2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Did she really though? Have her plans changed?
She tried to appeal to the center by walking back her stance on Medicare for All. Also her attempt to tarnish Bernie with that bogus quote from two years ago backfired tremendously and rightly so.

Absolutely kill this with fire. I'm in the 100,000 range and with my daughter and child gone, I pay less than 700 per year on insurance. Granted it's the worst plan, it has a max exposure of 12,000 USD. I'm more than happy to pay 2500 if it means others get insurance but others may not. I don't think this is even correct because there will surely be provisions to protect people with no family to pay out more
Any thoughts on what context would be most damaging for the left, a Bernie loss or a Trump win?

Presuming you mean a Bernie loss for the nomination rather than in an election against Trump. I think a Trump win would be the most damaging, taking the heart out of any Trump fightback the last four years have built, disenfranchising the predominantly left leaning youth vote as well.

But I am genuinely beginning to think that Bernie can win the nomination and the White House. His base is as loyal as Trumps, he speaks brilliantly, once people begin to see past their ridiculous fear of the world socialist, they'll realise Bernie is what Trump claims to be, a politician with the people's best interest at heart.

He has a similar appeal to Trump as well in that he's not a member of what people see as the neo liberal elite (Clinton's Obama's etc) he is a charismatic speaker from outside the Washington "village"

It would restore my faith in politics globally if Bernie could pull this off!

Two days ago the influential Culinary Union in Nevada released a statement attacking Medicare for All. Bernie supporters rected angrily online to this statement. I didn't go digging but the main responses were pointing out that high-ups in the union were also in high positions in the Clinton-founded think tank, CAP. I couldn't see any harrasment beyond this pointing out of a fact, but I wasn't looking. Anyway there was no response by the 2 campaigns which ostensibly support M4A - Bernie or Warren - other than some rebuttal from Bernie surrogates on TV interviews.

The next day the Union put out a statement condemning Bernie bro online harrasment. About an hour later, the Biden, Klobuchar, and Warren campaigns put out near-simultaneous, near-identical statements condemning Bernie supporters' harrasment.

So let's sum this up. Warren's healthcare policy, an area where she is becoming increasingly hazy, is attacked by a union on false grounds. She chooses to stay silent on this signature issue. The union then condemns online harrasment by a "fellow" supporter of M4A. Warren now does release a statement, very likely coordinated with other campaigns which oppose M4A, backing the union on this.

You can draw the conclusions you like, I think her priorities are clear.
Sanders takes slight lead over Biden in Texas. Considering that he was once 20 points behind ,that is some surge.
Two days ago the influential Culinary Union in Nevada released a statement attacking Medicare for All. Bernie supporters rected angrily online to this statement. I didn't go digging but the main responses were pointing out that high-ups in the union were also in high positions in the Clinton-founded think tank, CAP. I couldn't see any harrasment beyond this pointing out of a fact, but I wasn't looking. Anyway there was no response by the 2 campaigns which ostensibly support M4A - Bernie or Warren - other than some rebuttal from Bernie surrogates on TV interviews.

The next day the Union put out a statement condemning Bernie bro online harrasment. About an hour later, the Biden, Klobuchar, and Warren campaigns put out near-simultaneous, near-identical statements condemning Bernie supporters' harrasment.

So let's sum this up. Warren's healthcare policy, an area where she is becoming increasingly hazy, is attacked by a union on false grounds. She chooses to stay silent on this signature issue. The union then condemns online harrasment by a "fellow" supporter of M4A. Warren now does release a statement, very likely coordinated with other campaigns which oppose M4A, backing the union on this.

You can draw the conclusions you like, I think her priorities are clear.
What are her priorities?
His surge in the polls is easily the most depressing thing about this campaign.

Not for me. If the dems decide to run a commie (repub definition) then Trump will win. I'd take a moderate for now to reverse the Trump damage then give it to Newsome for the next 8 years.
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