2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Getting rid of Trump IS all that matters unless you are a Trump supporter. If you think he should get a THIRD Supreme Court nominee. Continue to stack the court systems federally with unqualified judges who they think will uphold gerrymandering, voter suppression, and immigration policies for literal decades. If you think that "doesn't matter". And any progressive agenda will ever thrive in that scenario down the line. I don't know what else to tell you.

GOP have an out sized amount of power in this country and are able to win because the majority don't consistently vote them out. Or sit at home if their chosen one, or perfect candidate fails. They do not have to court minorities, they can openly and brazenly gerrymander and use voter suppression tactics to limit minority representation and power for this very reason.

Even if Bernie Sanders wins. Even if he gets Medicare for All passed by some miracle. It will damn well be fought tooth and nail in every court for years, just like Obamacare is now. And that's exactly why Mitch wants all these conservative judges stacked. Its exactly why giving them even more of a majority on the Supreme Court is completely silly.

If you ever want progressive lasting policies in your lifetime. You better look at the long game and not allowing them to provide a firewall and reversal built in for the second they get power again.

I just voted for Sanders in early primary. Because Biden was looking weak as hell. Pete had no shot, I could have gone for Warren too but the main thing is I will vote the candidate no matter what.

I cant choose to sit at home and allow the GOP and trump to get free reign to suppress my vote and continue to allow open racists to run the show.

No one is going to come to your house and make you vote for anyone. But, I would think harder about what happens if you allow trump another term. How much harder will it be in the future to get progressive plans, climate change legislation, gun control measures, LGBT/equality protections in the future?

Again GOP in this country are allowed power because the majority who could vote them into obscurity where they belong allow it.

Well said.
Getting rid of Trump IS all that matters unless you are a Trump supporter. If you think he should get a THIRD Supreme Court nominee. Continue to stack the court systems federally with unqualified judges who they think will uphold gerrymandering, voter suppression, and immigration policies for literal decades. If you think that "doesn't matter". And any progressive agenda will ever thrive in that scenario down the line. I don't know what else to tell you.

GOP have an out sized amount of power in this country and are able to win because the majority don't consistently vote them out. Or sit at home if their chosen one, or perfect candidate fails. They do not have to court minorities, they can openly and brazenly gerrymander and use voter suppression tactics to limit minority representation and power for this very reason.

Even if Bernie Sanders wins. Even if he gets Medicare for All passed by some miracle. It will damn well be fought tooth and nail in every court for years, just like Obamacare is now. And that's exactly why Mitch wants all these conservative judges stacked. Its exactly why giving them even more of a majority on the Supreme Court is completely silly.

If you ever want progressive lasting policies in your lifetime. You better look at the long game and not allowing them to provide a firewall and reversal built in for the second they get power again.

I just voted for Sanders in early primary. Because Biden was looking weak as hell. Pete had no shot, I could have gone for Warren too but the main thing is I will vote the candidate no matter what.

I cant choose to sit at home and allow the GOP and trump to get free reign to suppress my vote and continue to allow open racists to run the show.

No one is going to come to your house and make you vote for anyone. But, I would think harder about what happens if you allow trump another term. How much harder will it be in the future to get progressive plans, climate change legislation, gun control measures, LGBT/equality protections in the future?

Again GOP in this country are allowed power because the majority who could vote them into obscurity where they belong allow it.
Yeah this would be a good post if the opposition wasn't the democrats.

Democrats agree to confirmations of 15 Trump judges
Senate Democrats accepted an offer Thursday from Senate Republicans to confirm 15 lifetime federal judges in exchange for the ability to go into recess through the midterms, allowing endangered Democrats to campaign


Michael Bloomberg Has Used His Fortune to Help Republicans, Too
The former mayor of New York poured in $11.7 million to help re-elect the Republican incumbent, Senator Pat Toomey, who had led an effort, albeit unsuccessful, to expand background checks for gun purchasers, a top priority of Mr. Bloomberg’s.

Mr. Toomey won by less than two percentage points, handing a key victory to the Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell: The Republicans held on to control of the chamber by two seats. At the time, it was the most expensive Senate race the country had ever seen, and Mr. Bloomberg’s money was one of the largest influxes of outside influence.

Federal records show that political committees funded by Mr. Bloomberg have spent more than $86 million since 2012 — the bulk devoted to promoting Democrats. Yet more than $17 million went to boost Republicans. In addition, Mr. Bloomberg has personally donated another $950,000 to Republican campaigns and political action committees.


Amy Klobuchar’s Bipartisan Record Includes Voting for Many Trump Judicial Nominees

WASHINGTON — On the campaign trail, from the debate stage and in private fund-raisers, Senator Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota trumpets her years of experience as a lawmaker and her bipartisan appeal as a pragmatist as the central assets that would make her the toughest Democratic nominee to face off against President Trump.

But one aspect of her record in particular has frustrated and even outraged some in her own party: her support for Mr. Trump’s judges.

Last year, Ms. Klobuchar’s willingness to aid the Trump administration in its sweeping transformation of the federal judiciary earned Ms. Klobuchar an F grade from a liberal advocacy group focused on the federal judiciary.

From 2017 to 2018, Ms. Klobuchar voted to advance Mr. Trump’s judicial confirmations 64 percent of the time, according to Demand Justice, the advocacy group. The other two senators still in the Democratic race, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, voted slightly less than half the time to advance Mr. Trump’s nominations.

But Ms. Klobuchar’s votes shifted in 2019, the year she announced her presidential campaign. Last year, Ms. Klobuchar voted for far fewer of Mr. Trump’s judges over all and none of his appeals court nominees, according to Demand Justice — a shift her campaign attributes to a protest by Democratic senators to rule changes forced through by Republicans in early 2019.

For Ms. Klobuchar, that record puts her at odds with a party base that sees any compromise with the president as a capitulation to an administration many view as corrupt and immoral. Her decision to back many of Mr. Trump’s judicial nominees in the first two years of his administration threatens to undermine a central theme of her candidacy: that Ms. Klobuchar is a battle-tested legislator who has been “in the arena” fighting for progressive values in the Senate.

“Amy Klobuchar was an accomplice in the conservative capture of the courts,” said Meagan Hatcher-Mays, the director of democracy policy for Indivisible, a liberal grass-roots group that sprang up after Mr. Trump’s election and has not made an endorsement in the primary race. “What a lot of people don’t understand is that Trump is temporary but these judges are there for life.”

More than three years into his presidency, Mr. Trump has installed judges at the fastest pace of any president in decades. If current trends hold, a quarter of federal judges will be Trump appointees by the end of this year, according to an analysis by The Economist. Even if Mr. Trump loses in November, those justices will remain on the bench, leaving them in position to impede or block the liberal proposals that Democratic presidential candidates like Ms. Klobuchar promise to deliver.

Their impact is already apparent.

Less than a year after Judge Kurt D. Engelhardt was nominated by Mr. Trump and confirmed by the Senate to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, he voted to strike down part of the Affordable Care Act in December, putting the health care law in legal limbo.

Less than a year after his confirmation to the 11th Circuit bench, Judge Kevin Newsom voted to throw out a lawsuit filed against officials at a Florida jail by an inmate who alleged that people in a mental health unit were forced to walk barefoot in cells covered in bodily fluids.

And about a year and half after he was confirmed to the Eighth Circuit, Judge David R. Stras wrote the majority opinion as the appeals court ruled that a Minnesota video company could refuse to provide services to same-sex couples because of the owners’ Christian beliefs.

Most Senate Democrats fiercely objected to all three judicial nominations, and a majority of the caucus voted against them. The ranks of opposition included nearly all of the party’s senators who would run for president, except Ms. Klobuchar, who voted to confirm all three.


This Democratic Senator Won’t Commit to Voting for Her Party in 2020

But Sinema has charted a different course. Instead of emulating progressives like Brown and Baldwin from light-red states, she has named West Virginia’s Joe Manchin as her role model (a Democrat who answers to an electorate that went for Trump by 40 points). Sinema was one of only three Democrats to vote for Bill Barr’s confirmation as attorney general. When virtually every other Democrat voted “present” on the Green New Deal resolution, Sinema crossed party lines to register her opposition to the very concept of a pro-labor, climate-centric industrial policy. Earlier this month, she voted against restoring Obama-era regulations on coal pollution. In all of these cases, no Democratic senator from a remotely purple state voted as Sinema did. Montana’s Jon Tester, whose state backed Trump by 20 points in 2016, toed the party line on all of these votes.

Which is to say: Sinema has decided to err on the side of being needlessly reactionary. She doesn’t even plan to endorse her party’s nominee for Arizona’s other Senate seat in 2020 — and won’t commit to voting for a Democrat against Donald Trump next year, eith


Yeah this would be a good post if the opposition wasn't the democrats.

Democrats agree to confirmations of 15 Trump judges

Michael Bloomberg Has Used His Fortune to Help Republicans, Too

Amy Klobuchar’s Bipartisan Record Includes Voting for Many Trump Judicial Nominees

This Democratic Senator Won’t Commit to Voting for Her Party in 2020

Getting rid of Trump doesn’t mean not working with him at all when there are areas of policy overlap. Even Sanders has worked closely with the likes of McCain and and Mike Lee to push veterans legislation through.
Getting rid of Trump doesn’t mean not working with him at all when there are areas of policy overlap. Even Sanders has worked closely with the likes of McCain and and Mike Lee to push veterans legislation through.

The days of Republicans working closely with Democrats pretty much died with McCain though. They can't even seem to get normally bi-partisan stuff through recently.
The days of Republicans working closely with Democrats pretty much died with McCain though. They can't even seem to get normally bi-partisan stuff through recently.

The Senate is the main obstacle to that and McConnell specifically is a huge barrier to any legislation that has even the slightest hint of a Democrat attached to it.
Getting rid of Trump doesn’t mean not working with him at all when there are areas of policy overlap. Even Sanders has worked closely with the likes of McCain and and Mike Lee to push veterans legislation through.
Ah the classic Democratic and Republican overlap
Less than a year after his confirmation to the 11th Circuit bench, Judge Kevin Newsom voted to throw out a lawsuit filed against officials at a Florida jail by an inmate who alleged that people in a mental health unit were forced to walk barefoot in cells covered in bodily fluids.

Sinema crossed party lines to register her opposition to the very concept of a pro-labor, climate-centric industrial policy. Earlier this month, she voted against restoring Obama-era regulations on coal pollution.

If all people are interested in, is get rid of Trump because he's quite clearly a moron who shouldn't be anywhere this level of power, then great. But lets not confuse getting rid of Trump and saving the american court system.
The days of Republicans working closely with Democrats pretty much died with McCain though. They can't even seem to get normally bi-partisan stuff through recently.

Not true, they always work together when there is policy overlap. The Senate recently passed the defense bill by an 86-8 margin to expand defense spending. There are plenty of other areas where this happens as well.
Better known as cooperation and bipartisanship.

Not true, they always work together when there is policy overlap. The Senate recently passed the defense bill by an 86-8 margin to expand defense spending. There are plenty of other areas where this happens as well.

This is the truth but you cant say it online anymore without getting attacked.

Also why I love biden. He knows how to negotiate and now to implement things. Biden campaigning for a $15 min wage means he will more than likely get it done.
Getting rid of Trump IS all that matters unless you are a Trump supporter. If you think he should get a THIRD Supreme Court nominee. Continue to stack the court systems federally with unqualified judges who they think will uphold gerrymandering, voter suppression, and immigration policies for literal decades. If you think that "doesn't matter". And any progressive agenda will ever thrive in that scenario down the line. I don't know what else to tell you.

GOP have an out sized amount of power in this country and are able to win because the majority don't consistently vote them out. Or sit at home if their chosen one, or perfect candidate fails. They do not have to court minorities, they can openly and brazenly gerrymander and use voter suppression tactics to limit minority representation and power for this very reason.

Even if Bernie Sanders wins. Even if he gets Medicare for All passed by some miracle. It will damn well be fought tooth and nail in every court for years, just like Obamacare is now. And that's exactly why Mitch wants all these conservative judges stacked. Its exactly why giving them even more of a majority on the Supreme Court is completely silly.

If you ever want progressive lasting policies in your lifetime. You better look at the long game and not allowing them to provide a firewall and reversal built in for the second they get power again.

I just voted for Sanders in early primary. Because Biden was looking weak as hell. Pete had no shot, I could have gone for Warren too but the main thing is I will vote the candidate no matter what.

I cant choose to sit at home and allow the GOP and trump to get free reign to suppress my vote and continue to allow open racists to run the show.

No one is going to come to your house and make you vote for anyone. But, I would think harder about what happens if you allow trump another term. How much harder will it be in the future to get progressive plans, climate change legislation, gun control measures, LGBT/equality protections in the future?

Again GOP in this country are allowed power because the majority who could vote them into obscurity where they belong allow it.
Better known as cooperation and bipartisanship.

How can you say democratic's voting for Trump judges which results in the throwing out of lawsuits against officials at a Florida jail by an inmate who alleged that people in a mental health unit were forced to walk barefoot in cells covered with piss and shit and democrats crossing parties line to vote against labour and climate polices is in anyway a positive thing ?
Getting rid of Trump IS all that matters unless you are a Trump supporter. If you think he should get a THIRD Supreme Court nominee. Continue to stack the court systems federally with unqualified judges who they think will uphold gerrymandering, voter suppression, and immigration policies for literal decades. If you think that "doesn't matter". And any progressive agenda will ever thrive in that scenario down the line. I don't know what else to tell you.

GOP have an out sized amount of power in this country and are able to win because the majority don't consistently vote them out. Or sit at home if their chosen one, or perfect candidate fails. They do not have to court minorities, they can openly and brazenly gerrymander and use voter suppression tactics to limit minority representation and power for this very reason.

Even if Bernie Sanders wins. Even if he gets Medicare for All passed by some miracle. It will damn well be fought tooth and nail in every court for years, just like Obamacare is now. And that's exactly why Mitch wants all these conservative judges stacked. Its exactly why giving them even more of a majority on the Supreme Court is completely silly.

If you ever want progressive lasting policies in your lifetime. You better look at the long game and not allowing them to provide a firewall and reversal built in for the second they get power again.

I just voted for Sanders in early primary. Because Biden was looking weak as hell. Pete had no shot, I could have gone for Warren too but the main thing is I will vote the candidate no matter what.

I cant choose to sit at home and allow the GOP and trump to get free reign to suppress my vote and continue to allow open racists to run the show.

No one is going to come to your house and make you vote for anyone. But, I would think harder about what happens if you allow trump another term. How much harder will it be in the future to get progressive plans, climate change legislation, gun control measures, LGBT/equality protections in the future?

Again GOP in this country are allowed power because the majority who could vote them into obscurity where they belong allow it.

The solution is simple.
The Democratic Party needs to respect the will of the voters.
If the candidate with the most delegates gets the nomination, there will be no problem will there?
The solution is simple.
The Democratic Party needs to respect the will of the voters.
If the candidate with the most delegates gets the nomination, there will be no problem will there?
If 34% of the voters want a certain policy implemented , and 66% do not, how is giving the nomination to the person who promotes said policy "respecting the will of the voters" ?
Every candidate stands on his or her own platform.
They do not stand as group.
Do you understand this or not?
They are either for or against a policy. So in this hypothetical case there are 1 for a policy and 6 against a policy. With the voting percentages from the previous post.

In the end, its policies that matter! Remember who said that?
This is why Sanders was getting the early vote out.

Ya, I'm worried Biden well keep it close though.

Better known as cooperation and bipartisanship.
So, long post says "not voting for the Democrat is bad because Trump gets to choose judges".

Reply says Dems corporate with him on judges.

You praise them for that cooperation.

So, can for clarify, do you agree that it is important to vote against him to ensure had judges don't get in, or is it important for the people you vote for to confirm his bag judges to show cooperation? These are mutually exclusive positions.
They are either for or against a policy. So in this hypothetical case there are 1 for a policy and 6 against a policy. With the voting percentages from the previous post.

In the end, its policies that matter! Remember who said that?

You are arguing for the sake of arguing.

Here is a clue. The voters who were for Buttigeg and and Steyer will not be moving en block to one candidate. They will splinter even if they endorse one candidate or another.
Some may not even vote.

The point is you need to respect the will of the voters who have cast their votes. Not cite 'rules' to subvert their will.
Sanders alluded to this in a Town Hall meeting.

This is not about him.
He cannot control what people will do, especially when they feel cheated.

I've had discussions about this with some people and it is not just me feeling so strongly about this.
Most simply plan not to show up.
Some like me will vote third party.
You are arguing for the sake of arguing.

Here is a clue. The voters who were for Buttigeg and and Steyer will not be moving en block to one candidate. They will splinter even if they endorse one candidate or another.
Some may not even vote.

The point is you need to respect the will of the voters who have cast their votes. Not cite 'rules' to subvert their will.
Sanders alluded to this in a Town Hall meeting.

This is not about him.
He cannot control what people will do, especially when they feel cheated.

I've had discussions about this with some people and it is not just me feeling so strongly about this.
Most simply plan not to show up.
Some like me will vote third party.
Have you even entertained the possibility that if Bernie is the nominee , a lot of the "other" people may decide to not show up in precisely the same fashion. And that their group might be larger.
Ya, I'm worried Biden well keep it close though.

So, long post says "not voting for the Democrat is bad because Trump gets to choose judges".

Reply says Dems corporate with him on judges.

You praise them for that cooperation.

So, can for clarify, do you agree that it is important to vote against him to ensure had judges don't get in, or is it important for the people you vote for to confirm his bag judges to show cooperation? These are mutually exclusive positions.

If Biden legitimately becomes the nominee, I will not vote for him because he is Trump lite. But I will vote for the Democrats for House and Senate.

As for the rest of your reply to Raoul. What he means is its 'business as usual'.
Have you even entertained the possibility that if Bernie is the nominee , a lot of the "other" people may decide to not show up in precisely the same fashion. And that their group might be larger.

You cannot take anyone's vote for granted. That is the point of these discussions. Sanders or anyone else has to earn the vote. No one is entitled to it as has been rebutted on here.

Democracy can be frustrating sometimes.
But it works in the long run.
Ya, I'm worried Biden well keep it close though.

So, long post says "not voting for the Democrat is bad because Trump gets to choose judges".

Reply says Dems corporate with him on judges.

You praise them for that cooperation.

So, can for clarify, do you agree that it is important to vote against him to ensure had judges don't get in, or is it important for the people you vote for to confirm his bag judges to show cooperation? These are mutually exclusive positions.

Of course it’s important to get rid of him. That’s an entirely separate issue than cooperation in areas of mutual policy overlap. Sanders himself has voted with Trump on various issues over the past three years.
I think that if we somehow received divine word from MLK, and it in any way wasn't in agreement with Sanders, you'd probably say something about him forgetting his own sacrifice or some other statement that disregarded the agency of others.
I listened to an interview with Jim Clyburn and it was quite interesting how he came to endorse Biden. He really never said anything about the policies of Biden or the other candidates. It came down to his fear that if Bernie was the nominee, he thought their would be a massive sweep of GOP in congress as a fear reaction to Bernie and he didn't want that to happen.

How can you say democratic's voting for Trump judges which results in the throwing out of lawsuits against officials at a Florida jail by an inmate who alleged that people in a mental health unit were forced to walk barefoot in cells covered with piss and shit and democrats crossing parties line to vote against labour and climate polices is in anyway a positive thing ?

We’re not talking about judges here. We’re talking about areas of policy where both sides agree.
Biden campaigning for a $15 min wage means he will more than likely get it done.

The Fight for 15 was a protest movement started in 2012. From 2012 to 2016, Biden was VP of a fairly popular adminisration heading for re-election with a comfortable senate majority. Holding this very high office, he did not campaign for 15$. In 2016, there was a chance to choose a new president. In this contest, Biden did not campaign himself, nor did he show any passion for it by saying that the nominee must advocate it. The nominee did not advocate a $15 minimum wage, however, her loser rival did and during his run, it became a nationally popular idea (as proven by polling).

Nevertheless, several cities, states, and businesses passed a $15 minimum wage. Many of these happened after years of protest pushed unfriendly lawmakers into accepting it. In one interesting ase, Amazon workers who had been organising or a $15 minimum wage got a boost when a senator, with no connection to excutive power, wrote a bill called "Stop BEZOS", and then spoke at the workers' rallies. Within a few months, Amazon caved and gave the raise.

For the 2020 campaign, suddenly, every contendor included a $15 min wage in their platform. And since you're so concerned about practicality - how do you think this will pass Mitch McConnell's senate under a Joe Biden presidency?

Of course it’s important to get rid of him. That’s an entirely separate issue than cooperation in areas of mutual policy overlap. Sanders himself has voted with Trump on various issues over the past three years.

That's not an answer. I'm asking about judges, since the original post talked about his harm primarily through judges. Do you think the judges he appoints show any mututal policy overlap with the Demcratic party? And if the Dems do have policy overlap all the way down to judges, what exactly are you trying to replace?
This is the truth but you cant say it online anymore without getting attacked.

Also why I love biden. He knows how to negotiate and now to implement things. Biden campaigning for a $15 min wage means he will more than likely get it done.

There would still be considerable obstruction from a GOP Senate under a Biden administration, but it wouldn’t be a full blown political civil war as would happen if Sanders was elected.
Have you even entertained the possibility that if Bernie is the nominee , a lot of the "other" people may decide to not show up in precisely the same fashion. And that their group might be larger.
if the "other people" wants to beat Trump (which seems to be their main goal) then they will show up. For many people supporting Bernie, beating Trump isn't the main goal even if that group may not be larger than the "other people".
That's not an answer. I'm asking about judges, since the original post talked about his harm primarily through judges. Do you think the judges he appoints show any mututal policy overlap with the Demcratic party? And if the Dems do have policy overlap all the way down to judges, what exactly are you trying to replace?

That’s an entirely separate topic from my original post about policy overlap. Both parties rarely agree on judges, which is why it’s critical to get rid of Trump.
I listened to an interview with Jim Clyburn and it was quite interesting how he came to endorse Biden. He really never said anything about the policies of Biden or the other candidates. It came down to his fear that if Bernie was the nominee, he thought their would be a massive sweep of GOP in congress as a fear reaction to Bernie and he didn't want that to happen.

Clyburn is simply citing the DNC mantra.
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