2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Needs his hard drive checked
Its not wasted if it is right.

I'm not sure I follow. If it's not wasted, then presumably you consider it to be a success in some form. In what way is it succeeding, or what's the objective?
“You know, I have my own views of the word socialist and I’ll be glad to tell them, share them with you in private,” Matthews said forcefully, right before sharing his views in public in an almost panicked, rat-a-tat-tat tone. “They go back to the early 1950s. I have an attitude about them. I remember the Cold War. I have an attitude towards Castro, and I believe if Castro and the Reds had won the Cold War, there would have been executions in Central Park and I might’ve been one of the ones executed and certain other people would be there cheering. So, I have a problem with people who took the other side.”

Matthews then turned his comments back to Sanders. “I don’t know who Bernie supports over these years. I don’t know what he means by socialism. One week it’s Den-mahk, we’re going to be like Den-mahk,” the MSNBC host said, lapsing into an impression of Sanders’ Brooklyn accent. “Ok, that’s harmless. That’s basically a capitalist country with a lot of good social programs. Den-mahk is harmless.”

“He’s clearly in the Denmark category,” Hayes gently pointed out.

“Is he?!” Matthews shot back.

“Yeah,” Hayes replied.

“How do you know? Did he tell you that?” Matthews pressed.


Fox News level of hysteria because Chris Matthews doesn't like the idea of paying more in taxes. Also tries to hedge his bets,"well Bernie talks about a Denmark model for the USA.....but it sounds like he'd execute me in central park".

Also, the cognitive dissonance is breathtaking. So a "Scandinavian Model" is "fine and harmless, with good social programs", yet because Bernie defines that model with a democratic socialism mindset, he equates that to public executions? Absolutely mental.
basically a precinct chair can overturn an entire election if s/he feels like it.

Fox News level of hysteria because Chris Matthews doesn't like the idea of paying more in taxes. Also tries to hedge his bets,"well Bernie talks about a Denmark model for the USA.....but it sounds like he'd execute me in central park".

Also, the cognitive dissonance is breathtaking. So a "Scandinavian Model" is "fine and harmless, with good social programs", yet because Bernie defines that model with a democratic socialism mindset, he equates that to public executions? Absolutely mental.

I want to execute Matthews in Central Park by the museum and drag his corpse all the way to Times Square
Tracking poll updated. Buttchug dropped 3 pts in a single day after the debate.

Biden can also even finish 5th at this pace. There’s a paradox here. While the winner of SC has gone on to become the nominee the last 6 cycles, no one has ever finished 3rd or lower in NH and become the nominee, so that’s a huge hole in the Southern firewall theory.

If Sanders can somehow persuade Warren to drop out before Super Tuesday and get to 40%, he’ll have the mathematics locked in, since 30% of delegates with a huge chunk of the South already gone by then. He most likely will win even without that if the centrist lane remains divided as it is, but there’s a real opportunity here to get things wrapped up by May or so.
Not getting giddy but with the Biden waning which at first was his hardest task to get by, Sanders i reckon is nailed on despite what the DNC wants, it's gunna feel the bern.
Not getting giddy but with the Biden waning which at first was his hardest task to get by, Sanders i reckon is nailed on despite what the DNC wants, it's gunna feel the bern.
I think the DNC wants to defeat trump and sees Bernie as a liability in achieving this... From the time I spent in the states and now being quite detached and looking objectively I think they are right to be concerned.

I can see Bernie piling on votes in safe democrat seats and if it were an election based on the popular vote then he would have a good chance

Reality isnt that though... It's an electoral college and the election will be decided in a few key battlegrounds and I don't think Bernie will do well there

I'd love to be wrong because I dread to think how bad trump might get if he does not have to face re-election

I think the democratic party's worst scenario is a brokered convention between independent Bernie Sanders and former republican Bloomberg ... And I wouldn't rule that out
Tracking poll updated. Buttchug dropped 3 pts in a single day after the debate.

Biden can also even finish 5th at this pace. There’s a paradox here. While the winner of SC has gone on to become the nominee the last 6 cycles, no one has ever finished 3rd or lower in NH and become the nominee, so that’s a huge hole in the Southern firewall theory.

If Sanders can somehow persuade Warren to drop out before Super Tuesday and get to 40%, he’ll have the mathematics locked in, since 30% of delegates with a huge chunk of the South already gone by then. He most likely will win even without that if the centrist lane remains divided as it is, but there’s a real opportunity here to get things wrapped up by May or so.

A lot of Dems keep overestimating the power of the black vote. It’s important for their turnout (and damn that community deserve to be listened to and have their historical and current injustices addressed) but in 2016 the black vote accounted for 19% of the Dem vote. Considering how much of that is in the Southern states where the Dems aren’t going to win anyway, a candidate HAS to appeal strongly to white working class voters too, or else they’re fecked. Which makes it super annoying when I keep hearing Dems sneering about why predominantly white northern states don’t matter.
have explained.

Through this?

What the US does affects the world.
Yang said Trump is only the symptom of the problem.
To nominate a hollow candidate like Biden solves nothing.
Bernie is one voice. But millions of voices are not being heard.
I believe in this election those voices are trying to break through the barrier set up by the establishment.

If they do, we will see real change that will help everyone.

That's an explanation for why Bernie Sanders should be nominated, from your perspective. I understand that bit. The question I asked was totally different.

What do you hope to achieve by repeating these messages over and over again? If the intention is to persuade people of the important and validity of his messages, then wouldn't your time be better spent sharing it on a platform full of American voters, who can actually take action as a result of it? If the intention is not to persuade people and drive action, then what is it?
Through this?

That's an explanation for why Bernie Sanders should be nominated, from your perspective. I understand that bit. The question I asked was totally different.

What do you hope to achieve by repeating these messages over and over again? If the intention is to persuade people of the important and validity of his messages, then wouldn't your time be better spent sharing it on a platform full of American voters, who can actually take action as a result of it? If the intention is not to persuade people and drive action, then what is it?

Fair enough.

I will be more direct about why Biden should never be nominated. Buttigeg is an inside joke of the DNC that is now on them.

Some perspective.
Hillary's emails was a real issue. But for most people it is a little abstract.
But what Biden did to help his son is open corruption. Everyone can understand that. He has gagged the Liberal media. But he wont be able to gag a vindicated Trump.
The Republicans will be energized. Democrats will have to hold their nose hard to vote for him should he become the nominee. Many will simply stay home. That will also hurt Congress. Just think of the damage to the world it will cause.

If the objective of the DNC is to defeat Trump, they should back the only realistic option they have. Sanders.
They can back him fully and when he becomes President compromise with him. He is a reasonable man and will do that.

Win win situation.
Through this?

That's an explanation for why Bernie Sanders should be nominated, from your perspective. I understand that bit. The question I asked was totally different.

What do you hope to achieve by repeating these messages over and over again? If the intention is to persuade people of the important and validity of his messages, then wouldn't your time be better spent sharing it on a platform full of American voters, who can actually take action as a result of it? If the intention is not to persuade people and drive action, then what is it?
How many of your nearly fifty thousand posts on a football forum had a meaningful purpose?
I think the DNC wants to defeat trump and sees Bernie as a liability in achieving this... From the time I spent in the states and now being quite detached and looking objectively I think they are right to be concerned.

I can see Bernie piling on votes in safe democrat seats and if it were an election based on the popular vote then he would have a good chance

Reality isnt that though... It's an electoral college and the election will be decided in a few key battlegrounds and I don't think Bernie will do well there

I'd love to be wrong because I dread to think how bad trump might get if he does not have to face re-election

I think the democratic party's worst scenario is a brokered convention between independent Bernie Sanders and former republican Bloomberg ... And I wouldn't rule that out

Remember 1968?

They handed over the presidency to Nixon.
If the objective of the DNC is to defeat Trump, they should back the only realistic option they have. Sanders.

I agree with that being the objective... But that's precisely why they dont want Sanders

He will rack up votes in safe seats but I think will have a disaster in swing states and trump will win the electoral college (even if he looses the popular vote again) and with Sanders as leader the democrats might even loose the house as well.

As this article says...

I agree with that being the objective... But that's precisely why they dont want Sanders

He will rack up votes in safe seats but I think will have a disaster in swing states and trump will win the electoral college (even if he looses the popular vote again) and with Sanders as leader the democrats might even loose the house as well.

As this article says...


I reject that analysis.

What is the appeal of Sanders?

The answer is policies that everyone can identify with.
Health Care, Climate Change, Living Wage and Free College.

Sanders will definitely campaign in Ohio for example. Some may not agree with all his policies, but people know him to be an honest man.
You don't get that with Biden and Bloomberg.
I reject that analysis.

What is the appeal of Sanders?

The answer is policies that everyone can identify with.
Health Care, Climate Change, Living Wage and Free College.

Sanders will definitely campaign in Ohio for example. Some may not agree with all his policies, but people know him to be an honest man.
You don't get that with Biden and Bloomberg.
Sounds remarkably similar to what the Corbyn supporters were saying in the run up to the UK election... I anticipate similar results if Bernie is the nominee

For clarity I think trump probably wins against any of the nominees ... It's just he wins by more against Bernie I think
Fair enough.

I will be more direct about why Biden should never be nominated. Buttigeg is an inside joke of the DNC that is now on them.

Some perspective.
Hillary's emails was a real issue. But for most people it is a little abstract.
But what Biden did to help his son is open corruption. Everyone can understand that. He has gagged the Liberal media. But he wont be able to gag a vindicated Trump.
The Republicans will be energized. Democrats will have to hold their nose hard to vote for him should he become the nominee. Many will simply stay home. That will also hurt Congress. Just think of the damage to the world it will cause.

If the objective of the DNC is to defeat Trump, they should back the only realistic option they have. Sanders.
They can back him fully and when he becomes President compromise with him. He is a reasonable man and will do that.

Win win situation.

I'm not asking why you support Sanders, or why you don't support Biden. I also support Sanders, and don't support Biden. Unfortunately my opinion on the matter is essentially irrelevant as I can't actually vote in the US. I'm asking why you're choosing to share that message over and over and over again here, full of people like me, who can't vote in the US election? What purpose does it serve?

How many of your nearly fifty thousand posts on a football forum had a meaningful purpose?

Simple question, simple answer: 0, as far as I can recall.

But then I wasn't talking about a meaningful purpose. That's your own addition.

How many of them have a purpose? All of them, and for the ones on a subject that I have discussed literally thousands of times, I'd be able to articulate that purpose pretty well. The majority of them are on frivolous topics, and are one-off points. Lots of them can be boiled down to just wasting time, this one is aimed at trying to better understand a subject and the people engaged with it.

Red Dream considers this to be a very important topic, and has made literally exactly the same point hundreds of times, so there is a real driving force behind that. I was just curious to find out what it was. Others were too, evidently. I think of it as the kind of thing you'd hear people say on the doorsteps of voters on a campaign trail, repeating it over and over again in separate conversations to different people, but in this case it's to the same people, who aren't voters, and he's not on the campaign trail. I've not experienced that elsewhere, and thought it was perfectly reasonable to ask about. He's perfectly entitled to tell me that's none of my business. It's a harmless question from one anonymous stranger to another at the end of the day.
Sounds remarkably similar to what the Corbyn supporters were saying in the run up to the UK election... I anticipate similar results if Bernie is the nominee

For clarity I think trump probably wins against any of the nominees ... It's just he wins by more against Bernie I think

you always put forward your wishful thinking to back up your claims.

Voters have clearly stated Health Care and Climate Change (which affects everyone in the world btw) is their main concern.

Identity politics is fading.
It's a harmless question from one anonymous stranger to another at the end of the day.
Alright. Sounded to me like you were trying to tell him you had a problem with his posts but if you're just fascinated by his inner workings then crack on.
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