2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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That’s great and all but what would happen to individual’s taxes if they were fairer (no subsidies for oil companies, tax the large corporations, reduce military spending, etc)?
The money’s there, it always has been. It’s just whether the govmnt has the stomach to go for it.
You could see lower & middle class with “free” healthcare and no increase in taxes.
I really don't see what Bloomberg would have to gain from running with Clinton. The venn diagram of Bloomberg/Never-Trump voters and Hillary Supporters is a perfect circle.
Bloomberg and Hillary. Win win for the establishment .Trump wins establishment preserved ,Trump loses establishment preserved.
That’s great and all but what would happen to individual’s taxes if they were fairer (no subsidies for oil companies, tax the large corporations, reduce military spending, etc)?
The money’s there, it always has been. It’s just whether the govmnt has the stomach to go for it.
You could see lower & middle class with “free” healthcare and no increase in taxes.

The Democratic Party always fulfills its own prophecy of not being able to do anything because of the Republicans.
But their candidates could stand on policies that help people.
Health Care and free college tuition and yes, lower taxes for the working family.

But they wont because they are beholden to big money.

Trump is bad. But these guys are not good.
In this scenario no one wins enough pledged delegates during the first round of voting.

They will take away the nomination from Bernie in this scenario arguing that moderates got more delegates than him. Bernie will need Biden to drop out after SC or Super Tuesday and then hope he gets a chunk of that support to win the nomination.
They will take away the nomination from Bernie in this scenario arguing that moderates got more delegates than him. Bernie will need Biden to drop out after SC or Super Tuesday and then hope he gets a chunk of that support to win the nomination.

I can't imagine the person with the most delegates doesn't wind up the nominee. Dem voters don't have an appetite for any silliness after 2016, and they will put a lot of pressure on the DNC to go with whoever got the most delegates (whether first or second round).
yesterday you walked into my mentions and said, cancel any green smilies, any positive interactions, all good posts, immediately

in so many words?

well, you called me a boomer


He actually can speak Norwegian reasonably well (for someone who has presumably never been to Norway). Norwegian media has interviewed him once or twice in Norwegian, because a US presidential candidate speaking our language is extremely novel.

In any case, while "skal ligge der" isn't the usual way of saying it, it does sort of work. His biggest mistake is making it past tense. There must be better ways for someone to dislike Buttigieg than question whether or not he really learnt Norwegian to read a book. Just ask Eboue, he'll have a list.
If you're in the NYC area with data science interests, check out the Bloomberg campaign. They are hiring fast and offering really good salaries for short term jobs.
Biden now going after Bloomberg. Smart strategy for Biden tonight will be to lay into Bloomberg for trying to deceive people into thinking Obama has endorsed him.

Also suspect he will go after Bloomberg for being against Obamacare and calling it a "disgrace" in 2010.

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