2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Possibly but not easily

Edit-2nd one is all voters not just Dems

Cheers that's good to know(I honestly keep forgetting how all over the place voters are). The second chart could be a big worry for the general if Bernie wins although the disconnect between liking Bernie but not liking a democratic socialist is just very odd.
Sanders will win almost every state including Virginia.
The party's strategy is to deny Sanders a clean majority. That is why Bloomberg was encouraged to run.
To get the remaining delegates needed, the party will try and force Sanders to take one of the cretins running against him as VP, which he wont.
Therefore when Sanders leaves office a corporate stooge will come in to weaken/reverse Sanders policies.
After what Sanders has said about Bloomberg it will not be him. They will push the snake or Klobuchar.

Memories of FDR and Henry Wallace eh?
Truman came in.

We live in interesting times.
Never Bernie crowd has been very vocal on twitter lately. I also see a lot of run of the mill Democrats vying for Bloomberg.
Is that poll amongst democrats? I can't see why any registered Dem would want Bloomberg. It makes no sense to me.

They have convinced themselves that independents and moderate republicans will vote for Bloomberg. Basically he is now sucking in all of the Biden support that was based on "electability".
nah it's fine. virginia is the exact type of place that's perfect for him and weak for bernie. many of the democrats there are suburban whites, his weakest area. the DC subrubs are going to be extremely hostile to bernie and have less ideological problem with bloomberg.
They have convinced themselves that independents and moderate republicans will vote for Bloomberg. Basically he is now sucking in all of the Biden support that was based on "electability".

it may be possible (though there is so much to attack him with from the left* and right**), but i can guarantee base turnout will be lower.

*racist, sexist, anti-welfare, basically he is romney 2012

**very anti-gun, the notion of the soda tax will be very unpopular
it may be possible (though there is so much to attack him with from the left* and right**), but i can guarantee base turnout will be lower.

*racist, sexist, anti-welfare, basically he is romney 2012

**very anti-gun, the notion of the soda tax will be very unpopular

The bubble I am referring to love Romney now, especially after his vote. Sample of what is important for them -

"On @MeetThePress, @dpletka asked “Is the Democratic Party going to be the “party of ideas”? Or is it going to be the party that has to beat Trump at all costs?” Literally feck ideas. Whatever we have to do to get that madman out of office, I’m in."

"Agreed 100%, my suggestion is to stop shit talking the Democrats you don’t like, since we don’t know whose getting nomination and we want to be energized by whichever candidate wins so WE can best trump"

"Right? Like of all the potential nominees (including Bloomberg), all would be better than our current president. There are some, as a trans person, that I really prefer, but I'm gonna support whoever wins."

Two of these guys is from LGBTQ+ camp, another is latino so it not even a case of generic white crowd.
To be fair to her she won the primary and got more votes than trump.
If Bernie manages the same his supporters will be blaming the system and saying he was the real winner instead of getting whooped.
Personally I could see Bernie racking up votes in safe seats but loosing the electoral college to trump in a big way
I think Bloomberg has a better path to victory if the Bernie supporters would get behind him should he win the primary (but I'm not sure either of those two things is likley)
Either way I think trump probably wins
Yeah none of us are fans of the EC so we’d be crying foul. However, absolutely no chance Bloomberg beats Trump. Hillary for as unpopular as she was had way more support than Bloomberg, and I certainly wouldn’t vote for him. I’d vote for any other Dem but not him (yes including Pete). It’s borderline retarded to want Trump out and replace him with another racist misogynist billionaire who has 60+ sexual allegations against him. It’s also dumb as shit to think just getting rid of Trump solves the problem when you’re reverting to the conditions that led to a Trump in the first place. Not only do I think Bloomberg would lose, he would get annihilated and it couldn’t happen to a nicer party.
Bloomberg has drowned out any buzz Steyer was building (which was very little to begin with). He will probably fold after Super Tuesday.

He's been campaigning heavily out West. Does he have a lot of money and is he a nice billionaire unlike Herr Bloomberg? I have a feeling that Bloomberg is getting good poll numbers because we're at the stage where his evil, racist, sexist persona is barely known. In the next few weeks that will change big time as he gets under the spotlight.

If the world isn't completely destroyed in 50 years time, historians are going to look back on this period of time and discuss how ill equipped the world was for social media and the devastating effects it had on the collective mental health of the world.

A huge portion of the population aren't emotionally mature enough to deal with social media in their personal life and an even bigger portion of the population aren't equipped to deal with social media's grip on their political views. I'm being entirely objective here and throwing that accusation and people right across the political spectrum. from extreme right all the way over to extreme left via the extreme centre.
Biden was on MSNBC with host and ex Republican Nicolle Wallace,showing fake outrage at those so called Bernie Bros comparing them to the white supremacist.

American news media is such a great grift. It never ceases to amaze me. Instead of asking Biden on Bloomberg's stop and frisk, sexist comments, or literally any other issue actually effecting the elections and the electorate, let's talk about twitter comments and people being mean online.
The bubble I am referring to love Romney now, especially after his vote. Sample of what is important for them -

"On @MeetThePress, @dpletka asked “Is the Democratic Party going to be the “party of ideas”? Or is it going to be the party that has to beat Trump at all costs?” Literally feck ideas. Whatever we have to do to get that madman out of office, I’m in."

"Agreed 100%, my suggestion is to stop shit talking the Democrats you don’t like, since we don’t know whose getting nomination and we want to be energized by whichever candidate wins so WE can best trump"

"Right? Like of all the potential nominees (including Bloomberg), all would be better than our current president. There are some, as a trans person, that I really prefer, but I'm gonna support whoever wins."

Two of these guys is from LGBTQ+ camp, another is latino so it not even a case of generic white crowd.

I am *so * glad that in my ~2 hrs canvassing I didn't meet a Bloomberg person. There was one probable Trump guy (we don't know since he didn't say a word, just used his index finger to tell us to get out) but none of these types you're quoting. The Pete people cited his supposed electability rather than policy.
He's been campaigning heavily out West. Does he have a lot of money and is he a nice billionaire unlike Herr Bloomberg? I have a feeling that Bloomberg is getting good poll numbers because we're at the stage where his evil, racist, sexist persona is barely known. In the next few weeks that will change big time as he gets under the spotlight.

Steyer talks a pretty good progressive game. He's big on climate mainly. Never had a chance since we're more or less now in a Sanders v Moderate game where all others will struggle finding a path to success.
Virginia is a weird place, doesnt surprise me at all Bloomberg is a favorite, West Virginia would love him too, there's a reason why i never moved there with my ex.
Why would Bernie supporters care whether Bloomberg or Trump won? They are the same on a lot of domestic issues, when compared to Bernie.
Well which do you think would do more in terms of environmental protection for example?
If the basis for the anti Bloomberg people is that he is trump light it's a perfectly valid pov... But if it's Bloomberg and trump in November wouldn't you sooner have trump light rather than full fat trump?
To be fair to her she won the primary and got more votes than trump.
If Bernie manages the same his supporters will be blaming the system and saying he was the real winner instead of getting whooped.
Personally I could see Bernie racking up votes in safe seats but loosing the electoral college to trump in a big way
I think Bloomberg has a better path to victory if the Bernie supporters would get behind him should he win the primary (but I'm not sure either of those two things is likley)
Either way I think trump probably wins

What makes you think Bloomberg has a better path to victory? What specifically in his plans resonates with the American people?
Be interesting to see if Bloomberg generates these crowds,if he can be bothered to campaign.

Thinking objectively, I guess you do have to consider the idea that Bloomberg may be able to win the vote of a large percentage of the voters who would never think to attend a political rally but cast their vote at every election. After all their vote is worth exactly the same as someone who religiously attends every rally is super active on social media in support of a candidate.
Well which do you think would do more in terms of environmental protection for example?
If the basis for the anti Bloomberg people is that he is trump light it's a perfectly valid pov... But if it's Bloomberg and trump in November wouldn't you sooner have trump light rather than full fat trump?

He may be worse than Trump for all we know. feck Bloomberg.
What makes you think Bloomberg has a better path to victory? What specifically in his plans resonates with the American people?
I don't think he has a great path to victory and I expect trump to win against Bloomberg... But I expect trump to win a landslide against Bernie
I simply go on the basis that if Bernie is too far left for a big chunk of the democratic party then they will struggle to win in a number of close states as by definition he's going to be way left of a lot of voters.
If Bloomberg is too centrist for many democrats then by logic he should have a broader appeal to swing voters.

I don't think it's a great path (but at least has billions to chuck at the problem) and I have already bet on trump winning no matter who the nominee is
Well which do you think would do more in terms of environmental protection for example?
If the basis for the anti Bloomberg people is that he is trump light it's a perfectly valid pov... But if it's Bloomberg and trump in November wouldn't you sooner have trump light rather than full fat trump?
He's rebranding himself like a moderate right now with his billions but his record says otherwise. I consider Trump as a schoolyard bully and Bloomberg is an adult version of that.
Ff Bernie is fcked over at the convention and the choice came to that in the general election, then that's the end of the Democratic Party for a while. A big portion of the Bernie base won't vote for either and the progressive wing of the party will split.
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