2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Found on twitter (again)
EXCLUSIVE: Donald Trump gets sweet deal on lavish golf course
MAY 29, 2014 | 9:24 PM

Former Mayor Michael Bloomberg apparently wasn't satisfied with simply handing Donald Trump control over one of the most expensive public golf courses ever built in this country – the new $236 million, 18-hole Parks Department course scheduled to open next spring at Ferry Point Park in the Bronx.

Bloomberg's aides quietly added a slew of financial giveaways in the 2012 deal with The Donald that no other city golf course concessionaire enjoys, a Daily News review of Parks Department golf contracts has found.

Those giveaways include: no concession fees for four years; then decades of extraordinarily low revenue-sharing with the city; tens of millions of gallons of free water annually; even a five-year delay for Trump to build a $10 million clubhouse, his only major capital investment in the project.

Start with the greens fees, the basic charge for a round of golf; virtually all of the city's existing 13 public golf courses charge $48 per person during weekend peak hours, higher for non-city residents.

But the new Trump National Golf Course at Ferry Point plans to charge nearly three times as much — $125 per person.

Trump's split of revenues with the city, however, will be far less than all other courses.

They are both rich old white men who know little about minorities and grew up slapping women's arses at work. The difference is that Trump is also a seething mass of insecurities and lunacy whereas Bloomberg is just power-mad.
They are both rich old white men who know little about minorities and grew up slapping women's arses at work. The difference is that Trump is also a seething mass of insecurities and lunacy whereas Bloomberg is just power-mad.

pretty much, i think bloomberg is more of a sadist in the way he treated his subordinates.
twitter has done better oppo on bloomberg than all papers and tv combined

My mum's interested in US politics but not masochistic enough to follow it herself so during phone chats I give her updates on where I think things are up to. My description of Bloomberg's campaign a few days ago was 'the entire media appears to be on his side and he's bought half of the politicians, so it's basically down to a load of twitter communists to try and shine a light on him'.
i was and am very skeptical but i looked at their NH polling and they got it almost exactly right (28-26 bernie-pete was their final poll, 26-24 was the result). even if it's half this margin this should *really* finish off biden and amy, and significantly bury warren and pete, making it a bernie vs bloomberg straight fight.
i was and am very skeptical but i looked at their NH polling and they got it almost exactly right (28-26 bernie-pete was their final poll, 26-24 was the result). even if it's half this margin this should *really* finish off biden and amy, and significantly bury warren and pete, making it a bernie vs bloomberg straight fight.

That's what it is shaping out to be.
But it will be very difficult as the money and media are all behind Bloomberg.
Are there people here willing to bet on the Dem nominee in this early stage? I’m interested to see the results over time. (Whom you think will win, not who you want to). Results will be compiled and presented by Duffy and/or 538. I’m going:

  1. Bloomberg
  2. Bernie
  3. Mayor Pete
Went canvassing for Bernard not far from my house.
Mostly positive. 2 people didn't talk, 2 more said they like him but we think they're going for Pete, one wanted a women even though she likes him. One of the Pete people thinks he as a moderate is more electable, and we're not allowed to argue much so :mad:

But the rest, about 10, were pretty set on him. 2 already voted for him, 2 were big supporters who didn't know about early voting, another was some wonk-type who was deciding between Bernie and Warren and I think we got through to him, this old Muslim guy brightened when he realised we were canvassing for Bernie, one grandmother was great, she likes him a lot,(she also likes Pete but doesn't know much about him, and hates Bloomberg so she'll be fine) and one sells Bernie merchandise from her house. Most common reason, if they said anything, was consistency and honesty.

In terms of demographics, I think men were slightly better than women, we only visited 4 black people and got a strong yes from 3 (4th told us "we Jehovah's Witnesses don't vote"), and this was mostly a 30-50 crowd in terms of age. Most common response was nobody answering the bell. Bernie lost the city and the state by a roughly 40-60 margin last time.

In which state are you based?
Are there people here willing to bet on the Dem nominee in this early stage? I’m interested to see the results over time. (Whom you think will win, not who you want to). Results will be compiled and presented by Duffy and/or 538. I’m going:

  1. Bloomberg
  2. Bernie
  3. Mayor Pete

Bernie Sanders for sure. I'm willing to bet.
That's what it is shaping out to be.
But it will be very difficult as the money and media are all behind Bloomberg.
They had their cocks out for Hillary in 2016 and she significantly outspent Trump. In the end, she got whooped. Let them be desperate.
It’s all his fault. The shitty, sorry, city of Richmond has had years to provide good infrastructure but Bernie ruined it all in one afternoon. He’s too popular for his own good!
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Every time I turn on cnn or msnbc they are shitting on Bernie and treating bloomberg like he is the only candidate who has a chance of beating Trump.
Wait till Bernie racks up a few more delegates and starts to get a head of steam; then the MSM will go all out attack mode on him. The scaremongering will be something else.
Biden was on MSNBC with host and ex Republican Nicolle Wallace,showing fake outrage at those so called Bernie Bros comparing them to the white supremacist.
They had their cocks out for Hillary in 2016 and she significantly outspent Trump. In the end, she got whooped. Let them be desperate.
To be fair to her she won the primary and got more votes than trump.
If Bernie manages the same his supporters will be blaming the system and saying he was the real winner instead of getting whooped.
Personally I could see Bernie racking up votes in safe seats but loosing the electoral college to trump in a big way
I think Bloomberg has a better path to victory if the Bernie supporters would get behind him should he win the primary (but I'm not sure either of those two things is likley)
Either way I think trump probably wins
What an argument just now on CNN:

"But this is not dark money, he is a self made billionaire, there is an american dream story in there".

To be fair to her she won the primary and got more votes than trump.
If Bernie manages the same his supporters will be blaming the system and saying he was the real winner instead of getting whooped.
Personally I could see Bernie racking up votes in safe seats but loosing the electoral college to trump in a big way
I think Bloomberg has a better path to victory if the Bernie supporters would get behind him should he win the primary (but I'm not sure either of those two things is likley)
Either way I think trump probably wins
Why would Bernie supporters care whether Bloomberg or Trump won? They are the same on a lot of domestic issues, when compared to Bernie.
If the right of the Democratic get their act together than Bernie fecked. Hopefully they keep fighting each other to the bitter end.
To be fair to her she won the primary and got more votes than trump.
If Bernie manages the same his supporters will be blaming the system and saying he was the real winner instead of getting whooped.
Personally I could see Bernie racking up votes in safe seats but loosing the electoral college to trump in a big way
I think Bloomberg has a better path to victory if the Bernie supporters would get behind him should he win the primary (but I'm not sure either of those two things is likley)
Either way I think trump probably wins
Feck me! Just looking at Bloomberg's numbers. America is fecked.

Minorities will not vote for Bloomberg. His record regarding women, stop and frisk etc is atrocious. I can't see him beating Trump.
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