2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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This is promising:

Is NH a simple primary with a popular vote or is it in districts with a number of delegates earned per district?

It’s proportional - 15% to be viable and delegates are awarded as such for candidates who meet the threshold.
can someone ELI5 how Bloomberg can skip the early primaries and still have a decent chance? (well, according to the bookies at least)

his spending is absolutely insane
can someone ELI5 how Bloomberg can skip the early primaries and still have a decent chance? (well, according to the bookies at least)

his spending is absolutely insane

Because the first few primaries don’t offer much in terms of delegates, so Bloomberg is banking on Super Tuesday and beyond (where most delegates are) to buy his way into the race.
Because the first few primaries don’t offer much in terms of delegates, so Bloomberg is banking on Super Tuesday and beyond (where most delegates are) to buy his way into the race.

Cheers Raoul

If you look at the digital spending so far, he's a serious threat. Especially if Biden/Warren drop off and the establishment need to get behind someone who can beat Bernie.

Bloomberg $60m
Pete $13m
Bernie $13m
Warren $11m
Biden $6m
Yes of course the DNC wouldn’t screw over Sanders....not like it’s never happened before, like 4 years ago right? If they hadn’t screwed him over then it would be a Sanders presidency right now

IIRC the polls showed that Saunders would be more likely to win over Trump than Clinton 4 years ago? Not that it was set in stone, but more likely.
They purged the Brooklyn voter rolls last time.
Anything but an overwhelming victory for Sanders and they;ll replace him with someone else.
As sad as it is in a way Bloomberg is a powerful ally for the DNC and while very unlikely to come anywhere close to the nomination will be quite critical in attacking the onslaught of misinformation that will be coming our ways from the Trump campaign. Like it or not - he has a lot of tools at his disposal to hopefully sniff out things like unsavory interference (and yes I am being slightly naive perhaps in thinking that that will be played as clean as possible). Unusual times however.

The Dems also bled too many votes to Stein last year as well (which btw.. Anyone remember the pics of her, Flynn and Russian and Trump officials that was discovered) - and one thing Bloomberg can certainly hark on is his pro environment drive to snatch up some critical votes there for whoever is the nominee. At least that's the way I look at it right now.
As sad as it is in a way Bloomberg is a powerful ally for the DNC and while very unlikely to come anywhere close to the nomination will be quite critical in attacking the onslaught of misinformation that will be coming our ways from the Trump campaign. Like it or not - he has a lot of tools at his disposal to hopefully sniff out things like unsavory interference (and yes I am being slightly naive perhaps in thinking that that will be played as clean as possible). Unusual times however.

The Dems also bled too many votes to Stein last year as well (which btw.. Anyone remember the pics of her, Flynn and Russian and Trump officials that was discovered) - and one thing Bloomberg can certainly hark on is his pro environment drive to snatch up some critical votes there for whoever is the nominee. At least that's the way I look at it right now.
I remember. While the media were clutching their pearls over Flynn sitting opposite Putin they totally missed Jill Stein practically sitting in his lap.
wow did that happen? that's so crazy. i just showed the picture to a bunch of blue collar white people and they all said they regretted voting for trump and that they wished they had voted for mrs. nafta instead.
wow did that happen? that's so crazy. i just showed the picture to a bunch of blue collar white people and they all said they regretted voting for trump and that they wished they had voted for mrs. nafta instead.
oh wait, one of them countered with a picture of ghislaine maxwell at chelsea clintons wedding. we are at a stalemate.

Too complex that...
Pete's campaign staffer has been sending out messages to Super PAC'S. Its illegal for campaigns to coordinate with Super PAC'S, so they're just sending out messages to them via social media.

Pete's campaign staffer has been sending out messages to Super PAC'S. Its illegal for campaigns to coordinate with Super PAC'S, so they're just sending out messages to them via social media.

Is it legal to send messages on Grindr? "Check out those PACs!"

I havent' checked the maths. If it holds, it is impossible to eliminate the possibility that this is not a random error.

Anyway, 4 years ago, I shouted at people on reddit/S4P who were saying "rigging", saying that it's incompetence. Since then, the major change in Iowa caucuses has been the release fo vote tallies, pushed for by Bernie's people. We have seen that the final winner doesnt reflect the raw vote, and further that state delegate assortment breaks the rules set by the party. Whoever I called a conspiracy theorist was right and I was wrong.
They have successfully waged war on the left, costing them the presidency in 2016 and maybe again.
The way Biden's campaign is getting dismissed does surprise me a little. Months ago, the Biden campaign were briefing the media that their success did not depend on doing well in Iowa & NH.


Key moment for the Biden campaign will be Nevada & SC. He needs a good showing in Nevada and then has to dominate in SC.

This same party said 4 years ago that it is under no obligation to respect the primary proess and can nominate anyone it wants, since it is a private organisation.

Why should any Bernie supporter support this party in the general? They've repeatedly and openly shown contempt and put their thumb on the scale to stop him, stop them, and oppose his policies.
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