2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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I don't think people care about this type of stuff. Trump knew jack, Bush maybe less. Can't see anyone who was thinking of voting for her going "I won't vote for her now because she doesn't know who the president of Mexico is".
The whole presidency of this fecker has been nonsense how is the idea that the cnut will refuse to leave office any more nonsensical?

Because that's a coup. The idea that Trump wants to stay in office even if he loses isn't nonsensical, but the idea that he would be able to most definitely is. It's possible to envision a situation where a very contentious election is followed by Trump railing against voter fraud and stolen elections, leading to some protests and even a political assassination or two (patriot targeting traitorous liberals), but he can't just stay in office. It doesn't work that way. Even the most bootlicking GOP politician would be aware that supporting him in that would be actual, genuine treason, the consequences of which would at the very least kill their political careers, and more than likely see them all imprisoned.

In short: no.
That certainly hasn't been in any way the prevailing narrative around Bloomberg over the years. Obviously with this being an important political campaign, where his money may threaten the chosen one's campaign, the hit pieces will come hard and fast to derail his momentum.

Who gives a feck about prevailing narratives? Remember those heady days in history (IE every election cycle before this one) where if evidence came out that you were a horrible racist asshole that you were basically finished (as a Democrat at least)? Yet now we’re supposed to just go ‘ah well, we never used to think that about you, so oh well’?

Do you have proof for what you posted? Re read your ridiculous post.

Since her slide she has indicated she will double down on her lie by endorsing Klobuchar who is a mouthpiece of the fossil fuel industry, thereby letting her facade of being a progressive fall away.

btw CNN and MSNBC are propaganda mouthpieces of the DNC. They amplify its talking points.
Do you have proof for what you posted? Re read your ridiculous post.

Since her slide she has indicated she will double down on her lie by endorsing Klobuchar who is a mouthpiece of the fossil fuel industry, thereby letting her facade of being a progressive fall away.

btw CNN and MSNBC are propaganda mouthpieces of the DNC. They amplify its talking points.

So your answer to my question is whataboutism ?

And on your DNC talking points bit, please list some examples
Who gives a feck about prevailing narratives? Remember those heady days in history (IE every election cycle before this one) where if evidence came out that you were a horrible racist asshole that you were basically finished (as a Democrat at least)? Yet now we’re supposed to just go ‘ah well, we never used to think that about you, so oh well’?

Which state do you vote in ?
I don't think people care about this type of stuff. Trump knew jack, Bush maybe less. Can't see anyone who was thinking of voting for her going "I won't vote for her now because she doesn't know who the president of Mexico is".

Agreed. Still pretty cringey though and will get played quite a bit in the coming cycles.
It was based on a conversation both people admit happened, albeit they disagreed on what was said.

Care to back this up with some links from credible sources ?

It’s likely that he did say that to her if that’s how he felt, and didn’t remember saying it since, well, he has a lot of things on his plate and didn’t think it was a memorable exchange.

Raoul. Please reread what you posted. You can do better.

As for the speeches after NH, you can google as well as me.
Because that's a coup. The idea that Trump wants to stay in office even if he loses isn't nonsensical, but the idea that he would be able to most definitely is. It's possible to envision a situation where a very contentious election is followed by Trump railing against voter fraud and stolen elections, leading to some protests and even a political assassination or two (patriot targeting traitorous liberals), but he can't just stay in office. It doesn't work that way. Even the most bootlicking GOP politician would be aware that supporting him in that would be actual, genuine treason, the consequences of which would at the very least kill their political careers, and more than likely see them all imprisoned.

In short: no.

I never said he would indefinitely I am saying the likelihood of democracy being upheld is very low and if its a close election in the dems favour. It will make Bush/Gore look tame in comparison. Mitch McTurtle etc will do anything to keep the GOP in power
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I never said he would indefinitely I am saying the likelihood of democracy being upholded is very low and if its a close election in the dems favour. It will make Bush/Gore look tame in comparison. Mitch McTurtle etc will do anything to keep the GOP in power

Plus they run the SCOTUS. They are playing for at least one more justice since RBG can't hold out a full term. It will be as dirty a campaign as you can imagine.
I’ve been familiar enough with Nina Turner by seeing her referenced in this thread but I started watching videos of her more in depth and I must say I’m impressed. That woman takes absolutely zero shit and I can see why some on here think she’d be Sanders’ VP.
All this talk about POTUS, what are the senate races in play? Projections on chances of a Dem majority? Sanders in the WH is meaningless if Mitch still runs the show.
I’ve been familiar enough with Nina Turner by seeing her referenced in this thread but I started watching videos of her more in depth and I must say I’m impressed. That woman takes absolutely zero shit and I can see why some on here think she’d be Sanders’ VP.

You should hear the Democratic moderates opinion of her over on Democratic Underground, it’s colourful. :lol:
So what is Bloomberg’s endgame? Let’s say he wins the presidency having poured millions (maybe billions) into buying his way there - what does he want to achieve? Is it just the prestige factor/proving a point? Or does he actually have specific policies (good or bad) that will justify the financial outlay/make the money back for him?
So what is Bloomberg’s endgame? Let’s say he wins the presidency having poured millions (maybe billions) into buying his way there - what does he want to achieve? Is it just the prestige factor/proving a point? Or does he actually have specific policies (good or bad) that will justify the financial outlay/make the money back for him?

He's an old, rich, white man who likes the idea of being President, and he feels he's got it coming.
So what is Bloomberg’s endgame? Let’s say he wins the presidency having poured millions (maybe billions) into buying his way there - what does he want to achieve? Is it just the prestige factor/proving a point? Or does he actually have specific policies (good or bad) that will justify the financial outlay/make the money back for him?
His goal will be maintain that centrist, pragmatic politics that worked so badly for the many ,and that ushered in the likes of Trump.
I never said he would indefinitely I am saying the likelihood of democracy being upholded is very low and if its a close election in the dems favour. It will make Bush/Gore look tame in comparison. Mitch McTurtle etc will do anything to keep the GOP in power
This rhetoric, however unlikely, is dangerous though. It would admit we’ve completely given up on the American experiment.

The Dems just have to win the electoral college, by one point or many. Whether that is truly democracy is almost irrelevant at this point. But to cave to the craven old men in charge now when the fight has barely started is unacceptable.
So what is Bloomberg’s endgame? Let’s say he wins the presidency having poured millions (maybe billions) into buying his way there - what does he want to achieve? Is it just the prestige factor/proving a point? Or does he actually have specific policies (good or bad) that will justify the financial outlay/make the money back for him?
All about the power my man.
This rhetoric, however unlikely, is dangerous though. It would admit we’ve completely given up on the American experiment.

The Dems just have to win the electoral college, by one point or many. Whether that is truly democracy is almost irrelevant at this point. But to cave to the craven old men in charge now when the fight has barely started is unacceptable.

The left has already lost the judiciary. Another four years of Trump and the electoral maps will be fully controlled and getting lefties purged from voting lists will be accelerated. It's done.
So what is Bloomberg’s endgame? Let’s say he wins the presidency having poured millions (maybe billions) into buying his way there - what does he want to achieve? Is it just the prestige factor/proving a point? Or does he actually have specific policies (good or bad) that will justify the financial outlay/make the money back for him?

Same could be asked for almost anyone running for president. You don't get there by not wanting power.

For Bloomberg's and his fans perspective "if he can make billions, be a good mayor of nyc then this guy knows what hes doing and he can guide this nation to an economic boom without being a crazy man like trump. It would benefit us all".

Not a Bloomberg fan but questioning his motives makes no sense. Every candidate wants power because they believe they can be of greater good.

shout out to the between 10 and 46% of dems who believe that both bernie and bloomberg share their values
So what is Bloomberg’s endgame? Let’s say he wins the presidency having poured millions (maybe billions) into buying his way there - what does he want to achieve? Is it just the prestige factor/proving a point? Or does he actually have specific policies (good or bad) that will justify the financial outlay/make the money back for him?

If you’ve successfully achieved a life that gives you basically everything in the world, I guess getting your name in the history books for all time is probably a nice added extra.
Bloomberg has been a pretty neutral and generally well respected politician in non-fringe circles over the years.
Your circle is incredibly fringe and if you honestly think otherwise your brain is poisoned by cable news.

Non-fringe circles have spent years not knowing who Bloomberg is, beyond, at best, knowing he was mayor of New York. They have not been respecting him. That's just CNN.
You're the one who made the claim so maybe consider backing it up with some facts ?

If we are trying to find out who is telling the truth, look at motives and actions.
Who we believe is unimportant.
Just try and get to the facts.

Both claim to be Progressives with some differences of course.

If policies are the driving factor her actions do not support the policies she is pushing.
In her speech she chose to embrace someone who stands against progressive policies.
Medicare For All and Climate Change.
Then there is the pattern of lying. Lying about her own background for starters.

So you have to ask what her true interests are.

In contrast Sanders actually encouraged her to run for office and only ran in 2016 when she chose not to.
So what is Bloomberg’s endgame? Let’s say he wins the presidency having poured millions (maybe billions) into buying his way there - what does he want to achieve? Is it just the prestige factor/proving a point? Or does he actually have specific policies (good or bad) that will justify the financial outlay/make the money back for him?

The end game appears to be peeling off enough delegates in the primaries to where no candidate can reach the amount needed to nominate, then force a brokered convention where party elites decide who the nominee is. That is the low probability best case scenario he is probably banking on.
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