2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Can you explain, in detail, how this one thing can account for all the discrepancies we have seen? We don't want to be conpiratorial here and blame everything on these shadowy "hacker bros", we must have a chain of plausible events.
So how did the hackers cause:

1. Vote reporting to be done by an app owned by the spouse of a Pete staffer.
2. App cannot handle some zero data and thus reassigns columns, given Steyer the votes of Warren for example.
3. App has 200-person limit because of reliance on freeware.
4. App cost hundreds of thousands.
5. Pete campaign manager tweets pictures of ballot sheets includng the confidential PIN codes, tweet up (with replies pointing this out) for >24 hours, no action taken by the party.
6. Photos from the caucus and 1st/2nd votes in alignment but delegates awarded on the official site are not, at multiple locations. Systematic analysis by the Bernie bros at the NYT shows this is widespread across precincts.
7. Pete declares victory on 0% votes, media cautiously congratulates him and then declares him victor on a 62% count which does not appear to be fully representative.
8. County chairs report the entire vote and delegate totals on Tuesday morning but they aren't logged till Wednesday night.
9. Party uses a public phone line for phone declaration of results, while Bernie's campaign manages to keep their stuff secure.
10. Media uses SDEs to declare Pete winner, despite focusing on pledged delegates in 2016.
11. After days of irregularities, party stops counting at 97% with Bernie about to take the lead or tie on all measures (1st vote, final vote, SDEs, pledge delegates), and announces a re-canvas of everything, specifically the satellite locations which went heavily for Bernie (and where video evidence of Bernie wins exists).

Remember, after the destruction of democracy by those pesky Russians in 2016, the Dems are the party of cybersecurity and cyberwarfare. A bit of an oopsy here it seems.

Oh, I forgot, for the first time ever, the DMR poll isn't released due to a single complaint that wasn't replicated anywhere else.

I was only half joking about the DNC bit. I honestly don’t know all the specifics, but I wouldn’t worry about it if I was a Bernie fan since he is basically tied for the lead. Not the end of the world by any stretch. The 4chan bit is worrying though, since it’s apparently very easy for trolls and malcontents to disrupt an election count a mere 4 years after Russians subverted the last elections.
I was only half joking about the DNC bit. I honestly don’t know all the specifics, but I wouldn’t worry about it if I was a Bernie fan since he is basically tied for the lead. Not the end of the world by any stretch. The 4chan bit is worrying though, since it’s apparently very easy for trolls and malcontents to disrupt an election count a mere 4 years after Russians subverted the last elections.

The DNC literally used their public number, available by googling Iowa DNC, for this :lol:
I'm trying to give up tracking this, it's going to break my brain. My fear is the damage (in terms of Pete's polling) is done.
I was only half joking about the DNC bit. I honestly don’t know all the specifics, but I wouldn’t worry about it if I was a Bernie fan since he is basically tied for the lead. Not the end of the world by any stretch. The 4chan bit is worrying though, since it’s apparently very easy for trolls and malcontents to disrupt an election count a mere 4 years after Russians subverted the last elections.
Sanders may be doing well there but these premature headlines and stagnation imprints this false idea of who really won, which can have an effect as you’ve pointed out already. It may be small margins but small margins are all that it takes in this election. Plus it’s making Democrats look more stupid than they already do.
Hopefully we'll be having a laugh by Super Tuesday how Berbatrick blew his fuse on Pistol pete's total bombing. Similar to Ted Cruz winning Iowa in 2016 only to be crashed by the Trump train. But I fully expect Red Dreams to continue ranting incoherently about DNC even after Sanders becomes the nominee.

This seems to be the unfortunate and embarassing truth.

From what I've read the IDP have been allocating CDE's (County Delegate Equivalents) proportionally across the satellites: ie a satellite with 100 attendees would be allocated 10x the number of CDE's as one with 10. This, of course, would be the democratic way of doing it.

Unfortunately that's not what the rules say. (Bottom of page 9 onwards. Also see Page 69 for the spectacular mathematics they've decided should be used).

Apparently no matter how few people attend a particular satellite they can never be awarded fewer than 4 CDE's. Further, no matter how many people attend a particular satellite, they can never be awarded more than 9. This leads to the frankly ridiculous outcome that a satellite with over 900 attendees gets barely twice the power of a satellite with a single solitary one. Nonetheless, thems the rules.

Since Buttegieg did better in the smaller satellites, the IDP is likely underestimating his tally and overestimating Bernie's.
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Pete declared victory and he got the victory bump. Turns out Sanders won Iowa but you'd never know it by looking at CNN, MSNBC or fox.

He would've gotten the bump simply by outperforming expectations, but certainly pretending like he won, didn't hurt.
This seems to be the unfortunate and embarassing truth.

From what I've read the IDP have been allocating CDE's (County Delegate Equivalents) proportionally across the satellites: ie a satellite with 100 attendees would be allocated 10x the number of CDE's as one with 10. This, of course, would be the democratic way of doing it.

Unfortunately that's not what the rules say. (Bottom of page 9 onwards. Also see Page 69 for the spectacular mathematics they've decided should be used).

Apparently no matter how few people attend a particular satellite they can never be awarded fewer than 4 CDE's. Further, no matter how many people attend a particular satellite, they can never be awarded more than 9. This leads to the frankly ridiculous outcome that a satellite with over 900 attendees gets barely twice the power of a satellite with a single solitary one. Nonetheless, thems the rules.

Since Buttegieg did better in the smaller satellites, the IDP is likely underestimating his tally and overestimating Bernie's.

Its just a complete joke. The IDP released a statement a few hours ago where they are saying they will only do a recanvass if a candidates requests it. Pete was supposed to go directly to the IDP with his concerns, but he went running to Perez and that got leaked to the media.
They have now released all the precinct results. Only problem is they have still not corrected the errors

buttedge is going to win NH and bernie won't be the nominee, i don't know who will.
Another poll released yesterday has Bernie up by 9 over Pete.

Is NH a simple primary with a popular vote or is it in districts with a number of delegates earned per district?

The bernie bro conspiracy continues.

Yes of course the DNC wouldn’t screw over Sanders....not like it’s never happened before, like 4 years ago right? If they hadn’t screwed him over then it would be a Sanders presidency right now
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