2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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It’s not about finishing 2nd, it’s about projecting the narrative that he can compete with frontrunners and so far outperform both of them in terms of delegates. A vast majority of Dems want to beat Trump so logically, a candidate who looks he is punching well above his political weight is going to gain momentum after coming out of IA and NH with the delegate lead.
I think he needed a clearer boost, especially from the Iowa snafu.

Because once Bloomberg jumps into the fray with his mega media blitz, he'll be peeling votes off the 'any center-right moderate except maybe Biden' demographic. Whilst Bernie will be getting voters from those jumping off Warren's ship.

As ever, the Republicans will time the inevitable crash so it's during a Democrat presidency.

Republican Presidency = Huge cuts to social schemes, huge amounts of deregulation, 0.1% absolutely fill their boots during the unsustainable boom.

Democrat Presidency = Time to liquidise and turn assets into capital. Sell offs trigger market panic and recession inevitably comes. Absolutely no money for social schemes, Republican's reluctantly allow them to regulate industries because they know full well it will steady the economy and they're perfectly fine with the Democrats taking credit for the absolutely awful market restricting regulations that cripple (fix) the economy.

Democrat Presidency "achieves nothing" (other than fix the Republican mess) so the American public are bored and want the good old days back.

Step in Republicans.


Lather, rinse and repeat on a 12-16 year cycle.
As ever, the Republicans will time the inevitable crash so it's during a Democrat presidency.

Republican Presidency = Huge cuts to social schemes, huge amounts of deregulation, 0.1% absolutely fill their boots during the unsustainable boom.

Democrat Presidency = Time to liquidise and turn assets into capital. Sell offs trigger market panic and recession inevitably comes. Absolutely no money for social schemes, Republican's reluctantly allow them to regulate industries because they know full well it will steady the economy and they're perfectly fine with the Democrats taking credit for the absolutely awful market restricting regulations that cripple (fix) the economy.

Democrat Presidency "achieves nothing" (other than fix the Republican mess) so the American public are bored and want the good old days back.

Step in Republicans.


Lather, rinse and repeat on a 12-16 year cycle.

They didn't time the biggest recession of the post war years well did they?
Which candidate has the backing of the wealthy? That's the one to watch.
The rest will be picked off one by one, if they look to be a threat to the favoured candidate.

Pete does. He's been cleaning house in donations in every wealthy enclave in every city across the country.
Of course Bloomberg can still outspend every other candidate by a significant amount so there is that.
9 of the last 10 recessions have happened under Republican leadership.

Do you mean Democratic presidency? Because leadership in the US political system is a very complicated concept. Also pre 1970s Democrat and Republican parties very different to now, so wouldn't really prove anything.
9 of the last 10 recessions have happened under Republican leadership.

I just looked this up and you're right that 9 of the last 10 recessions have started under a Republican president, but that contradicts your earlier post? I'm confused.
I just looked this up and you're right that 9 of the last 10 recessions have started under a Republican president, but that contradicts your earlier post? I'm confused.

Semantics, my point was that the Republicans loot America with their huge tax breaks and deregulation and absolutely squeeze it dry before they hand over to Democrats.
Semantics, my point was that the Republicans loot America with their huge tax breaks and deregulation and absolutely squeeze it dry before they hand over to Democrats.

The USA is one of the most studied and complex political systems in the world, and also a political system that has delivered incredible success. Your analysis is very simplistic.


This basically means media has and will play a huge role. Probably explains the Pete surge in Iowa and NH.

The thing that really bothers me about the electability argument is this:
RCP average, Bernie v Trump: +4.3, Biden +5.6, Pete +1.

People voting for Buttigeig over Bernie for "electability" are buying into spin rather than data. Biden at least I can understand (though his argument of electability has IMO collapsed after Iowa and NH)
Nevada was one of the uglier ones in 2016. 2 unions fighting and false allegations of racism. This time Bernie's campaign manager is someone from Harry Reid's staff, hopefully he can also use those tricks back.
Nevada was one of the uglier ones in 2016. 2 unions fighting and false allegations of racism. This time Bernie's campaign manager is someone from Harry Reid's staff, hopefully he can also use those tricks back.

Well someone is already getting the Culinary union to stuck a knife in Bernie’s back, so no I expect it’ll be 2016 on steroids considering he’s actually leading this time.
Fecking hell. Short of an asteroid hitting Earth, there is no way he is not getting reelected.

All those figures prove is that the supporters he does have are frothing at the mouth die-hards who will charge out to vote for him even in a one horse race. That doesn't say anything about an actual election.

People also seem to forget that the least inspiring Democratic candidate humanly possible still managed to get 3 million more votes than him last time out.
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