2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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White and male for sure. Pete looks and talks like a traditional midwestern corn boy, which tends to resonate well in Iowa. It won’t resonate well in most other places.

Can't unsee him in an imaginary farm hand outifit now, thanks.:(
The entire exercise to deny Sanders the win is orchestrated by the DNC.
Their big problem is Biden their preferred candidate is a dud.
They are stuck with Pete who is done.

Sanders is calm because he knows he has won in votes and delegates.

I try to "imagine read"your posts in David Attenboro's voice. Just brilliant
The entire exercise to deny Sanders the win is orchestrated by the DNC.
Their big problem is Biden their preferred candidate is a dud.
They are stuck with Pete who is done.

Sanders is calm because he knows he has won in votes and delegates.

It won’t matter either way since he won’t be getting a bump out of it because it was several days ago and only NH is on the radar at the moment (where he should do well and Pete likely won’t).
The entire exercise to deny Sanders the win is orchestrated by the DNC.
Their big problem is Biden their preferred candidate is a dud.
They are stuck with Pete who is done.

Sanders is calm because he knows he has won in votes and delegates.
They are going to pull out all the stops for Bloomberg .
It won’t matter either way since he won’t be getting a bump out of it because it was several days ago and only NH is on the radar at the moment (where he should do well and Pete likely won’t).

That was the point.


The DNC cherry picked precincts where Buttigieg did well and 'mistakes' were made in those Sanders did well which hurt him.
With about 3 % left they are even. What probability that Sanders did well in those remaining ones?
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Just to be clear here, I’m not saying that all of the errors were clearly unintentional. We know for a fact that the party hates him, which means some low level precinct captains, party personnel in charge of tabulating the result etc.. at least hold the same sentiment, and I’m not ruling out some dumbfecks somewhere trying to be cute and swapped the column, hoping it wouldn’t get noticed, but a grand plan involving the IDP higher ups, former Obama/Clinton staffers and Buttchug’s people? Nah.

You're so close. You almost got it.
But fecking hell Iowa, what an absolute shitshow. Let's get to New Hampshire, put a massive win under Sanders and begin the red revolution. It's clear that it's between Sanders and the DNC now and DNC's preferred candidate maybe Pete or Bloomberg.

Pete surging on a *very* questionable headline. Lovely.

No one should be surprised at the Pete surge since that NY Times donor list was published in the summer, where it was made clear that every moneyed suburb and wealthy area was throwing a lot of cash at Pete over Biden.
Bernie saying that SDEs are used to detemine the DNC composition, not the pledged delegates. Says what he expects is a popular vote win and a national delegate tie.

edit- asked about stagnant caucus turnout, said that it's concering but he's happy that the youth vote was higher this time (from 18% to 24%, higher than the 2008 youth turnout)

Don't give them the benefit of the doubt.
This time the DNC apparently collaborated with 4Chan to derail Bernie’s momentum.

Can you explain, in detail, how this one thing can account for all the discrepancies we have seen? We don't want to be conpiratorial here and blame everything on these shadowy "hacker bros", we must have a chain of plausible events.
So how did the hackers cause:

1. Vote reporting to be done by an app owned by the spouse of a Pete staffer.
2. App cannot handle some zero data and thus reassigns columns, given Steyer the votes of Warren for example.
3. App has 200-person limit because of reliance on freeware.
4. App cost hundreds of thousands.
5. Pete campaign manager tweets pictures of ballot sheets includng the confidential PIN codes, tweet up (with replies pointing this out) for >24 hours, no action taken by the party.
6. Photos from the caucus and 1st/2nd votes in alignment but delegates awarded on the official site are not, at multiple locations. Systematic analysis by the Bernie bros at the NYT shows this is widespread across precincts.
7. Pete declares victory on 0% votes, media cautiously congratulates him and then declares him victor on a 62% count which does not appear to be fully representative.
8. County chairs report the entire vote and delegate totals on Tuesday morning but they aren't logged till Wednesday night.
9. Party uses a public phone line for phone declaration of results, while Bernie's campaign manages to keep their stuff secure.
10. Media uses SDEs to declare Pete winner, despite focusing on pledged delegates in 2016.
11. After days of irregularities, party stops counting at 97% with Bernie about to take the lead or tie on all measures (1st vote, final vote, SDEs, pledge delegates), and announces a re-canvas of everything, specifically the satellite locations which went heavily for Bernie (and where video evidence of Bernie wins exists).

Remember, after the destruction of democracy by those pesky Russians in 2016, the Dems are the party of cybersecurity and cyberwarfare. A bit of an oopsy here it seems.

Oh, I forgot, for the first time ever, the DMR poll isn't released due to a single complaint that wasn't replicated anywhere else.
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Can you explain, in detail, how this one thing can account for all the discrepancies we have seen? We don't want to be conpiratorial here and blame everything on these shadowy "hacker bros", we must have a chain of plausible events.
So how did the hackers cause:

1. Vote reporting to be done by an app owned by the spouse of a Pete staffer.
2. App cannot handle some zero data and thus reassigns columns, given Steyer the votes of Warren for example.
3. App has 200-person limit because of reliance on freeware.
4. App cost hundreds of thousands.
5. Pete campaign manager tweets pictures of ballot sheets includng the confidential PIN codes, tweet up (with replies pointing this out) for >24 hours, no action taken by the party.
6. Photos from the caucus and 1st/2nd votes in alignment but delegates awarded on the official site are not, at multiple locations. Systematic analysis by the Bernie bros at the NYT shows this is widespread across precincts.
7. Pete declares victory on 0% votes, media cautiously congratulates him and then declares him victor on a 62% count which does not appear to be fully representative.
8. County chairs report the entire vote and delegate totals on Tuesday morning but they aren't logged till Wednesday night.
9. Party uses a public phone line for phone declaration of results, while Bernie's campaign manages to keep their stuff secure.
10. Media uses SDEs to declare Pete winner, despite focusing on pledged delegates in 2016.
11. After days of irregularities, party stops counting at 97% with Bernie about to take the lead or tie on all measures (1st vote, final vote, SDEs, pledge delegates), and announces a re-canvas of everything, specifically the satellite locations which went heavily for Bernie (and where video evidence of Bernie wins exists).

Remember, after the destruction of democracy by those pesky Russians in 2016, the Dems are the party of cybersecurity and cyberwarfare. A bit of an oopsy here it seems.

Oh, I forgot, for the first time ever, the DMR poll isn't released due to a single complaint that wasn't replicated anywhere else.

Raoul is getting the DNC talking points before he replies.
are we surprised?

Listen to what Bernie said about Bloomberg and the DNC rule changes.

Still think the Democratic Party represents Working class people?

I feel that the DNC would prefer Trump to win over Bernie.
They seem to be throwing everything but the kitchen sink to stop his campaign
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