2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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My favourite so far is "This is our shot. Our only shot to pursue politics to win. Make no mistake, I'm the candidate to energize Trump."
Mine's terrifying.
We... We do?
Yes, it's cut-off mid answer. I don't know what's next, maybe the total answer is 5 minutes long and that was just the first event in his chronology (which besides redlining or not redlining, the bipartisan support for the expansion of credit towards home ownership through the early 2000s is also where I'd start my chronology of events if you asked me to describe the 2008 crisis, but the first event is not the unique or even most important causal event).
Yes, it's cut-off mid answer. I don't know what's next, maybe the total answer is 5 minutes long and that was just the first event in his chronology (which besides redlining or not redlining, the bipartisan support for the expansion of credit towards home ownership through the early 2000s is also where I'd start my chronology of events if you asked me to describe the 2008 crisis, but the first event is not the unique or even most important causal event).

Public Housing is what comes to mind for me.
Some people are so poor they cannot afford to purchase homes.
Whoever goes up against Trump needs to be ready to scrap toe to toe with the bloated asshole. Bernie can do it. Biden could do it. Hell even Bloomberg could do it (although he should just feck off anyway) but could Pete Buttigieg do it? I don’t see it. I also don’t see Liz Warren being straight forward enough, although she’s tough.
Whoever goes up against Trump needs to be ready to scrap toe to toe with the bloated asshole. Bernie can do it. Biden could do it. Hell even Bloomberg could do it (although he should just feck off anyway) but could Pete Buttigieg do it? I don’t see it. I also don’t see Liz Warren being straight forward enough, although she’s tough.
So... the olds can do it? You're kinda right though, and I have no idea who would actually fare better. Although we know Sanders can be as inflamed, so he's got that going for him.

Thanks Lloyd

I always find their obession with their military extremely offputting. Especially when most Republicans seem to enjoy using the military as a prop to make themselves look better. What has the GOP done for veterans over the past four years? I genuinely can’t think of anything.
Whoever goes up against Trump needs to be ready to scrap toe to toe with the bloated asshole. Bernie can do it. Biden could do it. Hell even Bloomberg could do it (although he should just feck off anyway) but could Pete Buttigieg do it? I don’t see it. I also don’t see Liz Warren being straight forward enough, although she’s tough.

Although only two states are over, It seems it's a straight up choice between Sanders and Warren for the progressive base and a four way race between Pete Buttigieg, Bloomberg, Biden and Klobuchar. Fully expect Klobuchar to be someone's VP like Biden or Bloomberg. Sanders is winning handily against Warren. So the earlier this gets whittled down to 2, the better.

I think Buttigieg can connect to the younger voters better than Trump but I'm not sure if the younger voters will turn up to vote.
I always find their obession with their military extremely offputting. Especially when most Republicans seem to enjoy using the military as a prop to make themselves look better. What has the GOP done for veterans over the past four years? I genuinely can’t think of anything.
there're loads; lots of platitudes, standing up for the national anthem, thumping their patriotic badges etc etc.
Although only two states are over, It seems it's a straight up choice between Sanders and Warren for the progressive base and a four way race between Pete Buttigieg, Bloomberg, Biden and Klobuchar. Fully expect Klobuchar to be someone's VP like Biden or Bloomberg. Sanders is winning handily against Warren. So the earlier this gets whittled down to 2, the better.

I think Buttigieg can connect to the younger voters better than Trump but I'm not sure if the younger voters will turn up to vote.
the unfortunate thing in the general election is that a large portion of the voting population will not even consider Pete because he's gay before anything else. Even a small portion of the democratic voting base as we saw from one of the videos from the Iowa caucus.
Token gestures like pardoning that solider convicted of murdering civilians get much better visibility and emotional support than veteran healthcare improvements unfortunately.
the unfortunate thing in the general election is that a large portion of the voting population will not even consider Pete because he's gay before anything else. Even a small portion of the democratic voting base as we saw from one of the videos from the Iowa caucus.

That is very true. He's also a dodgy candidate with no fixed stance on any issues. He's more like the 'Don't fix anything that's not broken' without acknowledging a lot is broken right now. It's the argument of 'can the candidate inspire the democratic base' or 'will a radical democrat turn off the independent voters'. My personal view is the second was tried in 2016 and was defeated soundly. I think Clinton was a reasonably good candidate but that just didn't work. There is no point in just saying it was just a problem with Clinton. I think it's a folly to do something what was done in 2016 again like a trial and error hoping a person like Biden or Bloomberg could change the outcome. it's time to test the first option of inspiring the party base to turn up.
the unfortunate thing in the general election is that a large portion of the voting population will not even consider Pete because he's gay before anything else. Even a small portion of the democratic voting base as we saw from one of the videos from the Iowa caucus.
He's also less popular amongst queer voters than straight ones. Not that I think the queer vote is big enough to matter but when the 'allies' try and hype up excitement for the first gay president it immediately falls flat as the majority of LGBTQ people roll their eyes.
The Dems have slightly different sensibilities.

The Black vote is a huge base of the Democratic Party...even if the party has treated them like shit.'
But trying to brush this under the carpet which they would love to do would be a lot more difficult.
Also this conman Buttegig is another who does not care anything about Black people.
Yes, it's cut-off mid answer. I don't know what's next, maybe the total answer is 5 minutes long and that was just the first event in his chronology (which besides redlining or not redlining, the bipartisan support for the expansion of credit towards home ownership through the early 2000s is also where I'd start my chronology of events if you asked me to describe the 2008 crisis, but the first event is not the unique or even most important causal event).

Do you know what redlining is? If you do, I struggle to understand how you could think there's any excuse for inserting redlining (actual theft of wealth from black people) into a timeline of why the 2008 crisis occurred. Is there a follow up where he says redlining was wrong regardless? Otherwise it's a red flag (not that he's lacking in those)

It's like blaming abolition for the depression of 1872. Even if it was factually correct, I mean...
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The average slide for Biden since Iowa is about -9.

That’s why the ‘lets disregard the first 3 states and bank on SC’ was never working. Just ask Rudy Giuliani 2008 and Florida.
the national polling surge for bernie looks real (though this poll's margins are bigger than other). but it is meaningless without nevada.
Any thoughts on what context would be most damaging for the left, a Bernie loss or a Trump win?
the national polling surge for bernie looks real (though this poll's margins are bigger than other). but it is meaningless without nevada.
What do you think needs to happen in Nevada? Will another victory of any kind do it or does he need a big one this time?


Do you know what redlining is? If you do, I struggle to understand how you could think there's any excuse for inserting redlining (actual theft of wealth from black people) into a timeline of why the 2008 crisis occurred. Is there a follow up where he says redlining was wrong regardless? Otherwise it's a red flag (not that he's lacking in those)

It's like blaming abolition for the depression of 1872. Even if it was factually correct, I mean...
Yes, having watched the rest I do agree that it doesn't particularly pertain to what he was explaining. The effort in the 2000s wasn't to push back on redlining but rather to expand home ownership in general. I don't know why he brought it up. But at the same time because it's also of such low relevance to the topic in general I don't see it as a bombshell that marks Bloomberg as a bonafide racist. I still think his policies on policing as mayor are more damning that these comments.
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