2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Hillary running is like a defeated candidate in the primaries who refuses to give support for the party nominee. She knows it would be divisive and controversial but she gives no fecks about it
They still exist but have been stripped of their voting power to avoid a repeat of the nonsense that took place in 2016.

So this lady shouldn't be able to run up good amount of votes without even competing in a state? I was just trying to reply to Kentonio that it's not really a similar shitshow like 2016. Still, I'd much rather she didn't run. It's 4 years of Trump ffs
So this lady shouldn't be able to run up good amount of votes without even competing in a state? I was just trying to reply to Kentonio that it's not really a similar shitshow like 2016. Still, I'd much rather she didn't run. It's 4 years of Trump ffs

Right. No more 500 delegate leads for anyone.
Right. No more 500 delegate leads for anyone.

I see what you are saying man, it's a clean victory for Sanders and all that. Perhaps it settles once for all, but I just don't see Sanders beating Clinton in the primary and I just don't see Clinton beating Trump in the general election.
She is a wronged queen
Having visions of the egg scene from Aliens.

I get liking Bernie or Corbyn(A political leader who lost a election but is still popular among the base e.g me) as they offer a way for positive change but christ image getting excited to vote for means testing the poor.
I see what you are saying man, it's a clean victory for Sanders and all that. Perhaps it settles once for all, but I just don't see Sanders beating Clinton in the primary and I just don't see Clinton beating Trump in the general election.

I think the Dem party have moved on from the "Its Hillary's turn" sentiment of 2015(ish) and are now in a different mood. Even back then, Sanders came out of single digit obscurity to almost beat her if not for the superdelegate lead and ensuing public perception that it would've been mathematically impossible for him to win. Next time around, he will benefit from not only no more superdelegates but also from the fact that the Dem narrative has shifted significantly from establishment towards progressive, to where many are actually demanding the policies Sanders has been advancing. If she runs, she would be smart to take as many of those polices on board before even making a decision, as the old school Clintonian approach won't work in the new, more progressive political landscape.
I think the Dem party have moved on from the "Its Hillary's turn" sentiment of 2015(ish) and are now in a different mood. Even back then, Sanders came out of single digit obscurity to almost beat her if not for the superdelegate lead and ensuing public perception that it would've been mathematically impossible for him to win. Next time around, he will benefit from not only no more superdelegates but also from the fact that the Dem narrative has shifted significantly from establishment towards progressive, to where many are actually demanding the policies Sanders has been advancing. If she runs, she would be smart to take as many of those polices on board before even making a decision, as the old school Clintonian approach won't work in the new, more progressive political landscape.

I want to believe you, but still it's such a risky strategy to play for 2020. It's not a Sanderson novel when you have to keep the audience on the edge with the plot that requires moving pieces competing against each other before the final plot twist that tells everyone why it is needed. I'm sorry Raoul, but I think it's just too much especially considering the situation. I hope you are right though.
I think the Dem party have moved on from the "Its Hillary's turn" sentiment of 2015(ish) and are now in a different mood. Even back then, Sanders came out of single digit obscurity to almost beat her if not for the superdelegate lead and ensuing public perception that it would've been mathematically impossible for him to win. Next time around, he will benefit from not only no more superdelegates but also from the fact that the Dem narrative has shifted significantly from establishment towards progressive, to where many are actually demanding the policies Sanders has been advancing. If she runs, she would be smart to take as many of those polices on board before even making a decision, as the old school Clintonian approach won't work in the new, more progressive political landscape.
Even in that clip I posted Clinton really comes across as a 90's Clinton/Bush Jr. era politician. She never seems interested in domestic policy, it's always about foreign policy and how American is viewed on the World stage.
Even in that clip I posted Clinton really comes across as a 90's Clinton/Bush Jr. era politician. She never seems interested in domestic policy, it's always about foreign policy and how American is viewed on the World stage.

And Bernie has developed a robust foreign policy platform since the last election.
And Bernie has developed a robust foreign policy platform since the last election.

Yup. Just say and do the opposite of Donald. Or, just don't insult, embarrass or Tweet war with your political allies and foreign adversaries.

I bet my house that the rest of the world's leaders will have an exceptionally low bar of expectation from the next US President. Bernie would be like Jesus himself returning to Earth and becoming President. He will be ok.
She lost against Obama, She lost against a reality clown.Her favorability rating is at 36%. Go run as Mayor and stay away.
I follow a few people on twitter, who like her and absolutely despise Sanders. Doubt they are alone on that view.

Likely a vocal minority. Sanders has very high positives and very low negatives - an ideal ratio for a successful potus candidate.
He's +65 favorability among democrats. It really is a small minority of never bernie people on twitter who make it seem louder than it is.

Likely a vocal minority. Sanders has very high positives and very low negatives - an ideal ratio for a successful potus candidate.

Okay, I'll stop with my assumptions then.
If Clinton runs, Bernie Sanders doesn’t have the numbers to win the Democratic primaries.

There, I said it.

None of the establishment candidates have her level of fundraising and GOTV structure, and she can monopolise the elder black woman vote in the Southern states against a non-black candidate, which will create a consistent lead for the rest of the race.

The Dems better offer her something in exchange for her staying put.
If we just locked her up we wouldn't be in this situation

Joking of course, she would have on trial at the hague first.
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If Clinton runs, Bernie Sanders doesn’t have the numbers to win the Democratic primaries.

There, I said it.

None of the establishment candidates have her level of fundraising and GOTV structure, and she can monopolise the elder black woman vote in the Southern states against a non-black candidate, which will create a consistent lead for the rest of the race.

The Dems better offer her something in exchange for her staying put.

She would definitely smoke the other establishment pretenders out of the race, which isn't a bad thing. I doubt she would have similar sway over the black vote this cycle, since the conversation seems to have shifted somewhat from the old Clintonian approach towards Sanders' ideas and fundraising principles. Being a corporatist isn't a particularly good or effective strategy this time around.
If Clinton runs, Bernie Sanders doesn’t have the numbers to win the Democratic primaries.

There, I said it.

None of the establishment candidates have her level of fundraising and GOTV structure, and she can monopolise the elder black woman vote in the Southern states against a non-black candidate, which will create a consistent lead for the rest of the race.

The Dems better offer her something in exchange for her staying put.

She's almost sure to be beaten by Trump. She energizes Republicans to polls. Incredibly selfish if she goes through with it. If she does, I'll never speak a bad word about Eboue, will donate 100 dollars to Eboue and put him on the ballot for some race he's eligible for.
She would definitely smoke the other establishment pretenders out of the race, which isn't a bad thing. I doubt she would have similar sway over the black vote this cycle, since the conversation seems to have shifted somewhat from the old Clintonian approach towards Sanders' ideas and fundraising principles. Being a corporatist isn't a particularly good or effective strategy this time around.
It’s many things. Good will built up over the years, organisation, especially in Southern churches, being a woman ( it counts for that particular constituency ).

Sanders did well on the black and Latino youth votes, but they don’t vote in anywhere near the number their should according to demographics. I see no other outcome in places like TX, SC or GA other than a 50+ pts Clinton blowout.

Sanders however has one message that he can aggressively drum up: She lost to Trump. It will sway some voters but the problem is we must remember his movement is based on youths and independents voting in large numbers, and I’m not quite convinced it’s easy to recapture the magic of 2016.
She's almost sure to be beaten by Trump. She energizes Republicans to polls. Incredibly selfish if she goes through with it. If she does, I'll never speak a bad word about Eboue, will donate 100 dollars to Eboue and put him on the ballot for some race he's eligible for.
He last run at office was rather successful

She's almost sure to be beaten by Trump. She energizes Republicans to polls. Incredibly selfish if she goes through with it. If she does, I'll never speak a bad word about Eboue, will donate 100 dollars to Eboue and put him on the ballot for some race he's eligible for.

Agreed. The only viable scenario for her is Mueller finding Trump guilty Watergate style and the Cheeto refuses the resign. Even then, if the weak lean-GOP/Dems refuse to vote or go 3rd party and it becomes a run for the base, I doubt anything significant has changed for her vs him in OH/PA/FL. Without those 3 it’s game over.
My fairly boring opinion is that the Dem nominee will be whoever Obama backs.
I don't get this point of view. If she wants to run then its her right. Let the voters decide who they want.

The voters decided they didn't want her in 2016 (yeah, she won the popular vote). She had her chance and nothing since has suggested she learnt her lesson, including running again.

And she's Hillary, she wouldn't be starting from nothing like the others even if she doesn't have the superdelegates anymore, we all know that, even if it sounds vaguely Trump fan like.
How the hell do the Dem base still like her ?

The base doesn't like her. At all. Neither the progressive base nor the democrat leaning moderates and independents want her anywhere near another race..

But Bill Clinton was Governor of Arkansas for a decade in the 1980s building connections and trying to "out tough on crime" the Republicans. Hilary at the same had jobs like serving on the Wal-Mart Board of Directors during the union busting era of the 80s. From the 80s-90s the Clintons built a monied network of allies that benefited monetarily from the Clinton Presidency while also indoctrinating a generation of staffers, pollsters and others into the Clintonian centre-right neo-liberalism. That's where her support comes from - their cenre-right donor base. They have raised over 3 billion for their campaigns and intentionally built a Machiavellian power structure to support them. Remember the Clinton groups maintained control of the DNC throughout the Obama era. That was one of the back room compromises for Clinton to support Obama in the general in 2008.

They do everything they can to force this idea into the media (like that one surrogate no-name who was being quoted last week for some reason). Its all the unspoken quid pro quos
The base doesn't like her. At all. Neither the progressive base nor the democrat leaning moderates and independents want her anywhere near another race..

But Bill Clinton was Governor of Arkansas for a decade in the 1980s building connections and trying to "out tough on crime" the Republicans. Hilary at the same had jobs like serving on the Wal-Mart Board of Directors during the union busting era of the 80s. From the 80s-90s the Clintons built a monied network of allies that benefited monetarily from the Clinton Presidency while also indoctrinating a generation of staffers, pollsters and others into the Clintonian centre-right neo-liberalism. That's where her support comes from - their cenre-right donor base. They have raised over 3 billion for their campaigns and intentionally built a Machiavellian power structure to support them. Remember the Clinton groups maintained control of the DNC throughout the Obama era. That was one of the back room compromises for Clinton to support Obama in the general in 2008.

They do everything they can to force this idea into the media (like that one surrogate no-name who was being quoted last week for some reason). Its all the unspoken quid pro quos

I just can't take any post of you seriously. I'm sorry if I'm the only one who feels this way
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