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If the Democrats nominate Mike Bloomberg, we’re facing four more years of Trump

Information mogul and former New York City mayor Mike Bloomberg — whose net worth is an estimated $62 billion — has, by absolutely blanketing the airwaves with ads, managed to buy himself a respectable polling position in the Democratic presidential primary race. In the national Morning Consult polling, Bloomberg has moved to third position behind Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont and former Vice President Joe Biden. His massive fortune allows him to purchase a dizzying number of endorsements. As Biden’s campaign continues its slow implosion — he placed fourth in the Iowa caucuses and fifth in the New Hampshire primary — the centrists of the punditry are turning their lonely eyes to Bloomberg, hoping his buy-the-election strategy can stop Sanders.

But nominating Bloomberg would be a uniquely stupid idea for Democrats, and because of that singular, unquantifiable factor that has obsessed both voters and the media: Bloomberg is not electable.

The moral argument against Bloomberg is starting to emerge in the media, in reaction to his sudden and well-funded rise. As mayor of New York for 12 contentious years, Bloomberg backed the wildly racist stop-and-frisk policy that empowered cops to target men of color for random searches, which Charles Blow of the New York Times said “amounted to a police occupation of minority neighborhoods” and did little to actually stop crime.

Bloomberg, imbued with the shamelessness of a man too rich to ever hear the word “no,” openly bragged about the racism motivating the policy, telling a crowd in Aspen in 2015 that 95% of murderers are “male, minorities, 16 to 25” and that this supposed fact was enough to justify treating an entire demographic as suspicious and a policy that amounted to “throw them up against the walls and frisk them.” (As Blow notes, 90% of people stopped in this way were innocent, cutting directly against Bloomberg’s assignation of collective guilt to young men of color.)

In similar comments in 2011, Bloomberg said that this “enormous cohort of black and Latino males, age, let’s say, 16 to 25” doesn’t “know how to behave in the workplace where they have to work collaboratively and collectively.”
Michael Kranish of the Washington Post also published a lengthy article detailing Bloomberg’s verbal diarrhea when it came to expressing his uglier views on women. He allegedly told female employees that they were ugly and that they should reward a male colleague for getting married by lining “up to give him [oral sex]”.

In a legal complaint against Bloomberg, one employee said that Bloomberg, upon hearing that a female employee was having trouble finding child care, yelled, “It’s a f**king baby! All it does is eat and s**t! It doesn’t know the difference between you and anyone else! All you need is some black who doesn’t even have to speak English to rescue it from a burning building!”

Pointing these things out, however, causes many (mostly white) liberals to emit some variation of the argument that they only care about beating Trump and if Bloomberg can do it, then they’ll be delighted to vote for him

This is a dumb argument, however, because Bloomberg cannot beat Trump. Indeed, the folks in Trump world are absolutely licking their lips in excitement at the idea of running against Bloomberg. Trump spokeswoman Kellyanne Conway, for instance, was practically drooling with pleasure when she went on Fox News to claim that Bloomberg’s comments about women were “far worse” than Trump’s bragging about sexually assault in the infamous “Access Hollywood” tape.

It is no doubt tempting to many to jump in and try to argue back, ranking “grab them by the pussy” versus Bloomberg’s alleged sexual harassment. That, of course, is exactly what Conway wants, because she understands how many people will react when they hear Democrats try to defend Bloomberg’s behavior: They will conclude that liberals are hypocrites who don’t really care about Trump’s misogyny, but only opportunistically feign outrage to score political points. And those voters will therefore decide not to vote for anyone in the race, and spend Election Day doing anything else.

As I’ve argued many times before, Trump’s base of support is baked in. He can’t build on it, because most Americans think he’s a pig. But it’s also not likely to shrink, since the fact that he’s a pig is what his voters like about him. So Trump’s not going to waste a whole lot of time and effort trying to persuade anyone to vote for him in 2020. Instead, the key is to convince voters who don’t like him not to vote at all.

The strategy for doing this will be to attack the Democratic nominee from the left, by accusing that person of being racist, sexist, corrupt or, most likely, some combination of the three. That’s why conservative media tried to get people to believe (falsely) that Sanders was a fan of the segregationist George Wallace. It’s why Trump and his lackeys keep falsely accusing Biden of corrupt behavior in Ukraine. It’s why Trump keeps falsely accusing Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts of trying to pass herself off as Native American for professional gain.
Yes, it’s really rich of Trump to accuse anyone else of being racist or corrupt or sexist, since he’s a gold medalist in all three events. But that ultimately doesn’t matter. His own voters already know that about him. Not only doesn’t it discourage them, but in many cases, his immorality is exactly what they love about him. Rather, the point of these accusations is to convince some number of potential Democratic voters that Trump’s opponent is just as bad as he is and there’s no point in participating at all.

With Bloomberg, this strategy will be laughably easy to pull off. Unlike the false accusations that are being lobbed at the other Democratic candidates, the claims that Bloomberg is a racist and a sexist are all too true. Even if it’s intellectually irrational, it’s emotionally understandable that many progressives will be so uncomfortable voting for Bloomberg that they won’t do it, even if refusing to do so means Trump will be re-elected.

That’s why Conway was all but wiping drool off her chin with the excitement at the idea of Bloomberg as the Democratic nominee. His personal fortune may be many times larger even than the eye-popping billion-dollar war chest that Trump has for his campaign, but there’s a hard limit on the power of advertising in a national election where news coverage far outweighs the impact of marketing. The true nature of the accusations against Bloomberg will mean they will spread rapidly through reputable media — indeed, they already have — whereas honest fact-checking can, in some circumstances (if not enough) dampen the effect of false accusations against the other candidates.

This is one of those situations where there’s no need to engage in a false dichotomy pitting what’s right against what’s effective. There’s no need for progressives to compromise their values by running someone as gross as Mike Bloomberg, and doing so would actually be counterproductive. Any candidate that runs against Trump will be subject to bad-faith accusations of racism and sexism, meant to demobilize the Democratic vote. But there’s no need to make that easier by running someone who actually is both racist and sexist.
I don't think he has a great path to victory and I expect trump to win against Bloomberg... But I expect trump to win a landslide against Bernie
I simply go on the basis that if Bernie is too far left for a big chunk of the democratic party then they will struggle to win in a number of close states as by definition he's going to be way left of a lot of voters.
If Bloomberg is too centrist for many democrats then by logic he should have a broader appeal to swing voters.

I don't think it's a great path (but at least has billions to chuck at the problem) and I have already bet on trump winning no matter who the nominee is

Trump is favorite, but he'd wipe the floor with mini mike, whereas Bernie has a shot. I think his ideas are not 'too far left': universal healthcare is not such a crazy marxist idea, taxing the oligarchs to help pay for social programs is not that extreme either. Putting a reign on insurance / big pharma and wall street is not a crazy idea that most Americans find an issue with. And I'm sure protecting the environment is just common sense.

Bloomberg is the best centrist alternative the Dem party can come up with? Give me a fecking break!
So how much do you Sanders supporters fear Bloomberg? Do really think he has a chance to buy the nomination?
Apparently Bloomberg is a better campaigner when he doesn't campaign. Expecting him to do very badly in a debate where they will all be out for blood.
I don't think he has a great path to victory and I expect trump to win against Bloomberg... But I expect trump to win a landslide against Bernie
I simply go on the basis that if Bernie is too far left for a big chunk of the democratic party then they will struggle to win in a number of close states as by definition he's going to be way left of a lot of voters.
If Bloomberg is too centrist for many democrats then by logic he should have a broader appeal to swing voters.

I don't think it's a great path (but at least has billions to chuck at the problem) and I have already bet on trump winning no matter who the nominee is
You need to stop watching cable news. Bernie is very popular in the midwest where Trump won the election and is the second choice for centrist Biden supporters and Warren supporters. Also, midwesterners voted Trump because he offered a solution for them as the job losses and opioid epidemic left them disenfranchised. They’re not like Alabama citizens who vote out of racism/nationalism. So Bernie, who is loud and clear about standing for workers and offering solutions is going to appeal to those folks — a lot of whom are figuring out Trump is full of shit on the jobs.
Some of yall act like Bloomberg is going to balance the courts and actually give a shit about climate change. Hello?! This is a Republican billionaire we’re talking about. And yall say Sanders supporters are guilty of wishful thinking.
Obama's camp have been briefing the media that they are not happy with the Bloomberg's ads. Some viewers are being misled into thinking he has endorsed Bloomberg and its got to the stage where Obama may soon issue a statement to clarify that he has not endorsed anyone.
Some of yall act like Bloomberg is going to balance the courts and actually give a shit about climate change. Hello?! This is a Republican billionaire we’re talking about. And yall say Sanders supporters are guilty of wishful thinking.
Haven’t seen anyone here acting like that.

Besides, no one is more guilty of wishful thinking than Sander‘s supporters if we’re being honest (or Yang for that matter).
Haven’t seen anyone here acting like that.

Besides, no one is more guilty of wishful thinking than Sander‘s supporters if we’re being honest (or Yang for that matter).
Someone earlier invoked courts being a reason Bloomberg is better than Trump.

Don’t let Red Dreams be the face of Sanders supporters. Yes there are those who don’t understand that for Sanders ideas to work, it actually needs to be a people movement and not Sanders solving it all himself. If you listen to him, it should be pretty obvious. And going with the examples of labor rights, women’s rights, and civil rights, it was a people movement that achieved what some old white guys in Congress could never do on their own.
I don't live in the states any more so I don't see the cable news ... So I think it's a fairly objective viewpoint from me and like I've said before on here if anybody wants a bet that Bernie looses and trump wins I'm up for that bet
I think it’s funny you’re trying to use betting as a way to validate opinions on here.
How can you possibly see all the Bloomberg interviews or podcasts about frisking and NY crime and not conclude that he is a racist?

From the top... What he said and what he believed was so massively out of sync with reality. I don’t support it in any way, shape or form.

However....From the Uk looking in, he seems to have accepted his opinion was wrong.

Obviously I don’t want him to be the President of the US.

I do have to give a level of passing credit for his comments since. Middle America, Middle England, Middle anywhere would hear his original comments and it would resonate.

There absolutely is a place for profiling. There absolutely is a place for stop and frisk. There’s just absolutely no justification to roll out that policy within a fcuked up system.

If you had officers that grew up in, lived in and were recognised in, the most troubled neighbourhoods... You could confidently have a profile of ‘Exact Haircut, Exact Height, Exact Build, Exact X, Y and Z’ and instigate a policy of stop and frisk.

The trouble is, none of that is the case. The Police force read ‘Black enough’ and went crazy.

You had an obscenely wealthy white guy of supreme privilege doing what he thought was best. I don’t fault him for that in many ways. He seems to now understand that it was wrong. There seems to be an element of growth there.

Try and apply any of that suggestion in Trumps direction. It falls down immediately. Mr I’m Always Right. Drawing comparisons between the two is so lazy and very innacurate.

I’ll close by restating my opener : I don’t like Bloomberg. I don’t support him. I don’t want him running. I do think absolute and all encompassing criticism of him should be tempered though.
I think it’s funny you’re trying to use betting as a way to validate opinions on here.
I'd just rather have you handing over cash admitting your wrong at the end

In the end it's cool if you won't back your convictions of what you think is right with your money... Let's be honest that's exactly why Sanders will get whalloped in the electoral college as a few states are targeted talking about how much his plans will cost voters and history tends to show people vote with their wallets
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Cool... Fancy backing your instincts with money? As I'm more than willing to take a bet with you that Sanders looses to trump if he gets the nomination

Trump is favorite regardless. He's going to have an easier ride with Bloomberg than Sanders, that's all I'm saying. You offering random bets backing Trump doesn't prove shit.
So what is Bloomberg’s endgame? Let’s say he wins the presidency having poured millions (maybe billions) into buying his way there - what does he want to achieve? Is it just the prestige factor/proving a point? Or does he actually have specific policies (good or bad) that will justify the financial outlay/make the money back for him?

Maximise his upside. Fcuk everyone else. He’s a smarter Trump on a Blue ticket.

He has zero desire to make America better. He’s quite happy with, and will absolutely embrace and enhance, a ruling class.
What's with the betting? You can't have an opinion without putting money on the table?
From the top... What he said and what he believed was so massively out of sync with reality. I don’t support it in any way, shape or form.

However....From the Uk looking in, he seems to have accepted his opinion was wrong.

Obviously I don’t want him to be the President of the US.

I do have to give a level of passing credit for his comments since. Middle America, Middle England, Middle anywhere would hear his original comments and it would resonate.

There absolutely is a place for profiling. There absolutely is a place for stop and frisk. There’s just absolutely no justification to roll out that policy within a fcuked up system.

If you had officers that grew up in, lived in and were recognised in, the most troubled neighbourhoods... You could confidently have a profile of ‘Exact Haircut, Exact Height, Exact Build, Exact X, Y and Z’ and instigate a policy of stop and frisk.

The trouble is, none of that is the case. The Police force read ‘Black enough’ and went crazy.

You had an obscenely wealthy white guy of supreme privilege doing what he thought was best. I don’t fault him for that in many ways. He seems to now understand that it was wrong. There seems to be an element of growth there.

Try and apply any of that suggestion in Trumps direction. It falls down immediately. Mr I’m Always Right. Drawing comparisons between the two is so lazy and very innacurate.

I’ll close by restating my opener : I don’t like Bloomberg. I don’t support him. I don’t want him running. I do think absolute and all encompassing criticism of him should be tempered though.

As a New Yorker, who lived through Bloomberg's mayorship I disagree. There's no element of growth there. It's not just stop and frisk, it's the corrupt nature of his rule that ruins it for me. He is the original oligarch, using money to buy endorsements and influence to further his political career for ultimately more power and wealth. The guy changed term limits to run 3 times ffs, it was such a Putin move. But he had bought off all the influential voices in opposition, so there wasn't much uproar.
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