2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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So what is Bloomberg’s endgame? Let’s say he wins the presidency having poured millions (maybe billions) into buying his way there - what does he want to achieve? Is it just the prestige factor/proving a point? Or does he actually have specific policies (good or bad) that will justify the financial outlay/make the money back for him?

His endgame is power - he's got all the money in the world but none of the prestige that a nerd like him craves.

Not to mention that under a Sanders/Warren presidency, he'd stand to lose $billions in taxes, so by derailing Sanders he's protecting his downside.

Simple as.
Could you imagine the scenario where Democrats voted in Bloomberg who ends up working closely with a Republican Senate to advance Republican interests...
His endgame is power - he's got all the money in the world but none of the prestige that a nerd like him craves.

Not to mention that under a Sanders/Warren presidency, he'd stand to lose $billions in taxes, so by derailing Sanders he's protecting his downside.

Simple as.

The one plus side to his running is he is helping unmask the Democratic Party which in no way represents working families and the poor.
Ok so how many days a week do you spend with politicians ... For me it's about 2
I've won a lot of money on recent elections as well
So what's your basis ... And fancy $1000 bet if I'm such a fool?

Shut up about betting. It's annoying. If you want to debate then present your arguments, otherwise bog off.
Ok so how many days a week do you spend with politicians ... For me it's about 2
I've won a lot of money on recent elections as well
So what's your basis ... And fancy $1000 bet if I'm such a fool?

Perhaps you should heed your location...?
Inappropriate Content
Shut up about betting. It's annoying. If you want to debate then present your arguments, otherwise bog off.
Sanders will get raped so bad in the election that he will need all the money I win to stitch him back together as there won't be enough people in the swing states who will vote for the tax increase associated with his medical care proposals ...
The only thing worrying me, is that Bloomberg could buy his way to the nomination,assisted by the DNC. Because he would be nowhere near second place in the polls if he had to do it the old fashioned way ,by earning it.
Not this cycle certainly though. Trump's voters are mostly baked in.
Trump has given voice to the disillusioned and angry.
Those thinking Trump voters who have seen nothing from him are Sanders target and he will get them.

My point is Bloomberg's harming the Democrats - his giant spending isn’t just buying ads, it’s driving up ad rates to make it harder for other candidates to get their messages out, it’s buying up campaign talent so they can’t, and it’s corralling Democratic Party influentials to endorse his candidacy or at least mute any noisy criticism of his effort.

Meanwhile Trump's sitting by idly with a billion dollars on the sidelines...
You must really like gambling, I'm sure I've seen you offer random Cafites bets before.

Every second post he makes is either about how much money he earns, or asking someone to bet on something. I think he has a really small penis.
The only thing worrying me, is that Bloomberg could buy his way to the nomination,assisted by the DNC. Because he would be nowhere near second place in the polls if he had to do it the old fashioned way ,by earning it.

All hell will break loose if it goes to a contested convention with Bernie having gotten the most votes. Bloomberg's money will be used to bribe the super delegates.
The only thing worrying me, is that Bloomberg could buy his way to the nomination,assisted by the DNC. Because he would be nowhere near second place in the polls if he had to do it the old fashioned way ,by earning it.

Bloomberg is becoming a case study in how much money it takes to buy an election.

He'll probably top $1billion just for the primary and if he gets nomination he'll probably double whatever Trump spends. He could easily spend 3 billion before this is over
Bloomberg camp are now claiming they have damaging information on Sanders that could be "disqualifying".
He really is just Trump in a different hat isn’t he?
His guy repeatedly told women to kill their babies or find black people to rescue them when the building catches fire, but feck that, can't be disqualifying..
His guy repeatedly told women to kill their babies or find black people to rescue them when the building catches fire, but feck that, can't be disqualifying..

“I’m a pro-choice candidate and fully support a mans right to choose”
The party announced Thursday that it planned to use a custom Google calculator accessed through a “secure Google web form,” which will be uploaded to 2,000 newly purchased iPads to help tabulate votes, and that precinct leaders would also track votes via paper backup sheets.

[…] With early voting set to begin Saturday and run through Tuesday, and the official Caucus Day to follow on Feb. 22, the Nevada Democratic Party has had a short amount of time to turn around a new vote counting system

My point is Bloomberg's harming the Democrats - his giant spending isn’t just buying ads, it’s driving up ad rates to make it harder for other candidates to get their messages out, it’s buying up campaign talent so they can’t, and it’s corralling Democratic Party influentials to endorse his candidacy or at least mute any noisy criticism of his effort.

Meanwhile Trump's sitting by idly with a billion dollars on the sidelines...

As I said earlier, this election is revealing what the Democratic party is all about. A completely corrupt organisation.
Sanders is getting the message out via Social media.
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