2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Ideally for us Bernie people it would be great if Clinton ran as she would spit the centrist vote completely.
So goes the common wisdom. The thing is her fundraising ability is such that she can starve the other centrists completely. Sanders managed to keep his campaign going with small donors but I doubt Biden can do the same.

Just offer Chelsea a cushy congressional seat somewhere and be done with it.
She's obviously considering running, which would actually be a good thing for Bernie as she would completely obliterate the other establishment candidates and basically make it a race between her and Sanders again, this time without the help of superdelegates.
Ideally for us Bernie people it would be great if Clinton ran as she would spit the centrist vote completely.

Can't find good crosstabs for her in 2018, but: internal (Dem) numbers for her are equal to Bernie's.


With her fundraising machinery, there is no gaurantee she will lose a primary.
If she does this, she's just proving once and for all that all the bad shit we thought about her was completely true, and she really is an unprincipled, power hungry asshole.
Incredibly selfish. She has no given right to be president. Just feck off somewhere ffs!
If she does this, she's just proving once and for all that all the bad shit we thought about her was completely true, and she really is an unprincipled, power hungry asshole.
You didn’t know this already? I thought it was obvious from the get go.
I don't see an issue with her running. If Sanders supporters are genuinely confident he can win then they should welcome the challenge from all sides. It would also allow for the Dems to have a final confrontation among its establishment and progressive sides to see where the party is actually going.
Why are we even discussing Hillary Clinton running? She's not running. It's not going to happen.

Feel free to make fun of me in a year or so when she inevitably ends up running, but for now... it's not happening.
Why are we even discussing Hillary Clinton running? She's not running. It's not going to happen.

Feel free to make fun of me in a year or so when she inevitably ends up running, but for now... it's not happening.

That was exactly how I felt until I saw that video on the previous page of her speaking. It genuinely sounds like she's going to do it again. I can only pray that the Dem establishment stamps her down the moment she raises it. It would be absolute political suicide.
Why are we even discussing Hillary Clinton running? She's not running. It's not going to happen.

Feel free to make fun of me in a year or so when she inevitably ends up running, but for now... it's not happening.

I suggest you watch the video on the previous page. You may want to rethink your post above. She is definitely arrogant and selfish enough to run again, and deluded enough. Sadly too, she also has enough support for her to think she may have a chance, and also enough support to poo poo any other rivals chances.

She really should just feck off for good. She just causes more harm than good, despite whatever intentions she may have.
Why are we even discussing Hillary Clinton running? She's not running. It's not going to happen.

Feel free to make fun of me in a year or so when she inevitably ends up running, but for now... it's not happening.

She may or may not run, but is obviously considering it.
That was exactly how I felt until I saw that video on the previous page of her speaking. It genuinely sounds like she's going to do it again. I can only pray that the Dem establishment stamps her down the moment she raises it. It would be absolute political suicide.

They would welcome her to run again as she would get more support than anyone except perhaps Sanders. It would also snuff out Biden, Harris, Booker et al and simplify things to a basic two horse race between her and Sanders. That’s a good deal for the Dems.
They would welcome her to run again as she would get more support than anyone except perhaps Sanders. It would also snuff out Biden, Harris, Booker et al and simplify things to a basic two horse race between her and Sanders. That’s a good deal for the Dems.

If Bernie wins then sure. But what if he doesn't? What if he suddenly has a health problem half way through the primary? Or if he fecks up on the campaign trail? Or any one of a million possible outcomes that could suddenly lead to a Trump vs Clinton part two? Do you have faith that she'd win this time?
Is it though? It would give Trump unlimited ammunition and hours of jokes. Also the bitterness held between the Bernie and Clinton supporters isn't helpful to the party imho.

Would be the same if the likes of Booker and Harris are in the race. Harris in particular would get humiliated on a grand scale since she checks all the boxes of someone who Trump would least like to lose to.
If Bernie wins then sure. But what if he doesn't? What if he suddenly has a health problem half way through the primary? Or if he fecks up on the campaign trail? Or any one of a million possible outcomes that could suddenly lead to a Trump vs Clinton part two? Do you have faith that she'd win this time?

That's a problem the Dems would have to deal with. The likes of Warren, O'Rourke, and a few others would likely step in to fill that side of the political spectrum.
Woah! Bernie is one of the greatest and most honest politicians alive (imho). He would make a fantastic President.
Ah don't get me wrong, I like Bernie, but he strikes me as more progressive than America is ready for honestly. He's too good a president.

I might be wrong though.

@Raoul I don't, do you? You can surely make a much more informed opinion than me.
Ah don't get me wrong, I like Bernie, but he strikes me as more progressive than America is ready for honestly. He's too good a president.

I might be wrong though.

@Raoul I don't, do you? You can surely make a much more informed opinion than me.

I definitely believe he can beat Trump. Healthcare is the most important issue on the table for voters this cycle, and it also happens to be Bernie's strongest issue.
I definitely believe he can beat Trump. Healthcare is the most important issue on the table for voters this cycle, and it also happens to be Bernie's strongest issue.
Though I read a while ago that over 75% of Americans said they wouldn't ever vote for a socialist candidate. Though with the amount of garbage online, I suppose it could be nonsense.
Though I read a while ago that over 75% of Americans said they wouldn't ever vote for a socialist candidate. Though with the amount of garbage online, I suppose it could be nonsense.

He’s running as a Democrat and would obviously be supporting Democratic Sociaist (which is still a form of capitalism ) policies. Obviously if he was an actual socialist, he would be laughed off as a kook.
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He’s running as a Democrat and would obviously be supporting Democratic Sociaist (which is still a form of capitalism ) policies. Obviously if he was an actual socialist, he would be laughed off a kook.
To be clear; Sanders is himself a socialist, but because he's running as a democrat the fact he's a socialist is okay, because it doesn't say so on the ballot? :confused:
To be clear; Sanders is himself a socialist, but because he's running as a democrat the fact he's a socialist is okay, because it doesn't say so on the ballot? :confused:

The confusion comes from the fact that the terms are used interchangeably by both adherents and opponents. Sanders called himself a socialist back in the day and now uses democratic socialist more, since it happens to be more accurate. He often references Scandanavia (as opposed to the USSR, Cuba, or Venezuela).
The confusion comes from the fact that the terms are used interchangeably by both adherents and opponents. Sanders called himself a socialist back in the day and now uses democratic socialist more, since it happens to be more accurate. He often references Scandanavia (as opposed to the USSR, Cuba, or Venezuela).
Ah ok, fair enough. Honestly, he seems like a great president. It's the American people seeding my doubts about his chances of success :)
Shes a cnut if she runs. She can see the state of things and she only thinks about herself.
Someone should tell her to feck off.
Shes a cnut if she runs. She can see the state of things and she only thinks about herself.
Someone should tell her to feck off.

I don't get this point of view. If she wants to run then its her right. Let the voters decide who they want.
I don't see an issue with her running. If Sanders supporters are genuinely confident he can win then they should welcome the challenge from all sides. It would also allow for the Dems to have a final confrontation among its establishment and progressive sides to see where the party is actually going.

This is not a death match in Hunger Games for honor and duty. The fecking future of the planet and the country is in line and it's not the best time to figure out the genuineness of challenges from all sides. This is IMHO of course.
I don't get this point of view. If she wants to run then its her right. Let the voters decide who they want.

with all due respect, this is one of the reasons why I used to rage at Eboue, claiming voters have the right to do what they want and it's the candidate who always decides it. In a way, it's ironic that this is being thrown back at him at least with the super delegates now gone. But I think we have to be pragmatic and look at the bigger picture about Trump. Establishment had their chance in 2016, let progressives try now.
That's a problem the Dems would have to deal with. The likes of Warren, O'Rourke, and a few others would likely step in to fill that side of the political spectrum.

That's not how the system works remember. If it happens halfway through the primary, she could already have gathered enough delegates to make her win inevitable. And someone having to jump in unexpectedly with no infrastructure in place and no funding gathered, would have an absolute mountain to climb to try and beat her at that point.

And in the end its not just the Dems that would have a problem to deal with, its the entire country who might well have to deal with another 4 years of Trump.
with all due respect, this is one of the reasons why I used to rage at Eboue, claiming voters have the right to do what they want and it's the candidate who always decides it. In a way, it's ironic that this is being thrown back at him at least with the super delegates now gone. But I think we have to be pragmatic and look at the bigger picture about Trump. Establishment had their chance in 2016, let progressives try now.

I agree but I also have a pretty good reason to believe Sanders would win, and his win would be even more convincing if he beat her along the way.
That's not how the system works remember. If it happens halfway through the primary, she could already have gathered enough delegates to make her win inevitable. And someone having to jump in unexpectedly with no infrastructure in place and no funding gathered, would have an absolute mountain to climb to try and beat her at that point.

And in the end its not just the Dems that would have a problem to deal with, its the entire country who might well have to deal with another 4 years of Trump.

They've done away with super delegates so that isn't likely to happen again. She would have to earn all her delegates from nothing like all the others.
That's not how the system works remember. If it happens halfway through the primary, she could already have gathered enough delegates to make her win inevitable. And someone having to jump in unexpectedly with no infrastructure in place and no funding gathered, would have an absolute mountain to climb to try and beat her at that point.

And in the end its not just the Dems that would have a problem to deal with, its the entire country who might well have to deal with another 4 years of Trump.

Thought super delegates are not a thing anymore?
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