2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Bernie should get Beto as his running mate. They support most of the same policies, with Beto being 3+ decades younger.

Unfortunately that's not really the reason you pick your vice president. You don't want someone who is too similar to you. Ideally you'll want someone who targets another part of the population. These days it could probably be either politically or gender.
Unfortunately that's not really the reason you pick your vice president. You don't want someone who is too similar to you. Ideally you'll want someone who targets another part of the population. These days it could probably be either politically or gender.

There's no hard and fast rule about picking VPs. You can literally pick anyone you think is qualified to become President if something happens to you.
Bloomberg. Yeah that will excite the voters.

It's depressing that voters need to be excited. I wish we could all be excited about smart, capable people with good ideas instead of hucksters and tub-thumpers who whip people up with populism and empty rhetoric.
Unfortunately that's not really the reason you pick your vice president. You don't want someone who is too similar to you. Ideally you'll want someone who targets another part of the population. These days it could probably be either politically or gender.
The main concern for Bernie is that he is old, so Beto there helps.

Obama picked Biden who was similar to him, cause Obama's main weakness was that he is inexperienced, so he chose a very experienced politician. Here is just the reverse of it.
Beto would be mad to pick Bernie if he harbors hopes for President one day.

Which is why I think he himself will run. This year's senate race against Cruz has given him massive national exposure which is similar to the exposure and positive momentum Obama had in the year or two preceding his run. He would therefore not really be incentivized to strive for simply becoming someone's VP, and I'm sure Beto will poll well once 2020 hypothetical polls are released in the coming months.
Which is why I think he himself will run. This year's senate race against Cruz has given him massive national exposure which is similar to the exposure and positive momentum Obama had in the year or two preceding his run. He would therefore not really be incentivized to strive for simply becoming someone's VP, and I'm sure Beto will poll well once 2020 hypothetical polls are released in the coming months.
He's even less experienced than Obama, and Obama was already a senator while Beto will (in all likelihood) lose against Cruz.

Him running as Bernie's VP and then on next election as president (Bernie will be 82 by then) looks appealing.
He's even less experienced than Obama, and Obama was already a senator while Beto will (in all likelihood) lose against Cruz.

Him running as Bernie's VP and then on next election as president (Bernie will be 82 by then) looks appealing.

Beto has been in Congress for 5 years to Obama's 3. Which house they serve is irrelevant since there is no pecking order to one's elective office, especially when you consider the guy who currently occupies the WH.
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Well... yes, obviously. I am talking about electability, though.

That doesn't matter either. Bush won with Cheney, who was a corporate CEO, former SecDef, and Congressman from Wyoming.

Bush Sr. won with Dan Quayle....who was ostensibly mocked as a lightweight in the Sarah Palin mold at the time.
Which is why I think he himself will run. This year's senate race against Cruz has given him massive national exposure which is similar to the exposure and positive momentum Obama had in the year or two preceding his run. He would therefore not really be incentivized to strive for simply becoming someone's VP, and I'm sure Beto will poll well once 2020 hypothetical polls are released in the coming months.

Once you become a VP, it's extremely hard to go and become a president. There's incumbency factor, general feeling of change, scandals etc. I think Beto should avoid Bernie and Bernie should pick a guy who is content to become VP. Like a good version of Pence
He should pick that Ocasio woman then their slogan could be "O'Rourke, Ocasio...O' course!"

Once you become a VP, it's extremely hard to go and become a president. There's incumbency factor, general feeling of change, scandals etc. I think Beto should avoid Bernie and Bernie should pick a guy who is content to become VP. Like a good version of Pence

It would be a good idea to choose someone less ambitious. Ultimately, I think voters are going to have an issue electing a nearly 80 year old Sanders when there are younger candidates, which is why I'm not even entirely sure he will run.
For some reason, I feel like Beto needs to win for the Senate seat to become a serious force for a presidential candidate.

I fear he will go fading if he loses this November.
For some reason, I feel like Beto needs to win for the Senate seat to become a serious force for a presidential candidate.

I fear he will go fading if he loses this November.

He wouldn't need to win the Senate seat, what he would require is national name recognition and a degree of positive hype behind his candidacy from the media establishment, both of which he has already achieved. Winning the Senate race would be great for his Senate aspirations but it may in the end hamper any Presidential ambitions he may have.
I feel like Bernie's best pick for VP might be Harris. She is much younger than Bernie, balances the 'old white guy ' optics, is a former prosecutor with policy wonk vibe to offset Bernies idealist streak, she gives off an establishment vibe while still clearly being progressive, her critique of being less exciting is perfect to not attract attention from Bernie and give a bit of a Biden/Gore effect. I also think she would crush Ivanka oops I mean Pence in the VP debate
I feel like Bernie's best pick for VP might be Harris. She is much younger than Bernie, balances the 'old white guy ' optics, is a former prosecutor with policy wonk vibe to offset Bernies idealist streak, she gives off an establishment vibe while still clearly being progressive, her critique of being less exciting is perfect to not attract attention from Bernie and give a bit of a Biden/Gore effect. I also think she would crush Ivanka oops I mean Pence in the VP debate

I don't know anyone who actually likes Harris other than establishment media types. She comes across as a female version of Booker to me.
Bernie really needs to explain a lot better on his intended policies rather than keep saying 'top one tenth of bla bla benefits from this and that' every time the questions go in detail.

From the interviews and town halls I have seen, he is not exactly a great public speaker. None of what he said makes me feel like inspired or something. Not that Trump was one though.
I don't know anyone who actually likes Harris other than establishment media types. She comes across as a female version of Booker to me.

Strange. I know a lot of people that really like her a lot.
Once you become a VP, it's extremely hard to go and become a president. There's incumbency factor, general feeling of change, scandals etc. I think Beto should avoid Bernie and Bernie should pick a guy who is content to become VP. Like a good version of Pence
Truman*, Johnson*, Nixon, Ford**, Bush Sr. all became presidents after serving as VPs, while Al Gore almost became (and according to many, he was cheated of office), so I don't think it is true what you said. Obviously, the likes of Cheney and Pence aren't very electable, but a good VP with a lot of charisma can become a president.

* President died/was killed in office, they became presidents cause of line of succession, Truman then went to win 2 elections (which made him the second longest serving president in history), while Johnson won one election
** Nixon was impeached and resigned, Ford became president and then won an election.
I feel like Bernie's best pick for VP might be Harris. She is much younger than Bernie, balances the 'old white guy ' optics, is a former prosecutor with policy wonk vibe to offset Bernies idealist streak, she gives off an establishment vibe while still clearly being progressive, her critique of being less exciting is perfect to not attract attention from Bernie and give a bit of a Biden/Gore effect. I also think she would crush Ivanka oops I mean Pence in the VP debate
She looks very calm, authoritative and articulate. Haven't seen her speaking bar in Kavanaugh case, but she was the shining point there.

She is a good VP choice.
Bernie really needs to explain a lot better on his intended policies rather than keep saying 'top one tenth of bla bla benefits from this and that' every time the questions go in detail.

From the interviews and town halls I have seen, he is not exactly a great public speaker. None of what he said makes me feel like inspired or something. Not that Trump was one though.
I disagree. Think that he is a good speaker, but he has also a large dose of populism, which means that he doesn't goes too much into details (if they really exist) on how is he going to achieve things, how much will it cost, etc etc. Regardless of that, Dems need to go with him and go further left, build a new identity, instead of being a softer version of Republican party.
Truman*, Johnson*, Nixon, Ford**, Bush Sr. all became presidents after serving as VPs, while Al Gore almost became (and according to many, he was cheated of office), so I don't think it is true what you said. Obviously, the likes of Cheney and Pence aren't very electable, but a good VP with a lot of charisma can become a president.

* President died/was killed in office, they became presidents cause of line of succession, Truman then went to win 2 elections (which made him the second longest serving president in history), while Johnson won one election
** Nixon was impeached and resigned, Ford became president and then won an election.
Is this a new timeline or summat?
Is this a new timeline or summat?
He completed Roosevelt's mandate and then did two mandates of his own. Has anyone bar Roosevelt served more as president?

Anyway, my point was that it isn't that difficult to become president if you've served as VP.

Edit: Oops, I was wrong. He still won one election though.
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He completed Roosevelt's mandate and then did two mandates of his own. Has anyone bar Roosevelt served more as president?

Anyway, my point was that it isn't that difficult to become president if you've served as VP.

Edit: Oops, I was wrong. He still won one election though.

Truman is 15th longest serving, as you found out. If he had done what you thought, then yeah he would easily be 2nd.
Does Beto have a decent chance against Cruz?

He talks a good game and is the right profile for a next leader for the Dems.
Beto's favourability is 10 points down on Cruz.
The only thing I can say is, something is wrong with Texans. Beto has no chance if he's less liked than Ted fecking Cruz.
FiveThirtyEight currently gives Beto a 22.5% chance of winning. Which is pretty damn good, considering.


Beto's favourability is 10 points down on Cruz.
The only thing I can say is, something is wrong with Texans. Beto has no chance if he's less liked than Ted fecking Cruz.

Hmmm, not sure what to make of that.

What would it take for him to actually have a chance of winning?
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