2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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:lol: so run a commie and see what happens. You can keep wishing for major change but it isn't what the majority want. America the experiment has failed, it's lost. The rich run it totally and without challenge. The system has been gamed to keep power in the hands of the elite and you play into their hands when you choose the candidate that they want you to.

Suppose in your eyes FDR was a commie.
He seems to struggle with minorities as a whole, it just that black voters absolutely hate his guts.

I may get crucified for this, but there might be an element of homophobia involved.

Like pete, warren has excellent post-grad and wealthy numbers. and she also has awful non-white numbers. in terms of education and minorities, bernie and biden have the opposite profile. i think all this could be linked.
He's the final boss. All emotion aside it is a fascinating study in to how powerful money can be in a 'democracy'.


And if you are a history bug, it’s doubly interesting, I don’t think there has been anyone with comparable wealth running for public office in a republican system since Crassus. Back then it took an alliance with two of the most prominent, popular Romans for him to achieve that, now we’ll see if money alone is enough in a wealth obsessed culture of the Americans.

Pete also struggles with gay voters.
Like pete, warren has excellent post-grad and wealthy numbers. and she also has awful non-white numbers. in terms of education and minorities, bernie and biden have the opposite profile. i think all this could be linked.

Unlike Mayor Butt, Warren did see her minorities number improved during her surge, so we can peg that to an electability thing, while he just stalls at 0/1% despite 2 impressive finishes so far.

I don’t think it matters too much in the grand scheme of things, just an observation. After all, Hispanics by all means and purposes should be GOP voters going by their profile, but they aren’t.
:lol: so run a commie and see what happens. You can keep wishing for major change but it isn't what the majority want. America the experiment has failed, it's lost. The rich run it totally and without challenge. The system has been gamed to keep power in the hands of the elite and you play into their hands when you choose the candidate that they want you to.

How should we then interpret the rapid rise of Sanders from fringe socialist to Democratic frontrunner ?
So strange this fascination for for billionaires. I'm not sure about other european countries but here in Portugal an uber rich guy wouldn't stand a chance of winning a national election.
So strange this fascination for for billionaires. I'm not sure about other european countries but here in Portugal an uber rich guy wouldn't stand a chance of winning a national election.
I would guess in most countries the richest people are the rulers.
In all the countries I have lived so far, that has been the case.
I would guess in most countries the richest people are the rulers.
In all the countries I have lived so far, that has been the case.

They sure have financial control over some areas and the power to influence politics, but I'm talking about those who get power through elections. In Portugal the president is a former journalist and university professor and the prime-minister a former lawyer. If they owned businesses they wouldn't have had a chance in an election.
So strange this fascination for for billionaires. I'm not sure about other european countries but here in Portugal an uber rich guy wouldn't stand a chance of winning a national election.

Trump is the first president with neither prior public service nor military experience, so it is a brand new trend. The only advantage Bloomberg has on Trump is that at least he held public office before. Other than that I don't see anything between them, with both capable of switching political parties and catering to whatever platform they're running on.
Trump is the first president with neither prior public service nor military experience, so it is a brand new trend. The only advantage Bloomberg has on Trump is that at least he held public office before. Other than that I don't see anything between them, with both capable of switching political parties and catering to whatever platform they're running on.

Bloomberg seems to speak in cogent sentences, so there's that. I also expect he'd be the more effective and rational of the two when it comes to creating and implementing self serving policies.
How should we then interpret the rapid rise of Sanders from fringe socialist to Democratic frontrunner ?

Well Biden has had a number done on him from the right to put his campaign in the doldrums. Ever since Nixon and his dirty tricksters shaped the dem nomination to end with McGovern, the right have always worked to ensure that they run against the person they can beat the easiest. Ed Muskie got royally screwed by ratfeckers.

Do you think Bernie is going to win in a head to head against Trump? I don't. Bernie is heads above a pretty fecking uninspiring bunch, don't you think?
:lol: so run a commie and see what happens. You can keep wishing for major change but it isn't what the majority want. America the experiment has failed, it's lost. The rich run it totally and without challenge. The system has been gamed to keep power in the hands of the elite and you play into their hands when you choose the candidate that they want you to.

the rich control the political system so the only way to stick it to them is do exactly what they want. i am very smart
So strange this fascination for for billionaires. I'm not sure about other european countries but here in Portugal an uber rich guy wouldn't stand a chance of winning a national election.

You're telling me CR7 wouldn't win an election? BTW it's not like these guys just have money. A billionaire like trump stood for a lot of issues that resonated with a huge portion of America that felt the same.
You're telling me CR7 wouldn't win an election? BTW it's not like these guys just have money. A billionaire like trump stood for a lot of issues that resonated with a huge portion of America that felt the same.

No he wouldn't.
This issue is not with (race)(age)(net worth) of a person. It's with an idiot being in charge!

no, for me, it doesn't matter if it's an idiot. it matters who interests he serves and is beholden to. both trump and bloomberg primarily serve themselves. both trump and bloomberg are racist. both have a history of sexual harrasment. one of them campaigned for bush in 2004, and he isn't the one who is president now. those are all issues which matter to me, and hopefully enough other people.
You're telling me CR7 wouldn't win an election? BTW it's not like these guys just have money. A billionaire like trump stood for a lot of issues that resonated with a huge portion of America that felt the same.
Is Trump a billionaire? Or a successful businessman for that matter? He’s a feckin con artist. As are Republicans for making poor folks think they (Republicans) have their best interests at heart.
They sure have financial control over some areas and the power to influence politics, but I'm talking about those who get power through elections. In Portugal the president is a former journalist and university professor and the prime-minister a former lawyer. If they owned businesses they wouldn't have had a chance in an election.
I actually mean elected rulers. Most African and Asian countries have the richest people as elected rulers I am fairly sure. I need to research this a bit more.

to reiterate a post i made earlier

it's pretty incredible how obscene wealth buys you complete immunity from playing both sides. Trump was a wealthy New Yorker that gave both money and influence to both democrats and republicans over the years. He becomes a republican president and just goes full authoritarian. Bringing the GOP right in behind him to the point that the GOP = Trumpism.

Bloomberg is a wealthy New Yorker that has been officially a republican, independent, and now wants to be a democratic president. He's given both money and influence to both democrats and republicans over the years and most recently swung a senate race to the GOP that gave the GOP the supreme court (Kavanaugh).

Now we get video of him blaming the GFC on black people, how stop and frisk was fantastic and not only does he shoot up in certain polls but also gets a new chunk of African-american support?

What happens to Bernie's candidacy if he turned around and said it wasn't the bankers and derivatives that caused the GFC, but minorities getting a home loan? He's utterly finished and no media outlet would ever interview him again on the campaign trail. Meanwhile, Joy-Ann Reid on MSNBC is basically begging for a Bloomberg candidacy to stop Sanders.

It blows my mind that this whole media landscape is running with "the real problem is Bernie Sanders being an independent that is dividing the party with a health care policy and higher taxation". Just drop the pretense and say on camera that you don't want to pay more in taxes so you want the rich guy to win.
:lol: so run a commie and see what happens. You can keep wishing for major change but it isn't what the majority want. America the experiment has failed, it's lost. The rich run it totally and without challenge. The system has been gamed to keep power in the hands of the elite and you play into their hands when you choose the candidate that they want you to.
So wait, you're saying the elite wants people to choose Sanders as opposed to someone like Bloomberg who is actually part of the elite? How does that make any sense at all?
he's buying the title of most powerful person in the world with interest from his already-existing wealth and willl buy a party with spare change he found on the floor

Bloomberg's meme spree prompts changes in Facebook, Instagram rules
Facebook won't treat the sponsored content in exactly the same way it treats political ads.

Presidential contender Mike Bloomberg's spree of often-surreal social media memes is having one concrete impact — it prompted Facebook to make another change Friday in its rules for paid political content.

From now on, Facebook and its Instagram subsidiary will allow "branded content" from political candidates — a practice in which a campaign pays so-called influencers to place supportive posts on their accounts. Previously, a Facebook spokesperson said, the platforms had banned such content from politicians by default.


to reiterate a post i made earlier

it's pretty incredible how obscene wealth buys you complete immunity from playing both sides. Trump was a wealthy New Yorker that gave both money and influence to both democrats and republicans over the years. He becomes a republican president and just goes full authoritarian. Bringing the GOP right in behind him to the point that the GOP = Trumpism.

Bloomberg is a wealthy New Yorker that has been officially a republican, independent, and now wants to be a democratic president. He's given both money and influence to both democrats and republicans over the years and most recently swung a senate race to the GOP that gave the GOP the supreme court (Kavanaugh).

Now we get video of him blaming the GFC on black people, how stop and frisk was fantastic and not only does he shoot up in certain polls but also gets a new chunk of African-american support?

What happens to Bernie's candidacy if he turned around and said it wasn't the bankers and derivatives that caused the GFC, but minorities getting a home loan? He's utterly finished and no media outlet would ever interview him again on the campaign trail. Meanwhile, Joy-Ann Reid on MSNBC is basically begging for a Bloomberg candidacy to stop Sanders.

It blows my mind that this whole media landscape is running with "the real problem is Bernie Sanders being an independent that is dividing the party with a health care policy and higher taxation". Just drop the pretense and say on camera that you don't want to pay more in taxes so you want the rich guy to win.

Basically all the things Sanders and his supporters were saying in 2015/16 about how the race was rigged are not only being repeated in the 2019/20 cycle but shown to be completely true. We’ve reached a surreal position where there isn’t even any pretense anymore. With Biden’s collapse the establishment Democrats are openly panicking and in their panic have forgotten that subterfuge was necessary for their goals to be achieved.

As long as they could successfully convince people that the left was peddling conspiracy theories and turn the whole thing into a joke (look at the funny socialists, they think everything is a ploy against them, lolz!) then they could get away with rigging the game. Now it’s almost impossible to believe that, unless you’re already firmly against him.
So wait, you're saying the elite wants people to choose Sanders as opposed to someone like Bloomberg who is actually part of the elite? How does that make any sense at all?

Because Bloomberg might win and won't be as nakedly corrupt as Trump. Repubs know that Trump is the most malleable puppet they could ever have in the WH and can help them rig the game fully for the next few generations.
Because Bloomberg might win and won't be as nakedly corrupt as Trump. Repubs know that Trump is the most malleable puppet they could ever have in the WH and can help them rig the game fully for the next few generations.

Game’s been rigged for a while. And a lot of people are done voting for a lesser evil that will continue that trend.
Game’s been rigged for a while. And a lot of people are done voting for a lesser evil that will continue that trend.

Yes. Even if Bernie got elected the Congress would strangle his agenda. They would rather have four years of divisive government and then the chance to get their next stooge elected.
Yes. Even if Bernie got elected the Congress would strangle his agenda. They would rather have four years of divisive government and then the chance to get their next stooge elected.

Sure. He’s also stated quite clearly that the president can only do so much, the electorate will have to keep voting in local and state elections in order to hold their elected officials accountable.

But you’d prefer to be defeatist and stick with the tactic that got us Trump in the first place?
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