2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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He has been called a racist for about a decade now. For example:

That certainly hasn't been in any way the prevailing narrative around Bloomberg over the years. Obviously with this being an important political campaign, where his money may threaten the chosen one's campaign, the hit pieces will come hard and fast to derail his momentum.
How can you possibly see all the Bloomberg interviews or podcasts about frisking and NY crime and not conclude that he is a racist?
That certainly hasn't been in any way the prevailing narrative around Bloomberg over the years. Obviously with this being an important political campaign, where his money may threaten the chosen one's campaign, the hit pieces will come hard and fast to derail his momentum.

charles blow is anti bernie
no newspaper has endorsed bernie this time, last time about 1% did. i don't think being anti-bernie earns you a great amount of hit pieces from major outlets. see for example:
1. warren
2. klobuchar
3. pete
4. biden
5. harris
6. booker
November 4, 2020:
In a press release, streaming service Netflix has stated that they have re-categorized the political comedy series "Veep", starring Julia Louis-Dreyfus, as a documentary.
:lol: We’re approaching peak absurdity.

Not going to happen, mind. Bloomberg is smarter than that. But mere possibility even being mooted is just so...I dunno. So much of a muchness.
I suspect Bloomberg's strategy is to deprive whoever the frontrunner is with enough delegates to win the nomination, then go into a brokered convention and negotiate his way to being the nominee.
I thought it was madness at first, but he paid a lot (of course) for research before diving in.

Maybe he knew from the jump Biden‘s foothold wasn’t as strong as it appeared, and he had a good chance to carve out that space which Mayor Pete is currently trying to occupy.
I thought it was madness at first, but he paid a lot (of course) for research before diving in.

Maybe he knew from the jump Biden‘s foothold wasn’t as strong as it appeared, and he had a good chance to carve out that space which Mayor Pete is currently trying to occupy.

I think this is precisely what is happening. He probably accurately, made the assessment that Biden was weak, Buttigieg is far too young and unrefined, and so there would be a void among moderate candidates that he could step in and fill. And with 15% proportional delegates, its not too difficult to create a scenario where no one gets enough delegates leading up to the convention.
:lol: We’re approaching peak absurdity.

Not going to happen, mind. Bloomberg is smarter than that. But mere possibility even being mooted is just so...I dunno. So much of a muchness.
There was an absurdist book called "John dies at the end". Basically the theme is that our reality has been subverted and everyone's mind has been altered (similar to a remote matrix, if you will).Its starting to feel oddly uncanny now.

The most high-profile case was from a former saleswoman. She sued Bloomberg personally as well as his company, alleging workplace discrimination. She alleged Bloomberg told her to “kill it” when he learned she was pregnant. Bloomberg has denied her allegation under oath, and he reached a confidential settlement with the saleswoman.

The Washington Post interviewed a former Bloomberg employee, David Zielenziger, who said he witnessed the conversation with the saleswoman. Zielenziger, who said he had not previously spoken publicly about the matter, said Bloomberg’s behavior toward the woman was “outrageous. I understood why she took offense.”

surprisingly there was no paywall for the article, full thing is worth reading for those who think trump is a moral abomination
What is the burning building part related to ?

Upon information and belief, in or about July 1993, Bloomberg heard that a female Company sales person, who had just had a baby, was having difficulty finding a nanny. He yelled loudly at her, in the presence of a large group of employees,“It’s a f------ baby! All it does is eat and s---! It doesn’t know the difference between you and anyone else! All you need is some black who doesn’t even have to speak English to rescue it from a burning building!” The sales person cried at hearing her employer say such things to her, in so public a manner.

i think he's implying that it can't understand anything so "even" a black person can take care of it.
i think he's implying that it can't understand anything so "even" a black person can take care of it.
Rarely you see such an emphatic person. I now wonder who the Gordon Gekko character was based on. I presume there far too many possible wallstreeet prototypes though.
I don't know why you lot are bothering because this cheeto crusted cnut is untouchable. Even if somehow they don't rig the election and he loses he wont leave the office. He will protest the election and the vote. The only way he leaves office is if he loses in a huge landslide and thats not happening.
I don't know why you lot are bothering because this cheeto crusted cnut is untouchable. Even if somehow they don't rig the election and he loses he wont leave the office. He will protest the election and the vote. The only way he leaves office is if he loses in a huge landslide and thats not happening.
Aw man, lock the thread mods.
I don't know why you lot are bothering because this cheeto crusted cnut is untouchable. Even if somehow they don't rig the election and he loses he wont leave the office. He will protest the election and the vote. The only way he leaves office is if he loses in a huge landslide and thats not happening.
Spouting off nonsense like this only helps him.
I don't know why you lot are bothering because this cheeto crusted cnut is untouchable. Even if somehow they don't rig the election and he loses he wont leave the office. He will protest the election and the vote. The only way he leaves office is if he loses in a huge landslide and thats not happening.

The reason Sanders is the front runner is because people are listening to what he is saying.
Policies that make sense.
Decades of lies and neglect is why we got Trump.
All the money being pumped into the media will only have a marginal effect.
The DNC is dead against Sanders but cannot ignore what they are seeing.

If the Democratic Party try and take the nomination away from Sanders, then they will get a second Trump term...which for them will be more acceptable, though they wont admit it.
*Trigger warning for progressives: https://www.politico.com/news/2020/02/15/michael-bloomberg-hillary-clinton-vp-115407

A Bloomberg + Hillary ticket would be hilarious.

Was it bullshit? Warren didn't seem to think so, when she accused Bernie of calling her a liar on national TV (on national TV). We can think it wasn't a big deal, but it's not like CNN created this out of nothing. There are many better examples of CNN chatting
Proof or it didn’t happen. Also, Warren has already proven herself to chat shit with her Native American “heritage”. It was so obviously a stunt by Warren’s team to “metoo” Sanders out of his spot considering it was he said/she said, from all the way back in 2018, and flies against what Bernie has been saying about women in politics for decades, which can actually be sourced. Warren ain’t called a snake for no reason, and it backfired on her gloriously. We also have real issues and real scummy personalities to cover in news so yes I do believe that CNN and MSNBC purposely made a meal out of that event in order to hurt Sanders. It should be obvious at this point.

Also I didn't hear anything on CNN about the Biden's "Dog faced pony soldier". That being said, they seem to be better than MSDNC with respect to giving air time to the different campaigns surrogates and to differently minded pundits as well.
CNN deserves credit for having Van Jones talking sense and at least inviting progressives on as pundits.
Proof or it didn’t happen. Also, Warren has already proven herself to chat shit with her Native American “heritage”. It was so obviously a stunt by Warren’s team to “metoo” Sanders out of his spot considering it was he said/she said, from all the way back in 2018, and flies against what Bernie has been saying about women in politics for decades, which can actually be sourced. Warren ain’t called a snake for no reason, and it backfired on her gloriously. We also have real issues and real scummy personalities to cover in news so yes I do believe that CNN and MSNBC purposely made a meal out of that event in order to hurt Sanders. It should be obvious at this point.

CNN deserves credit for having Van Jones talking sense and at least inviting progressives on as pundits.

It’s likely that he did say that to her if that’s how he felt, and didn’t remember saying it since, well, he has a lot of things on his plate and didn’t think it was a memorable exchange.
Proof or it didn’t happen. Also, Warren has already proven herself to chat shit with her Native American “heritage”. It was so obviously a stunt by Warren’s team to “metoo” Sanders out of his spot considering it was he said/she said, from all the way back in 2018, and flies against what Bernie has been saying about women in politics for decades, which can actually be sourced. Warren ain’t called a snake for no reason, and it backfired on her gloriously. We also have real issues and real scummy personalities to cover in news so yes I do believe that CNN and MSNBC purposely made a meal out of that event in order to hurt Sanders. It should be obvious at this point.

CNN deserves credit for having Van Jones talking sense and at least inviting progressives on as pundits.

You say it was obvious, but it really isn't obvious at all. I tend to believe Sanders did tell her in a private conversation that a woman wasn't likely to win this election. She may have (definitely) made the most out of it, but again... CNN didn't invent this. If anyone did, it was Warren. You can't really blame CNN for reporting on an accusation by one major candidate against another major candidate.
It’s likely that he did say that to her if that’s how he felt, and didn’t remember saying it since, well, he has a lot of things on his plate and didn’t think it was a memorable exchange.
It’s not impossible, sure, but there’s still no proof and it doesn’t discount that Warren’s team tried a dirty trick. And to cover it literally all day like it’s breaking news on ironically labeled “Facts First” CNN... I mean come on.
You say it was obvious, but it really isn't obvious at all. I tend to believe Sanders did tell her in a private conversation that a woman wasn't likely to win this election. She may have (definitely) made the most out of it, but again... CNN didn't invent this. If anyone did, it was Warren. You can't really blame CNN for reporting on an accusation by one major candidate against another major candidate.
Yes I can blame them because it something that can’t even be defined as a fact and they spent ALL DAY on it. Not five minutes. All day.
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