2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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The surging rate of homelessness mainly.

That's a fair question but I don't think Garcetti can even be said to shoulder the most blame there even if its surged in his time as mayor. The problem has been building for decades. None of Villaraigosa, Hahn or Riordan did much of anything about the homelessness. And really the problem can extend to city councils and even the state legislature for failing to adequately recognize the problem. Then, most neighborhoods are just extremely NIMBY which doesn't help.


Also other cities are dealing with the problem in a much more short-sighted scattered manner like Santa Ana which displaced a bunch of homeless without a plan, then paid vouchers for a month of motel stay and now is back where they started without a plan.


If that is his biggest obstacle (besides just being an unknown name) then I would say he has a very strong profile. Plus his father has a lot of political connections which could help with that. Not sure if I prefer him to Newsom but he does seem like a great possibility.
That's a fair question but I don't think Garcetti can even be said to shoulder the most blame there even if its surged in his time as Mayor. The problem has been building for decades. None of Villaraigosa, Hahn or Riordan did much of anything about the homelessness. And really the problem can extend to city councils and even the state legislature for failing to adequately recognize the problem. Then, most neighborhoods are just extremely NIMBY which doesn't help.


If that is his biggest obstacle (besides just being an unknown name) then I would say he has a very strong profile. Plus his father has a lot of political connections which could help with that. Not sure if I prefer him to Newsom but he does seem like a great possibility.

Yeah I think Newsom is more ready for prime time. He is basically Garcetti with 10 more years of experience after he was mayor of SF, which imo Eric is sorely missing from his resume if he wants to go for national office.
Yeah I think Newsom is more ready for prime time. He is basically Garcetti with 10 more years of experience after he was mayor of SF, which imo Eric is sorely missing from his resume if he wants to go for national office.

Yeah though even exploratory candidacy looks a good idea to get his name out on the national level. I'm coming around to Newsom being my personal number 1 pick for the Democrats in 2020
Yeah though even exploratory candidacy looks a good idea to get his name out on the national level. I'm coming around to Newsom being my personal number 1 pick for the Democrats in 2020

As much as I would like him to, I somehow don't think Gavin will run. Although you never know. As for Eric, if he wanted to move up in the world he should've primaried Feinstein since she seems to be a bit shaky this year.
Mind you, if Gavin and Eric ran on the same ticket, they would be very hard to beat.

Isn't the general thinking that you shouldn't pair a Pres and VP from the same geographic region? Ideally a California democrat would want a southern democrat running mate to boost appeal in a different region?
Isn't the general thinking that you shouldn't pair a Pres and VP from the same geographic region? Ideally a California democrat would want a southern democrat running mate to boost appeal in a different region?
It's fairly overstated, I think.
Isn't the general thinking that you shouldn't pair a Pres and VP from the same geographic region? Ideally a California democrat would want a southern democrat running mate to boost appeal in a different region?

I don't think it matters these days. Clinton/Gore were both from southern states and it didn't hurt them at all, in fact if anything it probably galvanized their chances because it made them look like a team.
@Raoul who is your early Dem candidate favourite?

Its hard to predict this early in the process since so much can happen between now and 18 months from now when the 2020 cycle will be in full gear. If you forced me to choose, I'd say its a three way race between Sanders, Biden, and a younger candidate who has yet to emerge. Someone like Garcetti might be that guy.
Its hard to predict this early in the process since so much can happen between now and 18 months from now when the 2020 cycle will be in full gear. If you forced me to choose, I'd say its a three way race between Sanders, Biden, and a younger candidate who has yet to emerge. Someone like Garcetti might be that guy.

I love Bernie and Joe but no, need a younger candidate.
If Newsom runs he'd either pick a woman or an older guy as VP. His past problems with getting his dick wet would suggest it'd have to be a woman.
:lol: the poor Italians

Technically the Italian bit is correct. His great-grandfather immigrated from Italy to Mexico over 100 years ago, but of course, all subsequent generations were either Mexican or Amerian. His mother is full on Jewish, which is what he identifies as today, although he could easily sell himself as Jewish, Italian, or Mexican.
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Imagine the conspiracy theories the Trump fans will invent if he is the Dem nominee
If Newsom runs he'd either pick a woman or an older guy as VP. His past problems with getting his dick wet would suggest it'd have to be a woman.

Would be a smart move. Unfortunately, I don't know if there are any tangible women candidates available, who also happen to subscribe to his particular policy positions. Kamala Harris could, but then again she probably has higher ambitions.
Would be a smart move. Unfortunately, I don't know if there are any tangible women candidates available, who also happen to subscribe to his particular policy positions. Kamala Harris could, but then again she probably has higher ambitions.

I only saw him for 5 minutes or so but was very impressed with Mayor Mitch Landrieu on Bill Maher Real Time.

He had a very simplistic yet powerful way of describing things. Some clever catchphrases and a cool Southern accent. Obviously the accent doesn't matter but joking aside he came across very well indeed. I would definitely like to see and hear a lot more about him before 2020 to get a better idea of his policies, ideals and him as a person, but first impressions, I was very impressed indeed.
Not that it matters....but there you go.

Best result(s) from that -

Q33 If the candidates for President next time were Democrat Stephanie Clifford and Republican Donald Trump, who would you vote for?
Stephanie Clifford 42% ...........................................
Donald Trump 41% .................................................
Not sure 17% ..........................................................

Q34 If the candidates for President next time were Democrat Stormy Daniels and Republican Donald Trump, who would you vote for?
Stormy Daniels 32% ...............................................
Donald Trump 41% .................................................
Not sure 27%

Stormy needs to rebrand and then get her campaign team together.
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