2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Obama is the definition of a charismatic leader. I saw his interview with Letterman on Netflix and the contrast between him and Trump is bizarre. Political acumen aside, Obama just oozes class, intelligence and likability, where as Trump, well he just Oozes.

100% agree. The Letterman interview was great and Obama is just so impressive in every way.

:lol: @ the bolded part
He would be more likely to run as an independent if he did go for it .

I agree Biden and Saunders are both too old and as good as they may be I don't see them beating Trump .

They could go out every debate and destroy Trump and still wouldn't win it come the election.

Biden would beat Trump.
Ah yes, what the US really needs is a former Goldman Sachs CEO as President.

Thats the way they roll in the US.

Former MLI and GS employees are often hired in the branches of government that oversee Wall Street, and ex Monsanto employees are placed in the departments that regulate agricultural matters.
Ah yes, what the US really needs is a former Goldman Sachs CEO as President.

It's not ideal in any way to have a revolving door between the private and public sectors as people will be working to benefit their interests in the private sector whilst in government. Massive conflicts of interest. But the US is the most capitalist place in the world and that is how it is.

Bill Clinton was very close to Robert Rubin, who was at Goldman for 25 years before that. Clinton made him his chief economic adviser and then made him treasury secretary. He and Clinton then dismantled Glass Steagal which was there for more than half a century and other regulations giving massive freedoms to investment banks and financial firms to do as they please. He then left after Clinton's term and promptly joined Citigroup as chairman. That was a major cause of the crash of 2008.

George W Bush made Henry Paulson, the CEO of Goldman, his treasury secretary. John Corzine, another Goldman CEO, was New Jersey governor.

Obama made Jack Lew, COO of Citigroup, his chief of staff and then treasury secretary. He appointed Elena Kagan, who had gotten massive amounts of money from Goldman, to the Supreme Court! His entire administration was flooded with Goldman, Wall Street and other people with massive connections to the private sector. Timothy Geithner and others.


It's not going to change though. Congress is bought. The Supreme Court has become extremely corporate over the years.
Damn. Not Patrick Kennedy.

He does make a really good point though. Once you remove the window for a police officer to search your car without your permission, they're fecked.
Damn. Not Patrick Kennedy.

He does make a really good point though. Once you remove the window for a police officer to search your car without your permission, they're fecked.

We need to sign him up as the next AG and put him to work on ending Bong culture once and for all.
I think that ship has well and truly sailed.

I'll be happy to settle for any Dem in 2020. Getting rid of Trump comes before all else. If he gets a couple more SCOTUS picks in a 2nd term then all things left of center are fecked for the next 3 decades.
I'll be happy to settle for any Dem in 2020. Getting rid of Trump comes before all else. If he gets a couple more SCOTUS picks in a 2nd term then all things left of center are fecked for the next 3 decades.

Imagine if more people had the intelligence to think ahead like this.. The fact that a GOP President got to name Scalia's replacement is bad enough.
She's definitely aged well. Wouldn't do to well against Trump imo.

He would definitely milk the hell out of the whole native american heritage thing.

I guess most of those who voted for Trump in 2016 will do so again - so the most important thing will be a candidate who can energize and mobilize those Dem voters who sat out last time, right? "Sanders got screwed, so Hillary ain't getting my vote" etc.
He would definitely milk the hell out of the whole native american heritage thing.

I guess most of those who voted for Trump in 2016 will do so again - so the most important thing will be a candidate who can energize and mobilize those Dem voters who sat out last time, right?

Yeah agreed. You can tell Trump's insecurity about running against anyone since the moment a possible opponent is mentioned he immediately goes on the attack. Oprah's name was floated with no confirmation that she was even remotely interested, and despite being very friendly with her over the years, he immediately went on the attack. That's why whoever runs against Trump is going to have to have very high positive numbers and be somewhat attack proof.
Yeah agreed. You can tell Trump's insecurity about running against anyone since the moment a possible opponent is mentioned he immediately goes on the attack. Oprah's name was floated with no confirmation that she was even remotely interested, and despite being very friendly with her over the years, he immediately went on the attack. That's why whoever runs against Trump is going to have to have very high positive numbers and be somewhat attack proof.
They should also have competing rallies with him in the red states. Let's see if there are any voters in these places who want to hear policy on the health of their families and the well being of their communities instead of the usual uninformed word diarrhea they hear from that lying cnut.
They should also have competing rallies with him in the red states. Let's see if there are any voters in these places who want to hear policy on the health of their families and the well being of their communities instead of the usual uninformed word diarrhea they hear from that lying cnut.

Clearly the Dems should try to secure their states and NOT try to win the red ones next time. That was Hillary's biggest mistake.

Clearly the Dems should try to secure their states and NOT try to win the red ones next time. That was Hillary's biggest mistake.

Well a lot of the states that were Dem states are now Red states, so...
Well a lot of the states that were Dem states are now Red states, so...
Obviously I meant those one that are close, those 3 where the 80,000 reside especially, Ohio, Florida, etc, but not go and try to win Alabama or Texas.
Obviously I meant those one that are close, those 3 where the 80,000 reside especially, Ohio, Florida, etc, but not go and try to win Alabama or Texas.

Trump's massively unpopular in Texas right now and his victory margin wasn't actually that big. Could be flipped depending on the candidate. Alabama's a no-hope though obviously.
Obviously I meant those one that are close, those 3 where the 80,000 reside especially, Ohio, Florida, etc, but not go and try to win Alabama or Texas.

Actually, I think Texas has been turning more blue and could be in play in the not too distant future. There's an argument about the state's growing Hispanic population could serve the Democrates well in the future.
Trump's massively unpopular in Texas right now and his victory margin wasn't actually that big. Could be flipped depending on the candidate. Alabama's a no-hope though obviously.
Fair enough, Texas not the best example, but the general point remains that the Dems should target the swing states and not go trying to win the deep red states like Hillary did.
There's a strong argument that they really need to be going harder for red states, because this isn't just about presidential or even national politics - the GOP have a strangehold over state governments that is way beyond their true popularity.
There's a strong argument that they really need to be going harder for red states, because this isn't just about presidential or even national politics - the GOP have a strangehold over state governments that is way beyond their true popularity.

This is why the Dems need a comprehensive 50 state national strategy. No more of this "we're only going to focus on states we think we can win" nonsense. That only serves to compartmentalize their message and cedes half the country to the GOP, who then consolidate those areas.
There's a strong argument that they really need to be going harder for red states, because this isn't just about presidential or even national politics - the GOP have a strangehold over state governments that is way beyond their true popularity.

Dems need to turn up for EVERY election instead of rocking up for the PResidential election and giving up immediately after. Every election should be contested. Voting restriction laws should be tackled head-on by spending a ton of money in getting the required documents for underprivileged and minority voters. Half the fight is won if they have good representation in local bodies.

EDIT : I don't like @Eboue 's Harambe vote but I have massive respect for him because I heard he is involved in getting some of this started in his community. We don't have to agree on everything but we need change and it has to start somewhere. (In case I'm mistaken and if you are just posting around in forums like me, I can go back to hating you even more Eboue)
Can we please stop fecking talking about Hillary fecking Clinton. She lost. She was a truly awful, horrible and massively shitty candidate for President. Yes she would have been better than Trump, but so would Bernie, or even Kasich or Captain Nemo. It's just infuriating seeing the same Hillary this, Hillary that bollocks in numerous threads in this forum. Admittedly she doesn't help by constantly trying to stay relevant all the time, but each time she says something that is reported by the media, do we always then have to descend in to discussions about how and why she lost or how much better she would have been as President?

/rant over.

Back on topic...

The Dems are fecked.....

Or maybe not :lol: Although it was a much nicer world forgetting this stupid bint ever existed.

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