2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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whats the argument put forward at the convention by Biden if he loses California and Texas by double digits? Or can we assume this is all a shell game and the convention has already been decided barring a Sanders majority? Which won't happen obviously.

Biden is just making it up as he goes along. Neither does he have the money or a message that resounds with the voters. Most of his hype is just a BS last-minute panic from the establishment and media to avoid Sanders.
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Oh feck. Warren is staying in till end March while Pete is clearing his lane. Her one and only aim is to stop Bernie. Snake.
My imaginary black wife is offended by this.

Oh give over. I think Warren should have dropped out yesterday but thinking she is in to hurt Sanders alone is beyond idiotic. Even if she is doing that, don't moan about it but keep saying what red dreams does.. That policies win votes and you may be will get her share instead of calling her a snake which is a sure fire way of driving them away. I mean you can do it here I guess but if the Sanders fans now start some Twitter campaign like how a vocal minority blamed Clyburn of being a race traitor, just please God.. No
The original Bernie Bro


But seriously it's pretty clear Warren main goal is to lower Bernie chances of winning out right and to put herself forward in a brokered convention as the candidate who can ''unite'' the party. Which fair enough, she is running against him. Similar to Obama the fault is on the people who believed she was somewhere on the left and not with her. She was a republican until her 40's, for christ sake!
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MSNBC 's Blue eyed boy is out?. Hopefully the rest of the hangers on will drop out after Tuesday
Oh give over. I think Warren should have dropped out yesterday but thinking she is in to hurt Sanders alone is beyond idiotic. Even if she is doing that, don't moan about it but keep saying what red dreams does.. That policies win votes and you may be will get her share instead of calling her a snake which is a sure fire way of driving them away. I mean you can do it here I guess but if the Sanders fans now start some Twitter campaign like how a vocal minority blamed Clyburn of being a race traitor, just please God.. No

Do the maths and figure out what's going to happen. At the start, I was wrong about her, going by her history since 2010 and her initial campaign, her actions since the new year have proven the Jimmy Dore types right. They have a simple rule - ignore everyone who didn't endorse Bernie in 2016, and it seems ithese simple rulees always give better results than some detailed too-clever analysis. I was a fool who bought her marketing, and I will admit that.

It seems most others can't accept that someone they like and seems nice is voluntarily causing the biggest problems for her """friend""". Blowing up a non-controversy about something a volunteer wrote and was deleted. The "women can't win" debate and the handshake. Calling him divisive. Attacking his supporters. Calling him a failure. Calling him ineffective. All in the space of 30 days. Biden has been nicer to Sanders. And he has barely mentioned her in this whole nosense.

And imagine thinking any votes are beng swayed on redcafe dot net, there are more non-Americans on this thread, including you and me, than voters.

And how do you criticise her on policy? "I agree with Bernie on healthcare, Bernie has never passed legislation and never wins." Today she criticised him for not stopppng the Vietnam and Iraq wars ... while she was a fecking Republican who spoke at the Federalist society. She is not making a policy argument. She is making a pure personality argument.

What is the olicy answer to this shit?
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Do the maths and figure out what's going to happen. At the start, I was wrong about her, going by her history since 2010 and her initial campaign, her actions since the new year have proven the Jimmy Dore types right. They have a simple rule - ignore everyone who didn't endorse Bernie in 2016, and it seems ithese simple rulees always give better results than some detailed too-clever analysis. I was a fool who bought her marketing, and I will admit that.

It seems most others can't can't accept that someone they ike and seems nice is voluntarily causing the biggest problems for her """friend""". Blowing up a non-controversy about something a volunteer wrote and was deleted. The "women can't win" debate and the handshake. Calling him divisive. Attacking his supporters. Calling him a failure. Calling him ineffective. All in the space of 30 days. Biden has been nicer to Sanders. And he has barely mentioned her in this whole nosense.

And imagine thinking any votes are beng swayed on redcafe dot net, there are more non-Americans on this thread, including you and me, than voters.

And how do you criticise her on policy? "I agree with Bernie on healthcare, Bernie has never passed legislation and never wins." She is not making a policy argument. She is making a pure personality argument.

You are making too much sense.
That is too complex for him.
Do the maths and figure out what's going to happen. At the start, I was wrong about her, going by her history since 2010 and her initial campaign, her actions since the new year have proven the Jimmy Dore types right. I was a fool who bought her marketing, and I will admit that.

It seems most others can't can't accept that someone they ike and seems nice is voluntarily causing the biggest problems for her """friend""". Blowing up a non-controversy about something a volunteer wrote and was deleted. The "women can't win" debate and the handshake. Calling him divisive. Attacking his supporters. Calling him a failure. Calling him ineffective. All in the space of 30 days. Biden has been nicer to Sanders. And he has barely mentioned her in this whole nosense.

And imagine thinking any votes are beng swayed on redcafe dot net, there are more non-Americans on this thread, including you and me, than voters.

And how do you criticise her on policy? "I agree with Bernie on healthcare, Bernie has never passed legislation and never wins." She is not making a policy argument. She is making a pure personality argument.

Biden refused to even acknowledge Sanders after he won SC and flat out called the voters to reject him as he's not a Democrat. Sanders and Warren want to appeal to the same demographic. Warren also has to deal with snake memes and tweets.

Just stop crying about Warren attacking Sanders ffs, she's running a campaign against him. I'm glad if you are able to maintain a complete different persona on Twitter as opposed to redcafe. do you have to lose? She's running a distant 5th with very less vote shares and is reportedly short on money. It's a day to Super tuesday. She's probably on the verge anyway. Now's the time to send out a million snake tweets to win an online argument. Jeez..
Biden refused to even acknowledge Sanders after he won SC and flat out called the voters to reject him as he's not a Democrat. Sanders and Warren want to appeal to the same demographic. Warren also has to deal with snake memes and tweets.

Just stop crying about Warren attacking Sanders ffs, she's running a campaign against him. I'm glad if you are able to maintain a complete different persona on Twitter as opposed to redcafe. do you have to lose? She's running a distant 5th with very less vote shares and is reportedly short on money. It's a day to Super tuesday. She's probably on the verge anyway. Now's the time to send out a million snake tweets to win an online argument. Jeez..

1. No candidate including Warren looks at their own twitter.

2. Snake memes started very near the end of Jan, coud something have preceded them? Something that dominated the news cycle before the 1st caucus and was talked about in the debate?

3. As we can see from 4 different states and from polling, Warren's base is wealthy white people with college-degrres. Bernie's base is multi-racial (disporportionately Latino) and young. There is some overlap but not much - Warren is taking enough young women to make Bernie's job very difficult, but the rest of her voters probably aren't winnable.

4. Good that you acknowledged that her campaign is explicitly against him, because at this point that's what it is. It is not to become president, it is not against Biden who shares 0% of her base, it is to stop Bernie.

5. Twitter isn't real life either.

6. She raised her best amount of money (24m), and has now got the support of the largest Super PAC in the race, enough to keep her going till end March.

She needs to be defeated if Bernie is the nominee. I hope, like @Fergie's gum said, that a humiliation in her home state is enough.
The easiest way to look at things is that if Biden is close to Sanders, the SuperDelegates will probably come into play and there's a good chance he could come out on top. Sanders could of course get more than 1886 delegates before the convention and win it like that. Otherwise, there will be a fight that would likely result in Sanders not getting the nomination.

Whoever has the most delegates will be the nominee. Of that I am sure. The alternative is to hand the election to Trump and if it is Sanders that has the most votes and the Super Delegates give him and his voters the finger, it would welcome the Third party as has already been discussed.

The closer the delegate counts, the more the leading candidate would have to concede.
The negotiations will be done long before the primaries are over.
<begin red dreams>

Sanders is genuine. Healthcare is the single biggest issue.
Policies will win votes. DNC are corrupt.
Truth will decide the result.

Bernie or bust.

<end red dreams>
he has better political instincts than you, me, and everyone else here. he has doubted her and he's been proven right. a lot of good this mocking does when it covers up total failure of our own politics.
More integrity than Warren :lol:

My dream outcome right now is that Bernie gets the nom after she drop out in April and endroses Biden.
More integrity than Warren :lol:

My dream outcome right now is that Bernie gets the nom after she drop out in April and endroses Biden.

It would be a massive political blunder for her to endorse Biden. She would have to be an idiot to do that.
More integrity than Warren :lol:

My dream outcome right now is that Bernie gets the nom after she drop out in April and endroses Biden.

She took on Obama and Clinton consultants and they're all telling her to just wait it out till the convention because she could be a 3rd-way choice. Delusional.
Do the maths and figure out what's going to happen. At the start, I was wrong about her, going by her history since 2010 and her initial campaign, her actions since the new year have proven the Jimmy Dore types right. They have a simple rule - ignore everyone who didn't endorse Bernie in 2016, and it seems ithese simple rulees always give better results than some detailed too-clever analysis. I was a fool who bought her marketing, and I will admit that.

It seems most others can't accept that someone they like and seems nice is voluntarily causing the biggest problems for her """friend""". Blowing up a non-controversy about something a volunteer wrote and was deleted. The "women can't win" debate and the handshake. Calling him divisive. Attacking his supporters. Calling him a failure. Calling him ineffective. All in the space of 30 days. Biden has been nicer to Sanders. And he has barely mentioned her in this whole nosense.

And imagine thinking any votes are beng swayed on redcafe dot net, there are more non-Americans on this thread, including you and me, than voters.

And how do you criticise her on policy? "I agree with Bernie on healthcare, Bernie has never passed legislation and never wins." Today she criticised him for not stopppng the Vietnam and Iraq wars ... while she was a fecking Republican who spoke at the Federalist society. She is not making a policy argument. She is making a pure personality argument.

What is the olicy answer to this shit?

You sound like Clinton supporters blaming Bernie for her loss to Trump. Warren has no obligation to either stand down or not attack Sanders. Even without Pete, Biden will have a formidable moderate in Bloomberg to counter for Super Tuesday and possibly beyond. Biden should be able to handle another progressive in the field.
Has the idea of delaying Super Tuesday been considered, discussed in media, etc, or has it been ignored?
You sound like Clinton supporters blaming Bernie for her loss to Trump. Warren has no obligation to either stand down or not attack Sanders. Even without Pete, Biden will have a formidable moderate in Bloomberg to counter for Super Tuesday and possibly beyond. Biden should be able to handle another progressive in the field.

You're right, she has no obligation to. In this multi-candidate race, what she chooses is not an obligation but an indication of what she values most - closenes to the establishmen or the ability to be a leading figure in a left-wing administartion, and moderation or left-wing change. I think many Bernie supporters mistakenly thoguht she valued progressive change more than her devotion to her (new) party.
The difference with Bernie staying on till July rather than dropping out in June was that there was no voting happening there, or for another 5 months. Hillary herself barely campaigned in August, that's how far it was from the election.
Actually the worst thing Warren has done has made Pete's exit, the funniest moment of the campaign so far, seem bad to me.
1. No candidate including Warren looks at their own twitter.

2. Snake memes started very near the end of Jan, coud something have preceded them? Something that dominated the news cycle before the 1st caucus and was talked about in the debate?

3. As we can see from 4 different states and from polling, Warren's base is wealthy white people with college-degrres. Bernie's base is multi-racial (disporportionately Latino) and young. There is some overlap but not much - Warren is taking enough young women to make Bernie's job very difficult, but the rest of her voters probably aren't winnable.

4. Good that you acknowledged that her campaign is explicitly against him, because at this point that's what it is. It is not to become president, it is not against Biden who shares 0% of her base, it is to stop Bernie.

5. Twitter isn't real life either.

6. She raised her best amount of money (24m), and has now got the support of the largest Super PAC in the race, enough to keep her going till end March.

She needs to be defeated if Bernie is the nominee. I hope, like @Fergie's gum said, that a humiliation in her home state is enough.

feck sake, you've gone on a bullet-pointed rampage here and I refuse to raise to this backstabbing. Here is a reply without bullet points

I have no idea how you state that as a fact unless you are a candidate yourself. If you think a campaign like "snake memes" doesn't get Warren's attention because she doesn't look at her own twitter, you are more deluded than I thought or you are just arguing for the sake of arguing. I don't know where you are going with this but I'm just pointing out that Sanders fanbase, maybe a vocal minority has gone after Warren and her progressive credentials in this campaign. Warren pulling out of the race to help Sanders or never to attack Sanders is not a sign of her progressiveness. She's a progressive because of her policies. She is clearly to the left of all the candidates in running apart from Bernie.

Basically what you are saying is Liz Warren is running a campaign against Bernie Sanders just to stop him from winning like she has a personal vendetta, like how Tulsi Gabbard is running to become a Fox contributor. I don't know if it's the truth and I'm telling you that even if it is, you just have to shut up about it, play nice and get her supporters. Or give her what she wants and get her on your side. I don't know why Pete Buttigieg dropped out but I don't think it's because he wants to help Biden. He probably got what he wanted. Your candidate is the front runner of the election. You say you got the best policies, you say you got the support. Act like it instead of feeling like 'owe is me' because an opponent is not giving up because of you.

Twitter may not be real life but I'm stunned that you don't see the simple fact that Liz Warren's voters are also needed in the generals. You sound eerily like a Clinton supporter nowadays, crying about candidates not dropping out and complaining about the electoral college. You may or may not have pilloried Clinton every time she talked about winning the election based on popularity.
he has better political instincts than you, me, and everyone else here. he has doubted her and he's been proven right. a lot of good this mocking does when it covers up total failure of our own politics.

I personally think he's a complete idiot. Anybody who is bernie or bust in generals this year is a complete and utter tool.
feck sake, you've gone on a bullet-pointed rampage here and I refuse to raise to this backstabbing. Here is a reply without bullet points

I have no idea how you state that as a fact unless you are a candidate yourself. If you think a campaign like "snake memes" doesn't get Warren's attention because she doesn't look at her own twitter, you are more deluded than I thought or you are just arguing for the sake of arguing. I don't know where you are going with this but I'm just pointing out that Sanders fanbase, maybe a vocal minority has gone after Warren and her progressive credentials in this campaign. Warren pulling out of the race to help Sanders or never to attack Sanders is not a sign of her progressiveness. She's a progressive because of her policies. She is clearly to the left of all the candidates in running apart from Bernie.

Basically what you are saying is Liz Warren is running a campaign against Bernie Sanders just to stop him from winning like she has a personal vendetta, like how Tulsi Gabbard is running to become a Fox contributor. I don't know if it's the truth and I'm telling you that even if it is, you just have to shut up about it, play nice and get her supporters. Or give her what she wants and get her on your side. I don't know why Pete Buttigieg dropped out but I don't think it's because he wants to help Biden. He probably got what he wanted. Your candidate is the front runner of the election. You say you got the best policies, you say you got the support. Act like it instead of feeling like 'owe is me' because an opponent is not giving up because of you.

Twitter may not be real life but I'm stunned that you don't see the simple fact that Liz Warren's voters are also needed in the generals. You sound eerily like a Clinton supporter nowadays, crying about candidates not dropping out and complaining about the electoral college. You may or may not have pilloried Clinton every time she talked about winning the election based on popularity.

I very strongly disagree about the bit in bold.
Bernie asked Warren to run in 2016 because he thought she could beat Hillary. He entered the race only after she refused. He made the decision to run as a Democrat so he doesn't become like Nader. Like Bernie since 1990, Warren is playing on the big stage. It is ok to say that Howie Hawkins (google him!), or mayor Bernie from the 80s, are socialists based on just what they say. With such little power and reach, words are all they have. They aren't playing on the same field as Bernie and Warren. And this is not early 2019. Voting has started, some trends are vey clear. At this stage and this level, you have to consider their actions. Bernie's actions in 2016 show that he put his ideals above his personal glory. Given the maths from here, her continued presence is an obstacle primarily for Bernie. In terms of policy outcomes, this makes it very unlikely that the policies she says she prefers get passed. So I think she puts herself, or some notion of the party, above her policies. That makes hr words worthless.

Yes, I'm confident that she's running against him because of her actions and her words too. About what the best course of action is, I don't know. I think, to some extent, the 1st 4 primaries have gone very well for Bernie. He got most votes in each of the 1st 3, and with some luck and some literal coinflips, he would have got the most delegates in each of them too. Not just that, the rival who could potentially take a chunk of his base (Warren) collapsed, ending 5th. SC went badly but not disastorously, and the silver lining was that it proved, adding to evidence from Nevada, that Warren doesn't have any non-white support. So, at this point, with no path forward, you expect Warren to drop out. Pete saw the maths and could tell what his presence mean, and did. She hasn't, and is viable in California, Texas, and Mass, 3 states with massive delegate totals. My calculation was that if Bernie manages to get ahead at this point, and Warren falls so far behind, she will go. But she's got a new Super PAC spending tons including on Bernie attacks. I dont really see a path forward. You can't attack her on policy because she doesn't attack Bernie (openly) on policy. You can't attack her on personality, because even though she has done that, it is "divisive" or whatever.

I complained about the electoral college in 2016 when Hillary lost too, it was and remains an extremely stupid system.
Here is a jouralist who has shouted at Bernie people who didn't trust Warren, and has been talking about a possible unity ticket:
I personally think he's a complete idiot. Anybody who is bernie or bust in generals this year is a complete and utter tool.
I ain’t voting for anyone else. feck the Democrats now that I see their true colors. They deserve Trump for the shady shit they’re pulling. Call me a fool if you like. Won’t hurt my feelings nor change my mind.
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