2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Buttigieg is the only candidate on that stage that actually makes me nauseated when listening to him just speak empty nothing words with a smile. What a weasel. He says ABSOLUTELY NOTHING of substance. He's a crap Obama impersonator.
Amy: The best way to tackle climate change is to have a USA-Mexico-Canada trade agreement....WUT??? :wenger:
He's so empty he's making me lik Amy (who is honest about being an asshole) and Biden (whose dementia is humanising)

Child poverty hasn't been a debate topic in 20 years...........Pete's response: we aren't looking at the right numbers, we gotta look at the income gains of the 90%........so household income isn't examined in child poverty? WTF ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT.
If the debate shifts any votes, Steyer might register in the NH result. I thought he was damn impressive. Such a shame about how he got up there though.
Final rankings:

1. Bernie
2. Steyer

3. Warren
4. Amy - beats biden simply because she owns her "suck eggs" campaign style
5. Biden - It's time to leave the island.
6. Yang

7. Pete - O..M..G what a weasel

Can someone please translate this for me, my mind is about to break. :lol:

He is trying to say what Bernie’s team actually said post Joe Rogan “controversy”. You don’t have to agree with someone 100% of the time to work with them. Like Bernie working with Mike Lee on the Yemen bill
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