2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Sure. He’s also stated quite clearly that the president can only do so much, the electorate will have to keep voting in local and state elections in order to hold their elected officials accountable.

But you’d prefer to be defeatist and stick with the tactic that got us Trump in the first place?

I've made my decision. I'm leaving. Not bothering to vote in the upcoming primary. Yanks can keep their fecked-up country and shoot themselves to their hearts content.
Because Bloomberg might win and won't be as nakedly corrupt as Trump. Repubs know that Trump is the most malleable puppet they could ever have in the WH and can help them rig the game fully for the next few generations.

Where are you getting this from, though? According to polling, Bloomberg polls negatively compared to every single other major candidate in the race. There simply is no evidence to suggest that Bloomberg is more electable than... well, anyone. He's got a massive amount of baggage.
The debates wont move the needle much at this point. He will continue to rise by simply spending money on ads.

Debates can move the needle a little as we saw with Klobuchar's performance at the last debate, which gave her momentum heading into the New Hampshire primary.

A lot of voters are still unaware of all these new controversies that have to come to light in recent days because the mainstream media are not focusing on them that much. These stories are mainly gaining traction on social media.
Where are you getting this from, though? According to polling, Bloomberg polls negatively compared to every single other major candidate in the race. There simply is no evidence to suggest that Bloomberg is more electable than... well, anyone. He's got a massive amount of baggage.

Getting what? I haven't claimed Bloomberg is a great candidate.
So strange this fascination for for billionaires. I'm not sure about other european countries but here in Portugal an uber rich guy wouldn't stand a chance of winning a national election.

Berlusconi was the prototype for Trump and now Bloomberg

I just now posted my ballot for the CA democratic primary.
To be fair, they’ve made the process quite easy.

Every state should be following the model California is adopting this primary designed to increase voter turnout. In LA County you can vote at any polling location from Feb22 to Mar3.
Berlusconi was the prototype for Trump and now Bloomberg

Every state should be following the model California is adopting this primary designed to increase voter turnout. In LA County you can vote at any polling location from Feb22 to Mar3.

Minnesota is a Caucus state.
I will ask my local City office if I can vote early.

btw. No way is 'local girl' Amy beating Bernie ;)

Interesting read about Biden’s chances in SC. Also to see how many South Carolinians that Steyer has working for him in the state.

I’m wondering if Bernie is going to benefit from being the only real progressive option (now Warren has stepped back towards the centre knowking she can’t out Bernie, Bernie)

I know the centrist media is making a big deal of Bernie’s small majorities vs the collective moderate but there might be something in it In that the moderates are competing with each other while Bernie sweeps up the left.

It’s why I think he’s the most electable option. I think the centre are more likely to vote for Bernie as a ”not Trump” ticket than the left are vote for an establishment Dem.
Debates can move the needle a little as we saw with Klobuchar's performance at the last debate, which gave her momentum heading into the New Hampshire primary.

A lot of voters are still unaware of all these new controversies that have to come to light in recent days because the mainstream media are not focusing on them that much. These stories are mainly gaining traction on social media.

It hasn't really moved the needle for Klobuchar though. Its just a perceptual illusion that she is now somehow more viable than before. What will move the needle is what Bloomberg has been doing to date, which is gently and consistently manipulating the minds of casuals that he can be the adult in the room amongst a field of underwhelming has beens and a socialist. That's what a $300m a month burn rate will get you. Getting attacked by a few bottom feeders at the next debate would easily get drowned out as noise since he will likely bombard the airwaves with his ads inn and around debate time.
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It hasn't really moved the needle for Klobuchar though. Its just a perceptual illusion that she is now somehow more viable than before. What will move the needle is what Bloomberg has been doing to date, which is gently and consistently manipulating the minds of casuals that he can be the adult in the room amongst a field of underwhelming has beens and a socialist. That's what a $300m a month burn rate will get you. Getting attacked by a few bottom feeders at the next debate would easily get drowned out as noise since he will likely bombard the airwaves with his ads inn and around debate time.

It did move the needle for Klobuchar in those few days before the NH primary. A large number of NH voters were undecided and the reason why Klobuchar surged was because of her debate performance and that won her a lot of the undecided voters.

She's not going to win the nomination and will likely drop out before Super Tuesday, but the tv debate was a key reason she had momentum going in to the NH primary.
Looks like there has been an early voting surge in California.

I expect we will see huge turn out in metropolitan cities in November which will translate to a fairly large popular vote difference but it will be all be for nothing if they can’t scrape a few victories in the states that actually decide the elections. 70%+ voting Democrat in California and New York means very little If Wisconsin and Michigan are consistently putting Republican asses on seats with 45%.
Went canvassing for Bernard not far from my house.
Mostly positive. 2 people didn't talk, 2 more said they like him but we think they're going for Pete, one wanted a women even though she likes him. One of the Pete people thinks he as a moderate is more electable, and we're not allowed to argue much so :mad:

But the rest, about 10, were pretty set on him. 2 already voted for him, 2 were big supporters who didn't know about early voting, another was some wonk-type who was deciding between Bernie and Warren and I think we got through to him, this old Muslim guy brightened when he realised we were canvassing for Bernie, one grandmother was great, she likes him a lot,(she also likes Pete but doesn't know much about him, and hates Bloomberg so she'll be fine) and one sells Bernie merchandise from her house. Most common reason, if they said anything, was consistency and honesty.

In terms of demographics, I think men were slightly better than women, we only visited 4 black people and got a strong yes from 3 (4th told us "we Jehovah's Witnesses don't vote"), and this was mostly a 30-50 crowd in terms of age. Most common response was nobody answering the bell. Bernie lost the city and the state by a roughly 40-60 margin last time.
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Speaking of selling merchandise; I’ve been telling a dem work colleague to sell republican style rubbish to Trump’s base so at least he can make some money off them, instead of complaining about them.
Speaking of selling merchandise; I’ve been telling a dem work colleague to sell republican style rubbish to Trump’s base so at least he can make some money off them, instead of complaining about them.

Id love to see someone selling loads of Trump and Republican trash to Republican trash and the reveal to them after the election that all proceeds went to Bernie, AOC, Omar and Tlaib’s campaigns.
It did move the needle for Klobuchar in those few days before the NH primary. A large number of NH voters were undecided and the reason why Klobuchar surged was because of her debate performance and that won her a lot of the undecided voters.

She's not going to win the nomination and will likely drop out before Super Tuesday, but the tv debate was a key reason she had momentum going in to the NH primary.

Moving the needle would be doing something tangible that would favorably position her to win the nomination. Coming 3rd in NH won't be changing her political fortunes imo.
Went canvassing for Bernard not far from my house.
Mostly positive. 2 people didn't talk, 2 more said they like him but we think they're going for Pete, one wanted a women even though she likes him. One of the Pete people thinks he as a moderate is more electable, and we're not allowed to argue much so :mad:

But the rest, about 10, were pretty set on him. 2 already voted for him, 2 were big supporters who didn't know about early voting, another was some wonk-type who was deciding between Bernie and Warren and I think we got through to him, this old Muslim guy brightened when he realised we were canvassing for Bernie, one grandmother was great, she likes him a lot,(she also likes Pete but doesn't know much about him, and hates Bloomberg so she'll be fine) and one sells Bernie merchandise from her house. Most common reason, if they said anything, was consistency and honesty.

In terms of demographics, I think men were slightly better than women, we only visited 4 black people and got a strong yes from 3 (4th told us "we Jehovah's Witnesses don't vote"), and this was mostly a 30-50 crowd in terms of age. Most common response was nobody answering the bell. Bernie lost the city and the state by a roughly 40-60 margin last time.

dudes rock 2020
There is absolutely no way Bloomberg is a moderate version of Trump. He’s the most like Trump out of the Democratic candidates. The comments you’ll read in this video could have just as easily come out of Trump’s mouth if you didn’t know any better.
There is absolutely no way Bloomberg is a moderate version of Trump. He’s the most like Trump out of the Democratic candidates. The comments you’ll read in this video could have just as easily come out of Trump’s mouth if you didn’t know any better.

He is just a richer less orange Trump.
He is just a richer less orange Trump.
Pretty much but it’s infuriating how seemingly many people are buying into this notion that he’s the moderate choice while at the same time hate Trump for being like himself. It’s even more infuriating how CNN and MSNBC are quiet about it all. They literally spent all day reporting on Bernie vs Warren on the bullshit “woman can’t be President” quote that is both nonsensical and unconfirmed. Bloomberg’s quotes are all confirmed and consistent.
Pretty much but it’s infuriating how seemingly many people are buying into this notion that he’s the moderate choice while at the same time hate Trump for being like himself. It’s even more infuriating how CNN and MSNBC are quiet about it all. They literally spent all day reporting on Bernie vs Warren on the bullshit “woman can’t be President” quote that is both nonsensical and unconfirmed. Bloomberg’s quotes are all confirmed and consistent.
Wonder why. It's almost like he is pouring hundreds of millions into their ad accounts.
The major difference between Bloomberg and Trump is that Bloomberg has more than 6 brain cells not riddled with syphilis or dementia
Pretty much but it’s infuriating how seemingly many people are buying into this notion that he’s the moderate choice while at the same time hate Trump for being like himself. It’s even more infuriating how CNN and MSNBC are quiet about it all. They literally spent all day reporting on Bernie vs Warren on the bullshit “woman can’t be President” quote that is both nonsensical and unconfirmed. Bloomberg’s quotes are all confirmed and consistent.
And then they get a shock and can't understand when people accuse them of bias,

Social media will try and take down Bloomberg, Mainstream media will try and take down Sanders
Pretty much but it’s infuriating how seemingly many people are buying into this notion that he’s the moderate choice while at the same time hate Trump for being like himself. It’s even more infuriating how CNN and MSNBC are quiet about it all. They literally spent all day reporting on Bernie vs Warren on the bullshit “woman can’t be President” quote that is both nonsensical and unconfirmed. Bloomberg’s quotes are all confirmed and consistent.

I think CNN and MSNBC are slowly coming around to the idea of Sanders as the probably nominee. They are starting to bring more progressives on, which is balancing out the usual older Dem dinosaurs.
They literally spent all day reporting on Bernie vs Warren on the bullshit “woman can’t be President” quote that is both nonsensical and unconfirmed.

Was it bullshit? Warren didn't seem to think so, when she accused Bernie of calling her a liar on national TV (on national TV). We can think it wasn't a big deal, but it's not like CNN created this out of nothing. There are many better examples of CNN chatting shit.

Bloomsburg is worse then Trump.

Let's be honest, he obviously isn't.
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Was it bullshit? Warren didn't seem to think so, when she accused Bernie of calling her a liar on national TV (on national TV). We can think it wasn't a big deal, but it's not like CNN created this out of nothing. There are many better examples of CNN chatting shit.

Let's be hoenst, he obviously isn't.

It was the inevitable sequence of Bloomberg is almost as bad as Trump --> Bloomberg is Trump --> Bloomberg is worse than Trump.
There is absolutely no way Bloomberg is a moderate version of Trump. He’s the most like Trump out of the Democratic candidates. The comments you’ll read in this video could have just as easily come out of Trump’s mouth if you didn’t know any better.

Locker room talk.
It was the inevitable sequence of Bloomberg is almost as bad as Trump --> Bloomberg is Trump --> Bloomberg is worse than Trump.

He’s probably not as big a cnut as Trump, but at least Trump never managed to make a shit-ton of Democrats start treating him like the best hope for the party. We’ve literally reached a point so far beyond parody where people who consider themselves lifelong progressives are cheerleading for a racist, misogynistic billionaire because they're so desperate to defeat a racist, misogynistic billionaire.
Also I didn't hear anything on CNN about the Biden's "Dog faced pony soldier". That being said, they seem to be better than MSDNC with respect to giving air time to the different campaigns surrogates and to differently minded pundits as well.
He’s probably not as big a cnut as Trump, but at least Trump never managed to make a shit-ton of Democrats start treating him like the best hope for the party. We’ve literally reached a point so far beyond parody where people who consider themselves lifelong progressives are cheerleading for a racist, misogynistic billionaire because they're so desperate to defeat a racist, misogynistic billionaire.

Bloomberg has been a pretty neutral and generally well respected politician in non-fringe circles over the years. Therefore, desperate last gasp attempts to label him a racist, misogynist etc. won't work, because his money will drown out all the noise. Sanders needs to keep plodding ahead with his own positive message and not worry about Bloomberg.
Bloomberg has been a pretty neutral and generally well respected politician in non-fringe circles over the years. Therefore, desperate last gasp attempts to label him a racist, misogynist etc. won't work, because his money will drown out all the noise. Sanders needs to keep plodding ahead with his own positive message and not worry about Bloomberg.

He has been called a racist for about a decade now. For example:

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