2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Not for me. If the dems decide to run a commie (repub definition) then Trump will win. I'd take a moderate for now to reverse the Trump damage then give it to Newsome for the next 8 years.
He's not a moderate, he's basically a Republican.
Are they really insane?
I think it’s more insane he’s trying to pay random people $150 to post nice things about him on social media, and how he’s reaching out to meme accounts to make memes about him as if he’s trying to meme his way to victory. Out of touch doesn’t begin to describe him.
I feel like Trump knows Bloomberg well and will wipe the floor with him should they have a 1 on 1 debate.
I reckon Mike might call him fat, stupid, a pig, rapist, molester anything to get him to explode.

It would almost be worth it.

I do wonder what Bloomberg will do if he doesn’t get the nomination. Will the money he’s spending on ads against Trump suddenly dry up and his interest drop?

If I had to guess, I think he will start donating money towards both Democrat and Republican candidates who are best placed to cause Trump problems.
I'm surprised Bloomberg hasn't placed more ads on Fox. If there's one way to bring Trump's numbers down, its to sow doubt among his flock.
I'm surprised Bloomberg hasn't placed more ads on Fox. If there's one way to bring Trump's numbers down, its to sow doubt among his flock.

I can't imagine that Murdoch would let another Billionaire use his propaganda machine to damage his candidate.
I can't imagine that Murdoch would let another Billionaire use his propaganda machine to damage his candidate.

Steyer was running ads about how Trump is a criminal on Hannity for a while, until irate viewers protested and Fox remove them. Bloomberg should be able to use his personal relationship with Murdoch to get them back on, even if he pays double the going rate.
This is the first article about Sanders that I’ve ever read (it’s actually as much about American Jews in general as it is about Sanders):

IT’S HARD TO IMAGINE Bernie Sanders’s inauguration. Not because it’s difficult to believe that Sanders could win the presidency—that seems more plausible than ever. But in the sense that it’s hard to envision what the ceremony would look like.

This is because Sanders would be not only the United States’ first Jewish president, but also—and perhaps just as significantly—the first avowed secularist to hold the office in the modern era, and inauguration ceremonies have long been explicitly religious affairs...

...Sanders’s secular Jewishness is among the most common forms of Jewish identity in the US, yet it is a religious identity that has never before appeared so prominently on the national political stage. The question of its intelligibility to non-Jews is also the question of the intelligibility of American Jewish life.”

This is the first article about Sanders that I’ve ever read (it’s actually as much about American Jews in general as it is about Sanders):

IT’S HARD TO IMAGINE Bernie Sanders’s inauguration. Not because it’s difficult to believe that Sanders could win the presidency—that seems more plausible than ever. But in the sense that it’s hard to envision what the ceremony would look like.

This is because Sanders would be not only the United States’ first Jewish president, but also—and perhaps just as significantly—the first avowed secularist to hold the office in the modern era, and inauguration ceremonies have long been explicitly religious affairs...

...Sanders’s secular Jewishness is among the most common forms of Jewish identity in the US, yet it is a religious identity that has never before appeared so prominently on the national political stage. The question of its intelligibility to non-Jews is also the question of the intelligibility of American Jewish life.”


Someone else noticed this 4 years ago, and ...

One email among the thousands of internal DNC messages released this week by Wikileaks showed DNC CFO Brad Marshall questioning Sanders’ Jewish faith, and suggested that painting the candidate as an atheist “could make several points difference” in several late primary contests.

“It might may (sic) no difference, but for KY and WVA can we get someone to ask his belief. Does he believe in a God. He had skated on saying he has a Jewish heritage. I think I read he is an atheist. This could make several points difference with my peeps. My Southern Baptist peeps would draw a big difference between a Jew and an atheist,” Marshall wrote in a message to several DNC communications directors.

It would almost be worth it.

I do wonder what Bloomberg will do if he doesn’t get the nomination. Will the money he’s spending on ads against Trump suddenly dry up and his interest drop?

If I had to guess, I think he will start donating money towards both Democrat and Republican candidates who are best placed to cause Trump problems.

He will back corporate Democrats in Congress while running for President as well.
He's not a moderate, he's basically a Republican.

Its ignorant and naive posts like the one you responded to that are the reason for Trump and the general shift to the right in America over the last 40 years.

History shows us that "moderate" Democrats never "reverse" anything the Republicans do. The GOP moves the country to the right and the "moderate" Democrats simply defend the new center.

Reagan and Bush pushed the US further to the right and then "moderate" Clinton comes along, doesn't reverse anything but made further cuts to social programs playing right into Reagan's "welfare queen" propaganda, pushed extreme tough on crime legislation that ravages minority communities and begins the financial sector deregulation that led to the financial crisis.

Then Bush pushes the country further to the right and instead of "reversing" anything, "moderate" Obama continues the War on Terror, bails out the financial institutions while allowing hundreds of thousands of working class to lose their homes and pushed a Heritage foundation plan that doesn't even address what honest libertarians could see was wrong with health care.

The GOP pushes further to the right and the "moderate" Democrats simply lock down and defend the new center. Anyone that actually thinks a moderate Dem will reverse the McConnell-Trump push is profoundly naive and should be ignored. If they had any truth behind that silly line then we wouldn't see this:
Its ignorant and naive posts like the one you responded to that are the reason for Trump and the general shift to the right in America over the last 40 years.

History shows us that "moderate" Democrats never "reverse" anything the Republicans do. The GOP moves the country to the right and the "moderate" Democrats simply defend the new center.

Reagan and Bush pushed the US further to the right and then "moderate" Clinton comes along, doesn't reverse anything but made further cuts to social programs playing right into Reagan's "welfare queen" propaganda, pushed extreme tough on crime legislation that ravages minority communities and begins the financial sector deregulation that led to the financial crisis.

Then Bush pushes the country further to the right and instead of "reversing" anything, "moderate" Obama continues the War on Terror, bails out the financial institutions while allowing hundreds of thousands of working class to lose their homes and pushed a Heritage foundation plan that doesn't even address what honest libertarians could see was wrong with health care.

The GOP pushes further to the right and the "moderate" Democrats simply lock down and defend the new center. Anyone that actually thinks a moderate Dem will reverse the McConnell-Trump push is profoundly naive and should be ignored. If they had any truth behind that silly line then we wouldn't see this:

:lol: so run a commie and see what happens. You can keep wishing for major change but it isn't what the majority want. America the experiment has failed, it's lost. The rich run it totally and without challenge. The system has been gamed to keep power in the hands of the elite and you play into their hands when you choose the candidate that they want you to.
it is more than the starting salary for a tenure-track professor at a R1 university.
And less than what an intern gets in SV. So again, for an important job, it is hardly an insane salary.

Professor salaries are negotiated in the US. The really good ones get more money than that.
And less than what an intern gets in SV. So again, for an important job, it is hardly an insane salary.

Professor salaries are negotiated in the US. The really good ones get more money than that.

If you compare it to what other political consultants get paid for the same jobs (which is the only point of reference here), it is significantly more, which of course should come as no surprise when the guy paying it has a net worth of 60 billion.
And less than what an intern gets in SV. So again, for an important job, it is hardly an insane salary.

Professor salaries are negotiated in the US. The really good ones get more money than that.

im talking opening salary. i know a guy with a pretty impressive cv and publication history got about 65k annually when he was hired. he said that was pretty standard. of course senior and big name people get more. but tenure-track professor is a very desirable and competitive job, even at that salary!
im talking opening salary. i know a guy with a pretty impressive cv and publication history got about 65k annually when he was hired. he said that was pretty standard. of course senior and big name people get more. but tenure-track professor is a very desirable and competitive job, even at that salary!
In any case, it is hardly a debate worthy topic. Everyone knows that you don't get/stay in academia for money. You do that only if you love the job, knowing the money sacrifice you are going to make (which over the course of a career, for some professions is in millions, if not tens of millions). A political advisor on the other hand, you do it for the money.
It's a 15 point swing from the last poll. If this result (28-20 in a Southern state) holds Bernie is cruising to the nomination.

edit -
Even so, CIA at 8% and Stop and Frisk at 6% feels really low. Even accepting it's not just white people voting anymore.
Even so, CIA at 8% and Stop and Frisk at 6% feels really low. Even accepting it's not just white people voting anymore.
the bloomberg numbers are reassuring tbh. he seems to be more of a credible threat than biden or pete since he can literally buy the entire party, he's more organised, and his national numbers look good. he looks much scarier here (national poll):

pete being low isn't unexpected, he's struggled with black voters throughout.
the bloomberg numbers are reassuring tbh. he seems to be more of a credible threat than biden or pete since he can literally buy the entire party, he's more organised, and his national numbers look good. he looks much scarier here (national poll):

pete being low isn't unexpected, he's struggled with black voters throughout.

He seems to struggle with minorities as a whole, it just that black voters absolutely hate his guts.

I may get crucified for this, but there might be an element of homophobia involved.
the bloomberg numbers are reassuring tbh. he seems to be more of a credible threat than biden or pete since he can literally buy the entire party, he's more organised, and his national numbers look good. he looks much scarier here (national poll)
He's the final boss. All emotion aside it is a fascinating study in to how powerful money can be in a 'democracy'.

My suspicion remains that his campaign is based upon hiding from sight and it falls apart as any light is shone upon it but he's paying an astonishing amount.
Even so, CIA at 8% and Stop and Frisk at 6% feels really low. Even accepting it's not just white people voting anymore.

Buttigieg is around 10-12% in national polling, so it's not exactly much of an outlier. Bloomberg is a bigger one, but as you say it's not just white people voting (or answering polls) anymore. And has he even spent that much (or anything) on ads in South Carolina? He only cares about what happens on Super Tuesday and beyond.
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