2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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the problem is all the Democratic party candidates with the exception of Beto are beholden to big money in one way or another.

I think this is one of the biggest opportunities for change. This is where momentum has a window to shift to the people. Consider, from Kiva to Kickstarter to GoFundMe to Patreon, people have been heavily conditioned the last 10 years to adopt micro-financing, micro-donations. Its easier than it ever has been to make mini-donations and this is making a different.

From today in 538:

"144 Democrats on November House ballots1 will have raised at least $1 million in individual contributions, not counting self-funding or outside money. But we project just 84 Republicans will have done the same. We also project that 73 Democratic House candidates will have raised at least $2 million, as compared to just 17 Republicans.

Until recently, it was rare for House candidates to raise $2 million for their races, but it’s become more common in recent years as fundraising has gone digital and candidates have learned how to make highly tailored online appeals. There was a huge jump in the number of $2-million-plus candidates in both parties between 2014 and 2016, for example. But while Democrats’ numbers have held steady or improved from the high levels they had in 2016, Republican numbers have collapsed. The 17 GOP candidates that we project will raise at least $2 million this year is down from 64 in 2016. (All figures are adjusted for inflation.)"


So we are actually at a point in history - perhaps for the first time ever - where individual micro donations can make a big difference. This year was the first in 20 years I actually made a political donation. They were small as I can't afford much but even just 1-5 dollars to a favored candidate makes a big difference when millions start making one dollar donations. And here we have data that supports it which makes it a much easier sell for the future. This article I have already saved as I know I can use it to try to compel at least a few friends to make a couple more $1 donations than they would have in 2000. Even if just everyone that cares in this thread tells all their friends to make a one dollar donation, that is the type of momentum that can really make a difference. If everyone that leans progressive just donates to their favored candidate one dollar the funding is going to crush what Republicans can earn (outside the billionaires)

I think this can be compelling because I know some people that would be quicker to give a dollar than to commit to voting on a work day if their state doesn't have absentee/early ballots. Also in the article:

"It would be one thing if Democrats were raising money only in a few high-profile races — say, for example, in Rep. Beto O’Rourke’s Senate race in Texas. But that’s precisely not what is happening. Instead, the Democrats’ fundraising advantage is widespread. They’re raising money almost everywhere they need it in the House, whereas Republicans are sometimes coming up short."
Biden does have his own baggage. But the man is far more dignified and has integrity.

Unless he moves left rapidly to where Bernie is I really cannot see the same ol Middle of the Road policies getting support.
Kind of like Biden. Nowhere as much as Bernie, obviously, but I think that he can be a very good choice.

I think that the time is for a more left-ish candidate though, and with Warren making political suicide, Bernie seems to be the only choice. If Beto loses to Lying Ted, then a joint ticket between them would be perfect (and probably an agreement for Bernie to be an one-mandate president).
Biden is stronger if he is paired with a progressive VP like Bernie, Tulsi Gabbard, Gavin Newsom
Kind of like Biden. Nowhere as much as Bernie, obviously, but I think that he can be a very good choice.

I think that the time is for a more left-ish candidate though, and with Warren making political suicide, Bernie seems to be the only choice. If Beto loses to Lying Ted, then a joint ticket between them would be perfect (and probably an agreement for Bernie to be an one-mandate president).

Biden is a sincere guy. He has been through a lot personally and has that connection to people. But being so long in politics, his past votes will come back.
He is also certainly further to the right of Bernie though. But the country..the vast majority has moved left in terms of the need for universal health care and education for example.

Beto? No way he is running in 2020. The man is honorable and he wont go back on his word.

But in 10 years you can be sure he will run. The man and the time will be ready for each other.
Down with the old farts. Gavin/Beto 2020

Actually, if Beto wins next month, this might be possible. If he can turn Texas, why not the rest of the south?

And definitely Gavin will win CA, NY and all the progressive states. He will have more experience with government, too.

Sounds impossible, but ... who would think that Trump is possible 2 years before the 2016 elections?
Actually, if Beto wins next month, this might be possible. If he can turn Texas, why not the rest of the south?

And definitely Gavin will win CA, NY and all the progressive states. He will have more experience with government, too.

Sounds impossible, but ... who would think that Trump is possible 2 years before the 2016 elections?

I doubt he will win Texas but he will come pretty close, which may wind up being a good thing since he will almost surely be in the mix for 2020, either as Prez or VP.
Biden is a sincere guy. He has been through a lot personally and has that connection to people. But being so long in politics, his past votes will come back.
He is also certainly further to the right of Bernie though. But the country..the vast majority has moved left in terms of the need for universal health care and education for example.

Beto? No way he is running in 2020. The man is honorable and he wont go back on his word.

But in 10 years you can be sure he will run. The man and the time will be ready for each other.
I said if he loses in Texas, which is likely to happen. If he wins the senate, it would be very hypocritical of him to run for President, considering that he has mentioned in these two debates approximately 2 billion times how Cruz missed so many votes cause of him running for president.
I said if he loses in Texas, which is likely to happen. If he wins the senate, it would be very hypocritical of him to run for President, considering that he has mentioned in these two debates approximately 2 billion times how Cruz missed so many votes cause of him running for president.

I seriously doubt the people who vote for him in Texas would care since his ascent to the Presidency would simply mean he could do far more for them than as a US Senator.
She would certainly at a minimum disrupt the primaries to where all of the other establishment types like Harris, Booker, and Gillibrand would have to drop out.

That's my hope, but she'll probably drag Bernie down with her.
Tulsi is a bit of a political opportunist. The moment Trump won the Presidency, she scampered over to Drumpf Tower...Mitt Romney style, to grovel for a cabinet job and was summarily dismissed by Trump.

Listening to Biden at the Culinary Union rally and I don't think he is really dynamic and compelling enough to present the ideas needed for Dems to win. I think Bernie, Beto even Newsom are all much more compelling as public speakers. Too many umms and uhs and doesn't have a good cadence that draws people in. Always seems like he is rushing through talking points too fast rather than truly connecting with the audience the way good speakers do.

For fecks sake. NO!

People really are this fecking thick and have learned absolutely nothing at all. Honestly. We are fecking doomed. Proper doomed.
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