2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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To date, according to the Democrat, Obama has met with: Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders; Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren; former Vice President Joe Biden; former Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick; New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker; former New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu; Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti; South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Peter Buttigieg; former Missouri Secretary of State Jason Kander; and former Attorney General Eric Holder.

Only about 3 progressives in the list.
Can we please stop fecking talking about Hillary fecking Clinton. She lost. She was a truly awful, horrible and massively shitty candidate for President. Yes she would have been better than Trump, but so would Bernie, or even Kasich or Captain Nemo. It's just infuriating seeing the same Hillary this, Hillary that bollocks in numerous threads in this forum. Admittedly she doesn't help by constantly trying to stay relevant all the time, but each time she says something that is reported by the media, do we always then have to descend in to discussions about how and why she lost or how much better she would have been as President?

/rant over.

Back on topic...

The Dems are fecked.....

Or maybe not :lol: Although it was a much nicer world forgetting this stupid bint ever existed.

TBF it's all that that won trump the presidency, if he goes high and classy I doubted he would have won.

My guess is GOP loyalist + a few % from right wing nutters won over by his blatant buffoonery is the vote he needs.
To beat trump the next Dem candidate needs some smart operators not just to push there own message but to tie trump in knots and try to get a very public meltdown. Robbie Mook studying an algorithm on his macbook wont cut it in 2020.
To beat trump the next Dem candidate needs some smart operators not just to push there own message but to tie trump in knots and try to get a very public meltdown. Robbie Mook studying an algorithm on his macbook wont cut it in 2020.

To beat trump the next Dem candidate needs some smart operators not just to push there own message but to tie trump in knots and try to get a very public meltdown. Robbie Mook studying an algorithm on his macbook wont cut it in 2020.

What possible meltdown could he have that he hasnt had already? How could it possibly hurt him with his base?
What possible meltdown could he have that he hasnt had already? How could it possibly hurt him with his base?

Nah his base is practically settled. Trump was right when he said he could shoot someone in broad daylight and he wouldn't lose those votes.
What possible meltdown could he have that he hasnt had already? How could it possibly hurt him with his base?
They just need to turnout the Obama voters who idiotically decided not to vote for Hillary. Perhaps Michelle Obama?
They just need to turnout the Obama voters who idiotically decided not to vote for Hillary. Perhaps Michelle Obama?

The Obama case was unique to Obama at the time and has largely fractured back into the progressives and establishment types. The Dem that wins will be the one who can unite both factions and get enough crossover independents.
They just need to turnout the Obama voters who idiotically decided not to vote for Hillary. Perhaps Michelle Obama?

I don’t care about age, it’s got to be Biden if they judge the establishment vote is the way to go or Sanders if they think the progressive vote will win.

Give them both an apprentice to mentor as Vice President that the public will have confidence in should the worst happen.
The Obama case was unique to Obama at the time and has largely fractured back into the progressives and establishment types. The Dem that wins will be the one who can unite both factions and get enough crossover independents.
2008 was the election that the Dems couldn't lose after 8 years of Dubya, especially with Palin on the other side.
I don’t care about age, it’s got to be Biden if they judge the establishment vote is the way to go or Sanders if they think the progressive vote will win.

Give them both an apprentice to mentor as Vice President that the public will have confidence in should the worst happen.

Biden/Garcetti would be a solid choice.
I don’t care about age, it’s got to be Biden if they judge the establishment vote is the way to go or Sanders if they think the progressive vote will win.

Give them both an apprentice to mentor as Vice President that the public will have confidence in should the worst happen.
I think Colbert would make a good candidate against Trump. :D
Yeah even better, although I have my doubts if Gavin would dive in straight away after winning Gov.

Maybe Biden/Patrick then

That article posted sounded like Obama was a big fan of Patrick and he has a bigger profile I think than Garcetti.
Maybe Biden/Patrick then

That article posted sounded like Obama was a big fan of Patrick and he has a bigger profile I think than Garcetti.

I think Garcetti would connect with more people tbh. He's already been to Iowa as well so it looks like he'll be involved one way or another by 2019
I think Garcetti would connect with more people tbh. He's already been to Iowa as well so it looks like he'll be involved one way or another by 2019

I don't have anything against Garcetti, I just think Patrick for example (also Newsom) are more dynamic and have better presence which is very important in this era.
Think Biden would beat Trump. Not sure about the rest (including Bernie).

Bernie would curb-stomp him, if the Dem centrists could resist the urge to stick the knife in his back. He’s the one candidate who is both populist and also has a strong platform of hope for people. He’s also a tough bastard, as people forget because he went soft on Hillary to avoid hurting the Dems in the General last time.

Another potential problem with Gavin running is he used to be married to Kim Guilfoyle of Fox News, who is now dating Drumpf Jr., so you can only imagine how much behind the scenes dirt she would spill about Gavin if he was the nominee against Trump. Any extracurricular antics that may have taken place while Gavin was mayor of SF would be dragged out in a Presidential campaign.
Another potential problem with Gavin running is he used to be married to Kim Guilfoyle of Fox News, who is now dating Drumpf Jr., so you can only imagine how much behind the scenes dirt she would spill about Gavin if he was the nominee against Trump. Any extracurricular antics that may have taken place while Gavin was mayor of SF would be dragged out in a Presidential campaign.

That's a good point but it'd have to real graft she has evidence of not just sex stuff
Guys, as we are nearing the midterm elections, what do you think should be the 3-5 biggest ideas/points that the Democrats should focus on? Same for 2020. (All of that , of course, pending the results of the Russia investigation). Or, should democrats running for office this year just focus on what can win them a house seat in their own districts, just as we saw in Pennsylvania recently?
Guys, as we are nearing the midterm elections, what do you think should be the 3-5 biggest ideas/points that the Democrats should focus on? Same for 2020. (All of that , of course, pending the results of the Russia investigation). Or, should democrats running for office this year just focus on what can win them a house seat in their own districts, just as we saw in Pennsylvania recently?

Healthcare is paramount. It connects with just about everyone on the Dem side as well as with most independents.

Then - Gun policy, Education, Infrastructure, followed by an alternative to the lunacy of Trump

Most importantly, the Dems need to galvanize around a grand narrative of where they want to take the country and not harp too much on just going after Trump
Bit of a measuring stick coming up here in SC. We’ve got the primary elections coming up for a congressional seat and for governor.

We’ve got a guy running for my district’s congressional seat who has on his road signs “The Trump Guy”... he apparently knows Trump somehow. Interested to see how he fares.
Biden/McAuliffe/Brown will be the best best, assuming Warren won't run. If she does, it should be between them 4.

They should filter the likes of Kamala, Booker, Cuomo etc out early.

Biden would do well go with a young emerging VP like Garcetti imo. (Have to balance out the age factor).

Same would apply to Bernie. He could go for someone like Booker who would meet the age and single payer test (despite Booker being a former staunch Hillary supporter).
Biden would do well go with a young emerging VP like Garcetti imo. (Have to balance out the age factor).

Same would apply to Bernie. He could go for someone like Booker who would meet the age and single payer test (despite Booker being a former staunch Hillary supporter).
Don't think the age factors that much as long as they are healthy.

A establishment candidate like Biden can widen his support pool with a progressive partner like Brown or Mcauliffe.

I feel Booker and Harris are better off 2024 or 2028 elections with a bigger profile than now.
Don't think the age factors that much as long as they are healthy.

A establishment candidate like Biden can widen his support pool with a progressive partner like Brown or Mcauliffe.

I feel Booker and Harris are better off 2024 or 2028 elections with a bigger profile than now.

Mcaulliffe is a long time Clinton surrogate so I'm not sure he would be ideal in terms of being a progressive choice. He may however emerge as a leading establishment contender if the likes of Biden are not in the mix.
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Biden would do well go with a young emerging VP like Garcetti imo. (Have to balance out the age factor).

Same would apply to Bernie. He could go for someone like Booker who would meet the age and single payer test (despite Booker being a former staunch Hillary supporter).

Booker should get nowhere near the VP position imo. Garcetti, Newson are much better. Booker may win state polls in NJ but he isn't liked much elsewhere. Seems like an untrustworthy bloke.
Mcaulliffe is a long time Clinton surrogate so I'm not sure he would be ideal in terms of being a progressive choice. He may however emerge as a leading establishment contender if the likes of Biden are not in the mix.
He has been quite progressive in Virginia on gun control etc. Brown would be a better choice though.
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