to be opposed. The Federalist society produces and approves these judges like a factory, and they all have the same ideological training.

I agree that they target minorities - they already destroyed the voting rights act and said that gerrymandering is legal. The only way the Republicans can hold power long-term is by diluting the non-white vote, and these judges do their part for that.

I'm not sure what the "few decades" part as aimed at tbh. I sincerely believe that Bernie has as good a chance vs Trump as Biden. Biden has a higher ceiling but is not as good a campaigner, as this primary has shown. None of the others have any chance at all. Bernie's entire agenda is a long-term project, but him as president is not.
I disagree about the blanket no - they have a plan of ideological takeover, which will last for decades because of lifetime appointments, and that needs to be opposed. The Federalist society produces and approves these judges like a factory, and they all have the same ideological training.

I agree that they target minorities - they already destroyed the voting rights act and said that gerrymandering is legal. The only way the Republicans can hold power long-term is by diluting the non-white vote, and these judges do their part for that.

I'm not sure what the "few decades" part as aimed at tbh. I sincerely believe that Bernie has as good a chance vs Trump as Biden. Biden has a higher ceiling but is not as good a campaigner, as this primary has shown. None of the others have any chance at all. Bernie's entire agenda is a long-term project, but him as president is not.

Not all judges are the same irrespective of who nominated them. There are countless examples of Republican nominated judges who wind up irritating Republicans with pragmatic rulings.
The people you speak of in Ohio and elsewhere are already represented by their elected Congressional representatives, so if people truly wanted the policies you cite then they would have elected people to advance them. The fact that this hasn’t happened suggests that people don’t vote on policy alone - they also vote on culture, identity, likeability, and a range of other variables.

The point I made stands.
These people have been lied to for years by the Democratic Party. That is why they turned to Trump.
They will listen if a sitting president offers policies they need. In turn they will put pressure on their representatives who are not voting for them.
You are speaking of Republican judges who had integrity in years gone by.
These guys are manufactured idealogues.

They are not impartial.

Not true. Trump has allegedly been about Gorsuch - his own nominee - not ruling the way he would like. Also, Roberts is the guy whose vote saved Obamacare’s constitutionality. It’s difficult to know how judges will rule on various topics, especially if they are new precedents.
The point I made stands.
These people have been lied to for years by the Democratic Party. That is why they turned to Trump.
They will listen if a sitting president offers policies they need. In turn they will put pressure on their representatives who are not voting for them.

Let me know when this happens, then lets talk.
I disagree about the blanket no - they have a plan of ideological takeover, which will last for decades because of lifetime appointments, and that needs to be opposed. The Federalist society produces and approves these judges like a factory, and they all have the same ideological training.

I agree that they target minorities - they already destroyed the voting rights act and said that gerrymandering is legal. The only way the Republicans can hold power long-term is by diluting the non-white vote, and these judges do their part for that.

I'm not sure what the "few decades" part as aimed at tbh. I sincerely believe that Bernie has as good a chance vs Trump as Biden. Biden has a higher ceiling but is not as good a campaigner, as this primary has shown. None of the others have any chance at all. Bernie's entire agenda is a long-term project, but him as president is not.

That comment is meant for those that think its ok to sit out and "wait out" a candidate to their liking. As is suggested often by those that say "they won't vote" for anyone else other than Bernie. Like I said I just voted for Bernie mostly because I think he does have as good a chance as any in the field. But, I also recognize that he scares a lot of people that would otherwise vote Democratic as well. One of the things I wish he would do a lot better is fight the "socialist" label more. He allows it to be placed on him and doesn't do a firm enough job imo explaining who he is.

The point I made stands.
These people have been lied to for years by the Democratic Party. That is why they turned to Trump.
They will listen if a sitting president offers policies they need. In turn they will put pressure on their representatives who are not voting for them.
Why do red states continuously and consistently vote against their own interests to vote GOP? When it is the mission of GOP to take away things that they desperately need and give tax breaks and bonuses to the rich and corporations? They have the worst education statistically, they have the worst healthcare of the entire country continuously. Some of the weakest economies of all states. Yet they never change. They almost voted a credibly accused child molester to represent them in Alabama if it were not for so many black women coming out to say hell no and getting Doug Jones a tenuous victory. And he has been and still is massively vulnerable to being replaced by basically any old GOP substitute.

People vote against their own interests all the time. Why do they continue to vote for them? The GOP told them they were going to give them great healthcare. For a decade they said Obamacare was going to be repealed and replaced. Where is that? They had no plan they never did and still don't. But they face no repercussions.

Some of it is intense gerrymandering and voter suppression limiting minority votes. Some of it is also that they are more scared the country is moving too fast for them. They also buy into propaganda that the left is "coming for their guns". Or all that nonsense.
Not true. Trump has allegedly been about Gorsuch - his own nominee - not ruling the way he would like. Also, Roberts is the guy whose vote saved Obamacare’s constitutionality. It’s difficult to know how judges will rule on various topics, especially if they are new precedents.

Trump wants blind obedience on everything. I doubt whatever irritated him is any significance.

And Roberts a Bush appointee voted for business which is what Obamacare is. A Republican Health Plan.

Let me know when this happens, then lets talk.

I'm willing to take that risk with Sanders. A guy who is for people.
are you?
Once this gets into a Sanders/Biden race, i hope Sanders really goes after himand stops playing nice. Needs to go after him for the rambling/confusing things he has been saying on the campaign trail.

Just yesterday this happened.

That comment is meant for those that think its ok to sit out and "wait out" a candidate to their liking. As is suggested often by those that say "they won't vote" for anyone else other than Bernie. Like I said I just voted for Bernie mostly because I think he does have as good a chance as any in the field. But, I also recognize that he scares a lot of people that would otherwise vote Democratic as well. One of the things I wish he would do a lot better is fight the "socialist" label more. He allows it to be placed on him and doesn't do a firm enough job imo explaining who he is.

Why do red states continuously and consistently vote against their own interests to vote GOP? When it is the mission of GOP to take away things that they desperately need and give tax breaks and bonuses to the rich and corporations? They have the worst education statistically, they have the worst healthcare of the entire country continuously. Some of the weakest economies of all states. Yet they never change. They almost voted a credibly accused child molester to represent them in Alabama if it were not for so many black women coming out to say hell no and getting Doug Jones a tenuous victory. And he has been and still is massively vulnerable to being replaced by basically any old GOP substitute.

People vote against their own interests all the time. Why do they continue to vote for them? The GOP told them they were going to give them great healthcare. For a decade they said Obamacare was going to be repealed and replaced. Where is that? They had no plan they never did and still don't. But they face no repercussions.

Some of it is intense gerrymandering and voter suppression limiting minority votes. Some of it is also that they are more scared the country is moving too fast for them. They also buy into propaganda that the left is "coming for their guns". Or all that nonsense.

Propaganda plays a big part.
Yes. Culture too. That last line is true. 'coming for their guns'
The fact is they have been lied to by both parties.
The money available via ObamaCare was not availed of by Republican Governors for political reasons. So many lives could have been saved.
That's just one case.

Obama bailed out the crooks who caused the 2008 crash, not people who lost everything.

For many of these poor Southern voters, its the devil you know.
Thread title is slacking.

So, after tomorrow we know what's happening, pretty much, right?

Either Sanders has a great night and has almost won, the moderates (including Liz) have a good night and we're likely having a contested convention, or it's all a bit middling and we're having to pay close attention to every battle going forward?

I know those are all very different things. But what I'm asking is it will be clear after tomorrow which of those is gonna be the rest of this story?
Once this gets into a Sanders/Biden race, i hope Sanders really goes after himand stops playing nice. Needs to go after him for the rambling/confusing things he has been saying on the campaign trail.

Just yesterday this happened.

Bernie never goes after people personally. Have you noticed that?
He attacks on policy differences.

He is a man who hates what some do. He does not hate them.

How many do that?
I'm willing to take that risk with Sanders. A guy who is for people.
are you?

I’d vote for him with the expectation that nothing substantial will get done if he’s elected. Likewise, I would also vote for Biden or anyone else who becomes the nominee. The stakes are too high to sulk on the sidelines or vote third party this time.
Thread title is slacking.

So, after tomorrow we know what's happening, pretty much, right?

Either Sanders has a great night and has almost won, the moderates (including Liz) have a good night and we're likely having a contested convention, or it's all a bit middling and we're having to pay close attention to every battle going forward?

I know those are all very different things. But what I'm asking is it will be clear after tomorrow which of those is gonna be the rest of this story?

Whatever happens tomorrow, we are in for a fight mate.
Anecdotal I know.
I was speaking to my daughter and a couple of her friends and all of them were pretty mad at how Bernie was treated by the moderators.
These are not political junkies.

All agreed they wont even bother to vote if they 'fixed' the nomination. Now all of them vote Democrat normally.

To win against Trump we need massive turnout.
Propaganda plays a big part.
Yes. Culture too. That last line is true. 'coming for their guns'
The fact is they have been lied to by both parties.
The money available via ObamaCare was not availed of by Republican Governors for political reasons. So many lives could have been saved.
That's just one case.

Obama bailed out the crooks who caused the 2008 crash, not people who lost everything.

For many of these poor Southern voters, its the devil you know.
Exactly. These people literally watch Fox News all day long. Understanding the sheer amount of propaganda and lack of education and what it takes to overcome all that matters. I do believe progressive proposals can be good for the country if refined and implemented long term. But, it takes education, and overwhelming the restrictive voting measures with intense turnout in a lot of these cases.

Reality is for Bernie to get any of these big proposals done we also must keep the House and Senate. And his proposals are so big and so "radical" we will have to overcome the midterm norms of the other party generally being favored to receive a boost and get one or both of the House and Senate back. The second that the GOP get either one it is over. He will be governing from Executive order only. And again the GOP has also been planning in advance for court challenges to go their way as well if they get out of power. It is going to be exceedingly tricky and he will have to from day one be trying to get something done as a "win" that these Moderate Senators can sell back home to keep their seats. That is just reality.

Every step of the way he will be "turning the country into Venezuela" and all the other insane things Fox News and right wing conservative radio/media will say. Over and over, every single day that will have to be fought hard.
Not true, they always work together when there is policy overlap. The Senate recently passed the defense bill by an 86-8 margin to expand defense spending. There are plenty of other areas where this happens as well.
Stellar example :lol:
Exactly. These people literally watch Fox News all day long. Understanding the sheer amount of propaganda and lack of education and what it takes to overcome all that matters. I do believe progressive proposals can be good for the country if refined and implemented long term. But, it takes education, and overwhelming the restrictive voting measures with intense turnout in a lot of these cases.

Reality is for Bernie to get any of these big proposals done we also must keep the House and Senate. And his proposals are so big and so "radical" we will have to overcome the midterm norms of the other party generally being favored to receive a boost and get one or both of the House and Senate back. The second that the GOP get either one it is over. He will be governing from Executive order only. And again the GOP has also been planning in advance for court challenges to go their way as well if they get out of power. It is going to be exceedingly tricky and he will have to from day one be trying to get something done as a "win" that these Moderate Senators can sell back home to keep their seats. That is just reality.

Every step of the way he will be "turning the country into Venezuela" and all the other insane things Fox News and right wing conservative radio/media will say. Over and over, every single day that will have to be fought hard.

This is the part I do not agree with.
Social Security and Medicare are very old laws passed under a Real Democratic Party. Not what we have now.
Yet they are loved by everyone.
All Bernie is saying is he wants to strengthen/expand them.
Guess what everyone will want that even if propaganda goes full swing against them.

Many people do not vote because its the same ol, same ol.

If Bernie is the nominee, it will be a wave election, even if the DNC is using scare tactics against his nomination.

For me I choose to vote for something, than vote against.
Voting for a just any Dem purely to get rid of Trump isn’t going to get rid of Trumpism and will likely lead to another version of Trump after that other Dem’s disappointing presidency. You guys act like things will be happy and rosy once Trump is gone like “problem solved, everything’s gonna be good forever again”. The funny thing is that Biden and Bloomberg will get trounced against Trump and yall vote blue no matter who types are gonna be here, genuinely bewildered, going “but how?”
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