2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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If she can be baited by Trump so easily, I would not much count on her prospects in what will eventually be a very dirty fight. Not only did the DNA test antic expose that she is not Native American to any considerable degree but it also prompted journalists to dig into how she got her Harvard law school job and thereby prevented other minorities from applying. Its such an avoidable episode if she had done nothing.

I don't think Liz has learned the golden rule of dealing with Trump, which is "Don't wrestle a pig in the mud. You'll only get dirty, and the pig will like it". The trick is to stay positive and focus on policy and how it will improve the life of citizens, then allow your acolytes to chip away at Trump while you keep you nose clean and forward looking.
There is no way Clinton is thinking of running.

She's less popular than Trump in the general public, which takes some doing.
But her party numbers are great. She can still win a primary if she retains the same loyalists in the DNC and elected representatives.
She's less popular than Trump in the general public, which takes some doing.
But her party numbers are great. She can still win a primary if she retains the same loyalists in the DNC and elected representatives.
I very much doubt she'd win a primary. Unless Dem voters have the collective IQ of a stone.
Also, the conversation has moved on since 2016, so it would be very difficult for the Dem base (which is increasingly progressive) to get animated by another Hillary candidacy.
It would even be incredibly selfish of her to try. Just feck off.
She's less popular than Trump in the general public, which takes some doing.
But her party numbers are great. She can still win a primary if she retains the same loyalists in the DNC and elected representatives.

She'd have the numbers initially, but I'd like to think they would gradually get scared off if they've learned anything from 2016. Hopefully...
It doesn't matter if she runs again, she won't win the nomination this time.

She would certainly at a minimum disrupt the primaries to where all of the other establishment types like Harris, Booker, and Gillibrand would have to drop out.
She would certainly at a minimum disrupt the primaries to where all of the other establishment types like Harris, Booker, and Gillibrand would have to drop out.

I'm not so sure about that. Many of us would be on the phone with Harris, Booker and Gillibrand staffers every day telling him how bad of an idea that would be to support the undead candidate again.
I doubt that.

They would happily attack her for her about turns and show her for the complete hypocrite she is.

Those candidates would still suffer though, as she would instantly suck up all the establishment oxygen in the race. The likes of Harris, Booker et al are total lightweight minnows compared to Hillary when it comes to establishment politics.
I'm not so sure about that. Many of us would be on the phone with Harris, Booker and Gillibrand staffers every day telling him how bad of an idea that would be to support the undead candidate again.

That might be a tall order for them to switch allegiances since the power structure of the Democratic Party is still distinctly on the establishment side, as evidenced by Perez’s control of the agenda and no commitment of making progressive policies like single payer the party platform.
Ugh, let the ego rest. She still refuses to acknowledge how much of the loss was her fault. Go relax in retirement please!
That might be a tall order for them to switch allegiances since the power structure of the Democratic Party is still distinctly on the establishment side, as evidenced by Perez’s control of the agenda and no commitment of making progressive policies like single payer the party platform.

Harris is definitely not tied to that clan - she is from the older California politician set which isn't beholden to Clintons at all. Not sure about Booker but Gillibrand isn't really a Clinton bannerwoman either form what I know.

Here is headline from Gillibrand last year which is something no Clinton knee bender would say:
Kirsten Gillibrand is having a moment, whether she meant to or not.

Going where no other prominent Democrat had before on Thursday evening by declaring that Bill Clinton should have resigned the presidency during the Monica Lewinsky scandal, the New York senator and potential 2020 presidential contender yet again found herself the face of a national conversation with the potential to dominate headlines and divide her party
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Those candidates would still suffer though, as she would instantly suck up all the establishment oxygen in the race. The likes of Harris, Booker et al are total lightweight minnows compared to Hillary when it comes to establishment politics.

this is why Biden has been lurking.

The DNC does not want her to run. Biden will ensure she goes no where.
Harris is definitely not tied to that clan - she is from the older California politician set which isn't beholden to Clintons at all. Not sure about Booker but Gillibrand isn't really a Clinton bannerwoman either form what I know.

She’s still a distinctly establishment politician though - former Lt. Gov, US Senator etc. She wouldn’t need to be affiliated with the Clinton cabal to still be lumped in with the Washington Dems (even if she’s entertaining more progressive policies of late).
Get ready for a death by paper cuts. Clinton vs Sanders Democratic primary in 2019/20.

Apparently there are some soul searching going on within the progressive wing about having Sanders run or having a younger candidate with Sanders blessing (like Rourke etc). That is apparently for the popular Sanders and not the demolished Clinton. How is she even entertaining these thoughts?

If Clinton runs again, Dems should just give up now. She may not win the Primary again but she'll surely create an 18 month distraction. Should just come out and straight up retire. If her team needs hand outs, she should call for a meeting with Sanders and negotiate reasonable outcomes for her gang of psycopants and go out quietly. Sanders should jointly own this messaging with his people and have the next steps ready. I'm not sure how it works in American politics but I thought this should have been in place for the mid terms, but maybe just after mid terms is the time. Shambles.
Don't think Hillary could win the nomination after the meetoo movement due to the the Bill factor. Her answer to Lewkinsky question already got a lot of backlash. Short of publically denouncing her husband, she would lose a lot of liberal women's support.
Don't think Hillary could win the nomination after the meetoo movement due to the the Bill factor. Her answer to Lewkinsky question already got a lot of backlash. Short of publically denouncing her husband, she would lose a lot of liberal women's support.

I agree, but she's going to be an year long distraction.
this is why Biden has been lurking.

The DNC does not want her to run. Biden will ensure she goes no where.
Cannot see the establishment going for her anyway. It would be a guaranteed loss, and Biden is a much better choice. She has as much chances as Jebb Bush had last time around.

It is going to be Biden vs Bernie. Let's hope it is going to be fair this time.
Cannot see the establishment going for her anyway. It would be a guaranteed loss, and Biden is a much better choice. She has as much chances as Jebb Bush had last time around.

It is going to be Biden vs Bernie. Let's hope it is going to be fair this time.

Biden does have his own baggage. But the man is far more dignified and has integrity.

Unless he moves left rapidly to where Bernie is I really cannot see the same ol Middle of the Road policies getting support.
Biden does have his own baggage. But the man is far more dignified and has integrity.

Unless he moves left rapidly to where Bernie is I really cannot see the same ol Middle of the Road policies getting support.
After Trump, we need a bold man to put the country back on the right track. I don't know what right track is. But I do know we don't need someone who will compromise too much that they become a moderate Republican in their policies.

For some reason, I see biden that guy...Maybe I m a bit ignorant on him. I don't know.
After Trump, we need a bold man to put the country back on the right track. I don't know what right track is. But I do know we don't need someone who will compromise too much that they become a moderate Republican in their policies.

For some reason, I see biden that guy...Maybe I m a bit ignorant on him. I don't know.

We are in this shit because of moderate Democrats and because Obama did not walk the talk.
Gavin has been pushing universal healthcare for well over a decade. He tried it at a city level when he was mayor of SF and is campaigning on it now for Gov.

Gavin Newsom is awesome and I am glad he will soon be the California governor. I am sure that he'd also make a great President, however I don't think it is even remotely possible that the country will vote for a progressive from SF in 2020. The rednecks will run amok. But later, in 2028,... who knows? Perhaps by then attitudes will improve.
Gavin Newsom is awesome and I am glad he will soon become the California governor. I am sure that he'd also make a great President, however I don't think it is even remotely possible that the country will vote for a progressive from SF in 2020. The rednecks will run amok. But later, in 2028,... who knows? Perhaps by then attitudes will improve.

2028 will be Beto's year ;)
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