2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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The fact that the conversation took place is the proof. It can also be logically inferred that both of them interpreted it differently, or that one of them is lying on national TV to avoid being embarrassed. Unlike RD’s claims, admitting the conversation taking place is ample evidence that it happened.
Let's consider context to determine this.

On one hand, you have Bernie who has spent literally decades championing women's rights, promoting their participation in politics, and even saying that women could become President on multiple occasions. Is there video proof of this? Yes. Is there written proof of this? Yes. Did Bernie encourage Warren to run for President in 2016? Yes. Is there proof of this? Yes.

On the other hand, you have Elizabeth Warren who has been a Republican her whole life until some years ago while championing her Native American heritage and even using it to get into law school. Is there proof of her heritage? No. Is there proof that her Native heritage is bullshit? Yes, because 1/1024 is 1/1024. She also accuses Bernie for saying a woman can't be President, not in late 2019 when the story came out, but arbitrarily from 2018. Is there proof of this? No.

So while I can't prove she was lying, the context here shows that it is far more likely she lied about it, and on national TV at that. And look what it did for her. Good job Warren.
By Super Tuesday we will know who the nominee will be. Should it be Sanders, he will have momentum and you can be certain he will generate huge turnout.
Obama was a good speaker. Sanders is different. He speaks with conviction about what he has been fighting for all his life.
The big issues this cycle are Health Care and Climate Change.
Trump will not turn out new voters. But Sanders will peel off people who were lied to by Trump.
In places like the midwest, many Obama voters turned to Trump simply because they were disenfranchised by corporate politicians and Trump offered something. Hillary offered dog shit. Bernie's platform is offering a lot, and I can see those voters turning to him since they see how badly the economic situation is unlike places like in Florida where things seem fine and dandy.

With a bit of luck Bernie is way ahead of the pack after the super Tuesday. Buttigieg, Bloomberg and Biden will probably spoil each other chances, with Bernie getting the left wing votes. Time for Warren to do the decent thing and get out of the race before the super Tuesday.
Oh I know. Its interesting..I remember Anonymous came out with a video after Obama was reelected saying they prevented cheating
in Ohio but since then they seem to be pro Trump for some reason. Will be interesting to see if they are involved this time around.

Trump has given the keys to the Russians. The only way to beat Trump is through huge turnout. Only Sanders can do that.
Trump has given the keys to the Russians. The only way to beat Trump is through huge turnout. Only Sanders can do that.
Even with a big turnout, I'm very concerned about the election esp. in states with Republican controlled legislation. There's a lot to lose for Trump individually if he loses the election and for the republicans if they lose the senate (even if there is very low chance of that). And also given the level of shenanigans in the last election and a big push to prevent any improvement in the election process and technology by the republicans, I can see never before seen levels of shenanigans this time around. I would seriously not discount vote/vote count tampering to questioning the election results at the SC level citing voting fraud, esp. now that they know they can get away with literally anything if they control the presidency and the senate.
Let's consider context to determine this.

On one hand, you have Bernie who has spent literally decades championing women's rights, promoting their participation in politics, and even saying that women could become President on multiple occasions. Is there video proof of this? Yes. Is there written proof of this? Yes. Did Bernie encourage Warren to run for President in 2016? Yes. Is there proof of this? Yes.

On the other hand, you have Elizabeth Warren who has been a Republican her whole life until some years ago while championing her Native American heritage and even using it to get into law school. Is there proof of her heritage? No. Is there proof that her Native heritage is bullshit? Yes, because 1/1024 is 1/1024. She also accuses Bernie for saying a woman can't be President, not in late 2019 when the story came out, but arbitrarily from 2018. Is there proof of this? No.

So while I can't prove she was lying, the context here shows that it is far more likely she lied about it, and on national TV at that. And look what it did for her. Good job Warren.
Re: the bold. 1996 is 24 years ago. Your sentencing implies it was when she first ran for office.

Also, she didn't get into law school because of it. She listed herself as white when applying.

Can't disagree with the rest. But the Native American thing was only really played up while at Harvard for their diversity stats.
Re: the bold. 1996 is 24 years ago. Your sentencing implies it was when she first ran for office.

Also, she didn't get into law school because of it. She listed herself as white when applying.

Can't disagree with the rest. But the Native American thing was only really played up while at Harvard for their diversity stats.
Gotcha I stand corrected.
Even with a big turnout, I'm very concerned about the election esp. in states with Republican controlled legislation. There's a lot to lose for Trump individually if he loses the election and for the republicans if they lose the senate (even if there is very low chance of that). And also given the level of shenanigans in the last election and a big push to prevent any improvement in the election process and technology by the republicans, I can see never before seen levels of shenanigans this time around. I would seriously not discount vote/vote count tampering to questioning the election results at the SC level citing voting fraud, esp. now that they know they can get away with literally anything if they control the presidency and the senate.

Truth to a lot of what you say.
That is why going with Trump lite is the same as not having an election.

11,000 at Denver rally.

Not to get people hopes down but in the last primary Bernie had a massive rally/concert with the Strokes(I think)and I'm pretty sure youth turnout actually went down(Or at least not very high). There's a chance a ton of people at the Bernie rallies are activists from New York.
Not to get people hopes down but in the last primary Bernie had a massive rally/concert with the Strokes(I think)and I'm pretty sure youth turnout actually went down(Or at least not very high). There's a chance a ton of people at the Bernie rallies are activists from New York.
I don’t think they’d need to fly people in from NY to get a huge turnout in Denver.
Whoosh; over my head then. Apologies...:nervous:
nah it was a poor set up by me. There just seems like a million left podcasters in like one part of New York.

Although on a serious note I do worry these mass rallies don't automatically mean good turnout for Bernie. Hope I'm wrong.
This is the best case for Medicare for All to date, and certainly far better than any politician has been able to do in 20 minutes.

The best way to promote Single Payer is to show what it costs to the individual. Bernie explains it pretty well by comparing it to what Biden's plan cost the individual for example.
Once you talk Macro, it puts people off.
Ask Warren.
I regularly watch clips from the late night shows in an attempt to keep up with the world of mainstream liberal politics in America and Seth Myers is surprisingly pro-Bernie.

Stephen Colbert is not.
I regularly watch clips from the late night shows in an attempt to keep up with the world of mainstream liberal politics in America and Seth Myers is surprisingly pro-Bernie.

Stephen Colbert is not.

Colbert is the definition of smug liberal elite. He does way more damage than good for the left.
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