2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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No argument that it's been a dreadful campaign so far from him, but isn't he still expected to come 2nd in Nevada?
He has dropped 5 points nationally, finished 4th nearly 5th in Iowa and 5th or 6th tonight (not getting any delegate). Nevada is also a caucus, and his team had very poor on the ground organization as well as a lack of fund to blanket the airwaves with ads.

It’s not a coincidence his team has talked about SC for months now. But when you tank that badly there’s no way he gets the 15+ points emphatic win needed to reassert himself.
First of all, the whole "black vote" thing just sounds really strange, but anyway... why would a black person vote for Biden when apparently no one else is? "Yeah I'm gonna vote for this guy who apparently white people don't want to vote for". I don't get this confidence.
First of all, the whole "black vote" thing just sounds really strange, but anyway... why would a black person vote for Biden when apparently no one else is? "Yeah I'm gonna vote for this guy who apparently white people don't want to vote for". I don't get this confidence.
It was the same with Clinton. South voted with Clinton who was handing leaflets for Goldwater against Sanders who marched at the same time for their rights.

I'm yet to find a justifiable reason why Sanders doesn't get the black vote. Villain tried to explain but I really couldn't get it
It was the same with Clinton. South voted with Clinton who was handing leaflets for Goldwater against Sanders who marched at the same time for their rights.

I'm yet to find a justifiable reason why Sanders doesn't get the black vote. Villain tried to explain but I really couldn't get it

I could understand a divided vote between candidates, but this idea I keep hearing that black people will mobilize like crazy to vote for Biden. I don't understand that.

And Amy just referenced the blizzard for the millionth time... jesus enough already.
Sanders is bleeding votes here. If the media manages to ratfeck him out of another nomination I don't know what I'll do. I can't see Pete or Klobuchar beating Trump, no matter how impaired and demented he is in another nine months.

Meteor Extinction 2020 is starting to look like the preferred option at this point. Just be done with it already. Humanity was a mistake.
Sanders is bleeding votes here. If the media manages to ratfeck him out of another nomination I don't know what I'll do. I can't see Pete or Klobuchar beating Trump, no matter how impaired and demented he is in another nine months.

Meteor Extinction 2020 is starting to look like the preferred option at this point. Just be done with it already. Humanity was a mistake.

Less worried about his share of votes and more concerned about overall turnout, seems to be low in both Iowa and NH.
Less worried about his share of votes and more concerned about overall turnout, seems to be low in both Iowa and NH.

Polls show that a lot of democrats just want someone who can beat Trump. Hopefully it's people who don't really care now but will show up when it's time to vote against Trump. One of the few occasions where just voting against something can be a good thing.
The only american news channel I have is CNN but if they're all like this, Bernie has a tough road ahead. Whenever they mention him is to bring him down or talk about revolutions and whatnot. They clearly dislike him the most.
It was the same with Clinton. South voted with Clinton who was handing leaflets for Goldwater against Sanders who marched at the same time for their rights.

I'm yet to find a justifiable reason why Sanders doesn't get the black vote. Villain tried to explain but I really couldn't get it

1. Older black voters (not all, most) are more centrist and practical. Plus Biden is a known commodity.

2. In 2016 it was fair to say Sanders believed that race-neutral policies (M4A, free education, etc) were sufficient to compensate for decades, feck, centuries of blight which disproportionately impacted black folks. Now a rising tide lifts all boats but if the boats start off on different levels they all end up higher, but they remain on different levels. I think his reluctance to acknowledge this hurt his standings somewhat. To be fair to him, some of his policies will address the imbalance by race (banning private prisons disproportionately impacts black people for the better), but this was just a byproduct, not a deliberate goal, of his platform in 2016. And it was galling for some to see him not even acknowledge this back then, when racial tensions were at a high over the BLM movement. For all her faults, Hillary didn't make this mistake.

Plus, not that I bought into this at all, but enough people got tired of his supporters bringing up that he marched with MLK. That's a good starting point but that really should have never been brought up as a defense.

He has become better in 2020. Not perfect but there has been improvement in acknowledging that there is a racial component to inequality and injustice and it's just not all about class. But then I refer you back to point 1. Good thing is if he can win out in the primaries then he'll be able to get out the black vote, I think.
Klobuchar better get ready for the damaging stories that will resurface in the coming days.
Polls show that a lot of democrats just want someone who can beat Trump. Hopefully it's people who don't really care now but will show up when it's time to vote against Trump. One of the few occasions where just voting against something can be a good thing.

I hope so!

His nicknames are usually more witty, this is kindergarten level, like "you're a poopoo head"
ok, good. much narrower than i wanted (about 2%). important to win nevada.
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Who are all those Pete voters? Very surprising results for him (and Klobuchar).
warren and pete attacked other candidates (warren attacked bernie, pete attacked amy and bernie). bernie is going after trump immediately after praising pete/amy/warren.
Yang is out? Damn. Was going to not be lazy for the first time in my adult life and vote for him. But now I’ll sit my ass home. The only inspiring choice
Culinary union in Nevada is really trying to fcuk Bernie over by completely misunderstanding (intentionally or unintentionally) what MFA would mean for their healthcare
Culinary union in Nevada is really trying to fcuk Bernie over by completely misunderstanding (intentionally or unintentionally) what MFA would mean for their healthcare

It’s not misunderstanding, it’s selfishness.

They negotiated good healthcare in exchange for wage raise. Under M4A, in the short term, their taxes would rise while getting about the same if not slightly worse coverage package. It’s a common theme with unions in this cycle, they are almost unanimously against Sanders’s M4A for that reason.

In the long term, will they be better off? Most likely, yes, but they’d rather stick with what they’ve fought for rather than helping others through universal coverage.
Pete reminds me totally of these two guys

It’s not misunderstanding, it’s selfishness.

They negotiated good healthcare in exchange for wage raise. Under M4A, in the short term, their taxes would rise while getting about the same if not slightly worse coverage package. It’s a common theme with unions in this cycle, they are almost unanimously against Sanders’s M4A for that reason.

In the long term, will they be better off? Most likely, yes, but they’d rather stick with what they’ve fought for rather than helping others through universal coverage.
they should be better off. If the health care is off the table, then it will give them better leeway to negotiate for other stuff. With the system right now, the corporation/companies have a never ending carrot i.e. healthcare dangling over their heads which they have to continuously fight for.
Looking at the result:
  1. Turn out was fine, 250k at 83% reporting when I last checked, so in absolute term will most likely exceed 2008 (288k), but that’s not factored in pop growth since.
  2. A few worrying signs for Sanders’s general election prospects. Obviously would have to wait for the full number to come in but per NBC early exits, youth turnout like Iowa is down again compared to 2016, so if this pattern continues it’ll dent his mobilization theory. He also did worst in suburbs/exurban areas, with the former being where Dems made most of their gains in 2018, and the latter where Trump is the strongest in battlegrounds like NC,AZ, and especially FL. Any electoral map where you can’t compete at FL is too tight .
  3. Polls were largely correct, one very good thing is that Buttchug seems to have picked up the lion’s share of Biden’s old white votes but still failed to make any inroads with minorities, which Sanders won decisively.
  4. Biden holy feck, it was pretty brutal to watch, even knowing going in he was going to have a terrible night, which leads to the next point...
  5. Warren needs to drop out before Super Tuesday. Get whatever concession she needs from Sanders, include her wealth tax in the platform, VP, whatever. Her voters won’t go to him entirely, in fact I’d say it’s more likely to be a 50/50 split between him and other centrist, but bumping him into the mid 30s would net him a couple hundreds more delegates out of March 3 and that can potentially give him the pledged delegate win outright or just close enough with a big enough lead to 2nd place that any attempt to foil him at convention would prove suicidal.
Looking at the result:
  1. Turn out was fine, 250k at 83% reporting when I last checked, so in absolute term will most likely exceed 2008 (288k), but that’s not factored in pop growth since.
  2. A few worrying signs for Sanders’s general election prospects. Obviously would have to wait for the full number to come in but per NBC early exits, youth turnout like Iowa is down again compared to 2016, so if this pattern continues it’ll dent his mobilization theory. He also did worst in suburbs/exurban areas, with the former being where Dems made most of their gains in 2018, and the latter where Trump is the strongest in battlegrounds like NC,AZ, and especially FL. Any electoral map where you can’t compete at FL is too tight .
  3. Polls were largely correct, one very good thing is that Buttchug seems to have picked up the lion’s share of Biden’s old white votes but still failed to make any inroads with minorities, which Sanders won decisively.
  4. Biden holy feck, it was pretty brutal to watch, even knowing going in he was going to have a terrible night, which leads to the next point...
  5. Warren needs to drop out before Super Tuesday. Get whatever concession she needs from Sanders, include her wealth tax in the platform, VP, whatever. Her voters won’t go to him entirely, in fact I’d say it’s more likely to be a 50/50 split between him and other centrist, but bumping him into the mid 30s would net him a couple hundreds more delegates out of March 3 and that can potentially give him the pledged delegate win outright or just close enough with a big enough lead to 2nd place that any attempt to foil him at convention would prove suicidal.

Agreed. A caveat about the youth turnout (at least when I checked) is that it was being reported from 5/6PM exit polls when voting was still happening. So could be misleading. Also the overall/youth turnout are both flipped from Iowa, so maybe more states for a firm conclusion.

Agree about suburbs and would hope that surveys showing Warren/Pete Dem loyalty are true.

Ideal for Bernie is if Biden, Steyer, and Bloomberg eat each other on Super Tuesday southern states. Warren isn't going to help.
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