2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Biden would not be the way to go.

Personally, I would want someone who goes toe to toes with the trumpists.

We have enough Ds who tried to be nice and came out like no backbone morons when the other side hate them regardless and lose the game in long term.

Trump won't be hard to beat if the Dems put up a candidate who can get support from both progressives and independents. The trick will finding the candidate who can draw big numbers from both categories.
Isn't there some govt. regulation that forbids calling somebody Pocahontas and mocking native Americans? Why isn't someone calling HR on him?
Beto really is a good dude. No chance he beat Cruz, but I hope he stays on the scene. Democrats could use folk with an ounce of integrity.
That's not true. Hilary was always more qualified than Bernie as a politician. She had a lot to offer and we would have seen a less volatile world right now than having that orange goon at the helm.

Bernie was very weak with finances and economy. He had good social ideas but nothing was there to suggest it could be implemented. Hillary was a victim of a smear campaign and people hated her personality.
Well said, the Bernie bros like to pretend their hero is robbed, the fact he got a million fewer votes in the Dem primary doesn't seem to matter. :rolleyes:
I'm sick of the Bernie/HRC debate now. Everybody's opinions are well known so I'll consider future posts to be wums and warn accordingly.
I suppose Newsom will clear his throat early next year.

I would be interested about his views on health care and education.

Gavin has been pushing universal healthcare for well over a decade. He tried it at a city level when he was mayor of SF and is campaigning on it now for Gov.
Gavin has been pushing universal healthcare for well over a decade. He tried it at a city level when he was mayor of SF and is campaigning on it now for Gov.

At this moment I cannot see past Bernie.

But I would consider an ethical person should one get the nomination in a honest process. Newsom has stayed above it all.

Biden and Booker are a no for me. I don't like Harris. Warren I think has been silly by jumping the gun. Her 'defence' of her Native American will come back to hurt her clever as that video is.
Beto if he does not win in 3 weeks sure.
At this moment I cannot see past Bernie.

But I would consider an ethical person should one get the nomination in a honest process. Newsom has stayed above it all.

Biden and Booker are a no for me. I don't like Harris. Warren I think has been silly by jumping the gun. Her 'defence' of her Native American will come back to hurt her clever as that video is.
Beto if he does not win in 3 weeks sure.

Gavin would be a touch too establishment for Bernie imo (speaking as a potential running mate). Gavin/Beto would be interesting. As would Warren/Beto....or for that matter...Bernie/Beto (spot the common denominator) :cool:
Trump won't be hard to beat if the Dems put up a candidate who can get support from both progressives and independents. The trick will finding the candidate who can draw big numbers from both categories.

For me they need their best communicator for President - whether that's Beto, Bernie, or even Biden I personally am sure yet
For me they need their best communicator for President - whether that's Beto, Bernie, or even Biden I personally am sure yet

Best communicator and someone who is generally immune to Trump's wumming (Lyin' Ted, Little Marco, Pocahontas etc). Bernie, Beto, and Biden would all seem to check the box in that regard.
I haven't seen a potential presidential run go up in flames in a single day like Elizabeth Warren's. :lol:
She still has about 6 months before declaring so this entire episode may be behind her by tben.

If she can be baited by Trump so easily, I would not much count on her prospects in what will eventually be a very dirty fight. Not only did the DNA test antic expose that she is not Native American to any considerable degree but it also prompted journalists to dig into how she got her Harvard law school job and thereby prevented other minorities from applying. Its such an avoidable episode if she had done nothing.
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