2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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And to turn Cal? On.

It wouldn't be that bad if she ran again. From a Bernie perspective, he should be able to beat her now that super delegates are gone. She would also cull the herd and get rid of the likes of Booker, Harris, Gilibrand et al. If Biden also runs then he and Hillary would split the establishment vote which would favor Bernie.
Not even Dems are dumb enough to give Hillary another Primary victory.

Wait, what am I saying, they're exactly that dumb.
Not even Dems are dumb enough to give Hillary another Primary victory.

Wait, what am I saying, they're exactly that dumb.

Health Care is a huge concern for everyone.

So why has the DNC not pushed for single payer?

Money from Health Insurance Companies.

Its not being dumb.

Its about choosing money over people.

At least the Republicans are honest about wanting to destroy social security and Medicare.
that guy sucks so much
He is an attack dog. It's what the Dems need right now and he kind of has a point. Would he make a good elected official, unlikely but someone needs to fight in the trenches. As long as the Dem ticket has some fight in 2020I dont care what color you they are or what's between they're legs. Warren/Sanders 2020 for me.
He is an attack dog. It's what the Dems need right now and he kind of has a point. Would he make a good elected official, unlikely but someone needs to fight in the trenches. As long as the Dem ticket has some fight in 2020I dont care what color you they are or what's between they're legs. Warren/Sanders 2020 for me.

Hes a complete sleaze.
He is an attack dog. It's what the Dems need right now and he kind of has a point. Would he make a good elected official, unlikely but someone needs to fight in the trenches. As long as the Dem ticket has some fight in 2020I dont care what color you they are or what's between they're legs. Warren/Sanders 2020 for me.

He's effective as an attack dog so long as he's actually an attack dog and not someone who says stupid stuff like this though. Considering how regularly he's speaking out there's a risk he'll come out with more stuff like this as time goes on.
So to attack Trump's racism you have to come up with something idiotic and racist yourself. feck off Avenatti
Is there seriously anyone that wants that Avenatti cnut to run for president. He's like the daily mail. I'm not even going to bother with elaborating on that analogy. Avenatti is the Daily mail, period.
Is there seriously anyone that wants that Avenatti cnut to run for president. He's like the daily mail. I'm not even going to bother with elaborating on that analogy. Avenatti is the Daily mail, period.
Maybe he is a Republican troll sent in to disrupt the Democrats:nervous:
He's effective as an attack dog so long as he's actually an attack dog and not someone who says stupid stuff like this though. Considering how regularly he's speaking out there's a risk he'll come out with more stuff like this as time goes on.
Good, we need an asshole right now. The Republicans have lost all sense of civility right now. This country elected Donald Trump and this is a pivotal moment in this country's history. Dems, progressives and liberals need to fight on all fronts.
I dont like what he said as I feel there are a lot of women and people of color that could elevate this country but if you take "white guy" out of his answer and add Biden or Bernie a lot of people would agree. I will add that it also says he wishes it wasn't so.
Avanatti is what he is, dodgy as feck but I want him to get air time right now and maybe the notion of civility will resonate with independents and lethargic voters.
Off course he is but so are the people in trump's orbit. Sometimes you need to fight filth with filth.

Or with messaging that caters to people's everyday needs. May be one party can encourage people to vote by offering them what they want, instead of reaching deep into their worst fears.

This notion that the Dems need someone who will trade blows with Trump by stooping down to his level is a non-starter, imo. Need a good personality who can get his/her message through. Trump's rhetoric & language will itself do the damage that you want an attack dog for.
Good, we need an asshole right now. The Republicans have lost all sense of civility right now. This country elected Donald Trump and this is a pivotal moment in this country's history. Dems, progressives and liberals need to fight on all fronts.
I dont like what he said as I feel there are a lot of women and people of color that could elevate this country but if you take "white guy" out of his answer and add Biden or Bernie a lot of people would agree. I will add that it also says he wishes it wasn't so.
Avanatti is what he is, dodgy as feck but I want him to get air time right now and maybe the notion of civility will resonate with independents and lethargic voters.

Him being an 'arsehole' isn't the problem here - I'm more than happy for him to be an arsehole if he goes after Trump and his ilk unrelentingly and tears them to shreds without showing any decorum whatsoever. The problem is when he starts coming out with problematic remarks that'll contradict messages the Dems are trying to put across.
Or with messaging that caters to people's everyday needs. May be one party can encourage people to vote by offering them what they want, instead of reaching deep into their worst fears.

This notion that the Dems need someone who will trade blows with Trump by stooping down to his level is a non-starter, imo. Need a good personality who can get his/her message through. Trump's rhetoric & language will itself do the damage that you want an attack dog for.
Where have you been the last few decades? The only person who can bring this guy down right now is Robert Mueller because trump doesn't give a shit and neither do the Republican party.
I would be very discouraged if the viable Democratic candidates lowered themselves to trump and Avanatti's level, that would be disastrous. But someone needs to be in the public eye and throw some shit at these people. We have just had, lets call it what it is, an assassination attempt of the highest players of the Democratic party and all this administration has done is blame the media for reporting on their mess. This country needs to get its fecking head in the game.
Him being an 'arsehole' isn't the problem here - I'm more than happy for him to be an arsehole if he goes after Trump and his ilk unrelentingly and tears them to shreds without showing any decorum whatsoever. The problem is when he starts coming out with problematic remarks that'll contradict messages the Dems are trying to put across.
I think Nancy Pelosi shaking her head at the primary victories for candidates like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a bigger problem for the Dems then an LA lawyer saying he wishes it wasn't the case but maybe a white guy has a better chance against a bigoted misogynist.
I do agree with you pal, its not helpful but after what has happened over the last two days this is as insignificant as they come. The Dems have serious issues with a house minority leader that refuses to step aside so as to remove the toxicity of her name for her colleagues and a Senate minority leader that suggested we rename the people's building in honor of John McCain.
Fml Avenatti is a piece of shit. Yes he may be a great lawyer, and yes he may be the person to stand up to Trump legally and yes he may be a great mouthpiece at times, but is he Presidential material? feck NO!

The fact he and fecking Oprah are even being mentioned let alone considered just shows how fecked up US politics and especially the Dem party is right now.

The Dems have some truly great and inspirational candidates yet people like Avenatti, Oprah and even Hillary keep getting mentioned. Fml. It's so depressing this is even a thing less than 2 weeks before the mid terms.
Fml Avenatti is a piece of shit. Yes he may be a great lawyer, and yes he may be the person to stand up to Trump legally and yes he may be a great mouthpiece at times, but is he Presidential material? feck NO!

The fact he and fecking Oprah are even being mentioned let alone considered just shows how fecked up US politics and especially the Dem party is right now.

The Dems have some truly great and inspirational candidates yet people like Avenatti, Oprah and even Hillary keep getting mentioned. Fml. It's so depressing this is even a thing less than 2 weeks before the mid terms.
The reason why they and others like them will get mentioned is because the United States is a made-for-TV country.
Fml Avenatti is a piece of shit. Yes he may be a great lawyer, and yes he may be the person to stand up to Trump legally and yes he may be a great mouthpiece at times, but is he Presidential material? feck NO!

The fact he and fecking Oprah are even being mentioned let alone considered just shows how fecked up US politics and especially the Dem party is right now.

The Dems have some truly great and inspirational candidates yet people like Avenatti, Oprah and even Hillary keep getting mentioned. Fml. It's so depressing this is even a thing less than 2 weeks before the mid terms.

Avenatti is a joke.

@Carl Ha ha Carl you've had your fun and you've made us sweat a little but if you could please stop this now, it's not funny anymore.

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Ideally for us Bernie people it would be great if Clinton ran as she would spit the centrist vote completely.
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