2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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I think that is a more apt description of Bill Maher.

I'm not sure I'd call him liberal these days, he's shifted to the right in his middle age, I'd call him a contrarian wannabe libertarian wanker.
I'm not sure I'd call him liberal these days, he's shifted to the right in his middle age, I'd call him a contrarian wannabe libertarian wanker.
Every time some famous right wing pillock gets 'cancelled' for racism the right on twitter tries to cancel Bill Maher as revenge and then gets incredibly confused that rather than defending him the left just adds reasons we should cancel Bill Maher.
Maher is full of himself.
Colbert is good but you can see he is no Sanders fan.

Colbert always feels to me like a moderate Republican who used to parody an extremist Republican. He’s never given me the impression of being that left wing.
Colbert always feels to me like a moderate Republican who used to parody an extremist Republican. He’s never given me the impression of being that left wing.

He's a Democrat who once parodied a moderate establishment Republican. Most of these people are fairly liberal by American political standards.
Every time some famous right wing pillock gets 'cancelled' for racism the right on twitter tries to cancel Bill Maher as revenge and then gets incredibly confused that rather than defending him the left just adds reasons we should cancel Bill Maher.

Maybe I'm hearing it all wrong, but it seems to me he's referring to his Republican TV persona.
The part afterwards where Bill mentioned Nixon might have been someone Colbert would have voted for, made me think it wasn't about the tv persona.

Colbert - Who is this Nixon guy you're talking about ?

Maher - someone you would have voted for.

trump can and will run to his left

This is an amazingly dumb and infuriating opinion.

Chances are 95 yr old cancer patient is frail and already suffers from other conditions that make surgery, chemo or other treatment options unsuitable. Quality of life is a factor health care providers already consider when making treatment decisions.

Some people just have a diarrhea of the mouth, overestimate their opinions and love to talk about things they have a poor grasp of.

Just provide a health care budget and let experts decide how it could be best spent. Healthcare has many problems, but I'm 100% sure treating 95 year olds with prostate cancer is very, very low on the list.
The part afterwards where Bill mentioned Nixon might have been someone Colbert would have voted for, made me think it wasn't about the tv persona.

Colbert - Who is this Nixon guy you're talking about ?

Maher - someone you would have voted for.

Am I missing something? Nixon was a democrat. Heck, Chomsky even refers to him as the last real democrat.

edit: ignore me, I’m totally off... never looked at the guy in depth, and must’ve taken a wrong turn upon hearing Chomsky call him the last LIBERAL president, heh.
Am I missing something? Nixon was a democrat. Heck, Chomsky even refers to him as the last real democrat.

edit: ignore me, I’m totally off... never looked at the guy in depth, and must’ve taken a wrong turn upon hearing Chomsky call him the last LIBERAL president, heh.

He'd be a democrat today.
Nixon loathed Reagan. Thought he was a simpleton which is about right. He'd have laid into Trump no end, I'm certain of that. Dick was an intellectual giant compared to this lot.
Nixon loathed Reagan. Thought he was a simpleton which is about right. He'd have laid into Trump no end, I'm certain of that. Dick was an intellectual giant compared to this lot.

Eh, maybe. He was still responsible for a lot of evil shit, though, so let's not praise him too much. It's a bit like when people say they almost miss W. Bush, and how he was a nice, intelligent guy.
Eh, maybe. He was still responsible for a lot of evil shit, though, so let's not praise him too much. It's a bit like when people say they almost miss W. Bush, and how he was a nice, intelligent guy.

Nixon became unhinged because of the Kennedys and most of that was fair given what we know now. At least he respected the institutions of government....eventually.
Eh, maybe. He was still responsible for a lot of evil shit, though, so let's not praise him too much. It's a bit like when people say they almost miss W. Bush, and how he was a nice, intelligent guy.
Nice I've seen, but has anyone ever called W. Bush as 'intelligent'?
Nixon became unhinged because of the Kennedys and most of that was fair given what we know now. At least he respected the institutions of government....eventually.
He was one of the most reprehensible mass murderers in American history.
twitter has done better oppo on bloomberg than all papers and tv combined

He reluctantly admits to being a friend of Donald, then affirms Obama was born in the US and is a proper citizen.

There’s plenty of material to criticize Bloomberg over without sensationalizing it.
He reluctantly admits to being a friend of Donald, then affirms Obama was born in the US and is a proper citizen.

There’s plenty of material to criticize Bloomberg over without sensationalizing it.

his profile is extremely simlar to trump, it now emerges his personality is extremely similar, and here, under no pressure to do so (and backed by many photos of them together), he calls him his friend. then he seems to defflect away from trump's responsibility over the birther thing, of which he was the main proponent for years.
the argument from most democrats except bernie, but especially from bloomberg, is to get rid of trump as the main problem in US politics. him being similar to and friendly with this singular problem is relevant.
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