2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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He has been quite progressive in Virginia on gun control etc. Brown would be a better choice though.

Brown wouldn't be a bad choice, although he supported Hillary over Bernie in 2016. Bernie may gravitate towards someone who endorsed him before to avoid dealing with the VP getting grilled about why they didn't support Bernie the first time he ran.
Brown wouldn't be a bad choice, although he supported Hillary over Bernie in 2016. Bernie may gravitate towards someone who endorsed him before to avoid dealing with the VP getting grilled about why they didn't support Bernie the first time he ran.
After Trump, I don't think too many would look at Hillary anymore or history. He'd make a good choice VP for Biden.

Plus with their Rust Belt connections, they can connect more with the people who voted Trump.

Biden/Brown And Bernie/Mcauliffe seem the best combos to me.
After Trump, I don't think too many would look at Hillary anymore or history. He'd make a good choice VP for Biden.

Plus with their Rust Belt connections, they can connect more with the people who voted Trump.

Biden/Brown And Bernie/Mcauliffe seem the best combos to me.

Biden - Garcetti would make a pretty good combo imo
I love Joe but how old is he? Can you plan for 8 years with him?

Not that it matters because the next election will be rigged too.

I prefer younger options but initially it looks like Biden is leading the pack, although that can obviously change.
I know it's not a good reason but I would get pretty excited about the prospect of Biden debating Trump...or rather destroying him verbally. Unlike Hillary it seems like he doesn't get rattled and can keep the upper hand without getting stuck in the mud. Example - Biden V Palin.
I know it's not a good reason but I would get pretty excited about the prospect of Biden debating Trump...or rather destroying him verbally. Unlike Hillary it seems like he doesn't get rattled and can keep the upper hand without getting stuck in the mud. Example - Biden V Palin.

I'm not looking forward to the food fight personally. The more you try to trade punches with Trump, the more you get pulled down to his level. Biden did a great job against Palin in 08 and Ryan in 12. Thought he was a bit over the top at the DNC in 16.
How can it be an affair if one brother is dead ?

Yeah, it's not. Also he recently got divorced as well apparently. He didn't go to the court. He apparently spent the family savings on drugs, alcohol prostitutes, strippers and jewellery for his many lovers. So his missus Kathleen kicked him out and they were separated for a while before getting divorced. He then started dating his dead brother's widow Hallie.

It's like one of them daytime soaps.
Yeah, it's not. Also he recently got divorced as well apparently. He didn't go to the court. He apparently spent the family savings on drugs, alcohol prostitutes, strippers and jewellery for his many lovers. So his missus Kathleen kicked him out and they were separated for a while before getting divorced. He then started dating his dead brother's widow Hallie.

It's like one of them daytime soaps.
Don't know why his dead brother's wife would be attracted to a guy like that.
Beau Biden's wife is apparently having an affair with his married brother. They started dating after Beau passed away.

Intra family affairs?!
Once Beau passed away, wouldn't she be the widow rather than the wife? Sounds like one of those IQ questions...
Biden's the best candidate? That's Trump re-elected then folks. Be ready to gnash your teeth and clutch your pearls...

He would be a strong candidate to take on Trump. I'm sure more will emerge in due course in the coming months.

Polls this early are pretty meaningless. People are just going with the names they recognize and it's too early for any new faces to launch a campaign. The last two presidents to get elected wouldn't have been anywhere in the polls at this stage as well.
Plenty of talented Dems out there. Biden will be seen as yet another establishment with more mileage than Hillary.
I feel like a parrot, but for the love of God, why are candidates always senior citizens? In all other industries they force you to retire at 65, but for the most important job in the country it's almost a requirement to have seen Jesus perform live.

I know it has to do with money and knowing people, but it's a sad realization that money and the people you smoke a cigar with are far more important than aptitude in modern day politics.

I expect Bloomberg to announce at some point. He's been chomping at the bit to have a go at Trump since the convention.
Get ready for a fun 2019/2020 cycle.....

This would be great entertainment. Reading his recent tweets it certainly seems like he's preparing the ground.
Not read the thread and not really all that up on the subject but wouldn't Michelle Obama wipe the floor with Trump?

Hard to say how she would fare, as there are quite a few progressives who don't want to see another establishment candidate.
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