2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Bernie is done if she runs. There is going to be a huge hunger in democratic party to elect another historical first. US electorate do not care about the international relations and espousing the same economical policis as Bernie would spell the end of latter's run.

Totally agreed.
Bernie is done if she runs. There is going to be a huge hunger in democratic party to elect another historical first. US electorate do not care about the international relations and espousing the same economical policis as Bernie would spell the end of latter's run.

She doesn’t have much 2020 momentum at the moment. That could of course change, but she would still need to overcome the cult of Sanders to run the gauntlet all the way through to the convention.
She doesn’t have much 2020 momentum at the moment. That could of course change, but she would still need to overcome the cult of Sanders to run the gauntlet all the way through to the convention.

She only needs to beat Bernie in the primaries. I think she is progressive enough that hard lefties who did not vote for Hillary, would vote for her. I just can't see democratic party nominating another white old man at the moment despite whatever polling Bernie or Biden may be getting.
She only needs to beat Bernie in the primaries. I think she is progressive enough that hard lefties who did not vote for Hillary, would vote for her. I just can't see democratic party nominating another white old man at the moment despite whatever polling Bernie or Biden may be getting.

Yep, agreed . She is also a bit younger than Bernie and Biden and could likely galvanize the progressive and centrist factions.
I think she's a crap candidate. Just doesn't really connect with people the way Americans like their Presidents to do. She's be eaten alive by the right-wing hate machine.
She only needs to beat Bernie in the primaries. I think she is progressive enough that hard lefties who did not vote for Hillary, would vote for her. I just can't see democratic party nominating another white old man at the moment despite whatever polling Bernie or Biden may be getting.

If both she and Bernie run, neither will win. Biden or Harris or Booker will get through.
If both she and Bernie run, neither will win. Biden or Harris or Booker will get through.

A number of things could happen. Namely, Bernie and Liz are the front runners and everyone else will be far back. Or else, Biden will be helped by her candidacy. Hard to tell at this point.
I think she's a crap candidate. Just doesn't really connect with people the way Americans like their Presidents to do. She's be eaten alive by the right-wing hate machine.
I know completely feck all but there does seem a element of this. She been on the main stage for a while now and you think she would be more well liked.
I know completely feck all but there does seem a element of this. She been on the main stage for a while now and you think she would be more well liked.

Its a bit of implicit bias among those who don't think a woman can win as well as the fact that she is not viewed as a purist from either faction. The progressives have move more left and view Sanders as the orthodox standard bearer, whereas the establishment/centrist elements are for Biden because they think his straight talking ways would match up well against Trump's BS. She is somewhere in the middle, which makes it a bit harder to market her to both wings. Conversely, that may just be what is needed to galvanize both wings. Time will tell.
Warren's moment was 2016. Her choosing not to challenge Hillary is enough on its own to not swing Bernie voters into voting for her just because. Bernie claimed those voters in 2016 when Warren chose not to. She would have to give them a compelling reason to support her now. They won't just swing to support Warren for 2020 just because. I don't think she will run personally.
Warren's moment was 2016. Her choosing not to challenge Hillary is enough on its own to not swing Bernie voters into voting for her just because. Bernie claimed those voters in 2016 when Warren chose not to. She would have to give them a compelling reason to support her now. They won't just swing to support Warren for 2020 just because. I don't think she will run personally.


Bernie will run providing his health is good.

Any challenge from the DNC will come from the middle. The main difference will be policies.
If Bernie does not run, I'd be happy with that.

But I really want Beto to win in Texas. He can do so much for that state. How long since the last Democratic Senator and this man is 100% for the people.

It would be great if he won but I'm under no illusion that he would benefit Texas particularly much in the Senate since policy is dependent on the legislative and executive passing laws and simply having one senator wouldn't do much. It would obviously help the Dems to have a better chance at the Senate, but frankly Beto's talents are much more scalable at the national level, which is why he needs to be in the mix for POTUS (or VP) in 2020. As for Sanders and Biden, they may be a bit too old to become President and I just don't think its a particularly inspiring idea to have new Presidents pushing 80.
I'm not buying into this Beto love-in. He's been around for five minutes. After Trump, the nation will be crying out for a steady hand. I think it's Biden's to lose. Joe is somebody I can see a lot of weary repubs getting behind. Pocahontas and some Texan phenom, not so much.
I'm not buying into this Beto love-in. He's been around for five minutes. After Trump, the nation will be crying out for a steady hand. I think it's Biden's to lose. Joe is somebody I can see a lot of weary repubs getting behind. Pocahontas and some Texan phenom, not so much.

Except for the inconvenient fact that a majority of the party's energy and enthusiasm is over in the progressive wing. That's where there's the most opportunity for growth, which suggests an establishment guy may not be ideal.
Except for the inconvenient fact that a majority of the party's energy and enthusiasm is over in the progressive wing. That's where there's the most opportunity for growth, which suggests an establishment guy may not be ideal.

Biden just doesn't have that establishment vibe. He is incredible at connecting with all. The dems won't risk another presidency on a kid from Texas. He might make VP but he's got to win a Senate race first and I doubt he's even going to do that.

Way too early for desperate mancrushes.
Biden just doesn't have that establishment vibe. He is incredible at connecting with all. The dems won't risk another presidency on a kid from Texas. He might make VP but he's got to win a Senate race first and I doubt he's even going to do that.

Way too early for desperate mancrushes.

I don't know about that. The last two Presidents have come out of absolutely nowhere to win. If there's one thing we know in recent cycles its that people who we think should be the favorites tend to underperform and those who are hitting their peak political stride and are connected with the politics of the moment tend to win.
I don't know about that. The last two Presidents have come out of absolutely nowhere to win. If there's one thing we know in recent cycles its that people who we think should be the favorites tend to underperform and those who are hitting their peak political stride and are connected with the politics of the moment tend to win.

How to say you're running without actually saying it.

Probably in discussion with Bernie at the moment. There’s no point running 2 candidates from the left while the party loyalists coalesce around Biden.

This is also fairly interesting regarding Harris’s intention. She’d be better positioned against 2 old white men than one and a woman.
Probably in discussion with Bernie at the moment. There’s no point running 2 candidates from the left while the party loyalists coalesce around Biden.

This is also fairly interesting regarding Harris’s intention. She’d be better positioned against 2 old white men than one and a woman.

She would be a more viable candidate imo. She has most of his policies and is a decade younger, a woman, and would check the box a host of issues progressives care about.
We can see that Trump is transforming the Republicans. To something even more vile, I agree, but he is transforming them nevertheless.

That's why we need Bernie as a president. It doesn't matter that he is old. He will transform the Democrats. And they do need the transformation because they have become the party of Wall Street and Silicon Valley, disconnected from the average person.
We can see that Trump is transforming the Republicans. To something even more vile, I agree, but he is transforming them nevertheless.

That's why we need Bernie as a president. It doesn't matter that he is old. He will transform the Democrats. And they do need the transformation because they have become the party of Wall Street and Silicon Valley, disconnected from the average person.

He’s further left than most democrats, but he’s literally not a member of the Democratic Party.

His policies have support from a large majority of Americans when you just ask them about the policy not attach it to a name or party. Also the only people who care about him not being an official Democrat are butthurt Hillary supporters.
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