2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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This would be great entertainment. Reading his recent tweets it certainly seems like he's preparing the ground.
Wouldn't be able to get the right backing / funding I don't think... But hey he is a great self publcist so it's a good move

I'd have probably dismissed trump in the same way a few years ago but he did always have the ability to fund lot himself
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There's going to be enough independents splitting the vote that Trump will win re-election.
Also Avenatti has said multiple times that Trump wouldn't survive his first term because of damaging revelations to come.

Why is he suddenly so sure Trump will survive and run for a 2nd term? Was Avenatti lying when he was making these statements and getting peoples hopes up.
Also Avenatti has said multiple times that Trump wouldn't survive his first term because of damaging revelations to come.

Why is he suddenly so sure Trump will survive and run for a 2nd term? Was Avenatti lying when he was making these statements and getting peoples hopes up.

Afaik, that guy is just after publicity. I don't really take anything he says seriously.
Avenatti is qualified to be Stormy Daniels' lawyer and an amateur race car driver. That's about it.

That said, we live in the age of bombast and demagoguery so who knows where this will go.
Jesus Christ, the state of this country. Has even one CNN reporter said to him that he's even less-qualified to be POTUS than Trump?

The press need to step up and start doing better for the people and stop thinking about fecking ratings.
@Raoul who are the best choices at the moment? I'm not following, but occasionally I hear about Joe Biden but he's too old isn't he?
@Raoul who are the best choices at the moment? I'm not following, but occasionally I hear about Joe Biden but he's too old isn't he?

There really are no choices at the moment since no one has officially declared.

The way things are shaping up it could be Biden v Bernie

Other possibles - Warren, Kamala Harris, Booker, Joe Kennedy, Garcetti, Bloomberg, Howard Schultz, Newsom,

If the Dems go progressive then Sanders/Warren may be an interesting ticket

If they go Centrist then something like Biden/Garcetti could be in the cards.

We should know a lot more in the next 12 months
There really are no choices at the moment since no one has officially declared.

The way things are shaping up it could be Biden v Bernie

Other possibles - Warren, Kamala Harris, Booker, Joe Kennedy, Garcetti, Bloomberg, Howard Schultz, Newsom,

If the Dems go progressive then Sanders/Warren may be an interesting ticket

If they go Centrist then something like Biden/Garcetti could be in the cards.

We should know a lot more in the next 12 months

I know this thread is about the 2020 election, but any thoughts on the midterms? With all the Gerrymandering it could be close eh? The senate might be out of reach?
I know this thread is about the 2020 election, but any thoughts on the midterms? With all the Gerrymandering it could be close eh? The senate might be out of reach?

From what I've read the Dems seem to have a decent chance (60% or so) of taking back the house and an outside shot of retaking the Senate. I expect the house to go Dem (just barely) and if that happens they will have a good bit of leverage with Trump. If by chance they happen to take the Senate as well then that will stall all policy during Trump's final two years. Lots at stake.
My cheerful self says Biden will win and lose to Trump.

Don't think the Democratic Party understands yet that they need their base excited to win.
My cheerful self says Biden will win and lose to Trump.

Don't think the Democratic Party understands yet that they need their base excited to win.

You're probably right on Biden. He will turn out a good number of Dems but nothing in the way that a solid progressive would. I don't know if Sanders will be that guy though. The best case would be for a younger Bernie type to emerge.
You're probably right on Biden. He will turn out a good number of Dems but nothing in the way that a solid progressive would. I don't know if Sanders will be that guy though. The best case would be for a younger Bernie type to emerge.
Ocasio-Cortez 2020!
Unfortunately for her you have to be 35. She may run in the future though.
I'd forgotten that. I went on a twenty post or so rant about that, once, so I won't do it again, but good lord it's stupid that y'all elect seventy year olds and ban the under 35's.

EDIT - Actually I might go on a rant... I think it may have been you who told me it was a good system as it stopped some random media personality having a serious chance....
I'd forgotten that. I went on a twenty post or so rant about that, once, so I won't do it again, but good lord it's stupid that y'all elect seventy year olds and ban the under 35's.

EDIT - Actually I might go on a rant... I think it may have been you who told me it was a good system as it stopped some random media personality having a serious chance....

She talks more sense and comes across as significantly more authentic than any sitting member of congress and will play a huge role in promoting whoever the eventual nominee will be (imo). If she gets behind Bernie for instance, that will be massive in terms of turnout.
She talks more sense and comes across as significantly more authentic than any sitting member of congress and will play a huge role in promoting whoever the eventual nominee will be (imo). If she gets behind Bernie for instance, that will be massive in terms of turnout.
Possibly. She's very much the current hero of the American left. Sanders seems to be getting a decent bit of criticism for not following her 'abolish ICE' stance. I think he's as stuck in the battle against Hillary as most Democratic supporters are.
Plenty of space available among undecideds to push either Biden or Sanders into favorite status.

Bunch of idiots I usually call them. But that's just me.

No harm in not committing to a candidate before any one has officially even declared they are running, especially since there are others ranging from Garcetti to Schultz to Bloomberg who aren't even mentioned in the poll.
Just accept the reality and run with 'Not sure 2020'.

That is a good thing, the earlier you have a clear nominee the longer it gives time for opponent attack ads. Republicans started their Clinton witch-hunt long before she even formally announced her nomination.

On the other hand if Dems win the senate and house, they can launch 150 investigations a month on soft targets like Pruitt or one of the many Trump family members with questionable ethical commitments.
That is a good thing, the earlier you have a clear nominee the longer it gives time for opponent attack ads. Republicans started their Clinton witch-hunt long before she even formally announced her nomination.

On the other hand if Dems win the senate and house, they can launch 150 investigations a month on soft targets like Pruitt or one of the many Trump family members with questionable ethical commitments.
Pretty sure they started that one in the nineties.

I do like the idea of a surprise candidate. We could have it announced live on telly, a week before the election.
Sadly unless Mueller gets things done, I don't see Trump not winning.

He's got no opposition, at all.
Sadly unless Mueller gets things done, I don't see Trump not winning.

He's got no opposition, at all.

Seriously? There's loads of pure opposition coming from the Dems. Loads of established politicians like Bernie or Biden in the running and some outstanding young candidates coming through.

Please wait until after November before making predictions like this as if they go as expected then Trump is toast, Mueller investigation or not. There's a very good chance he will become a lame duck President if the Dems win big In November.

Also, the tide is turning. So many are finally wising up to him or actually getting tired of his bullshit. His war against Harley Davidson, the impending tarrifs from China on farmers, the kids being separated from their parents and the behaviour of ICE AND the fact Kim Jon Un is making him look like a fecking moron to the entire world. All that and his closest flipping on him and you can just tell his time is running out.

There has been a noticeable shift away from him in the last month or so. It's only his die hard base that are even bothering to defend him anymore and his upcoming Putin meeting only risks alienating them even further. I reckon he's fecked.
That is a good thing, the earlier you have a clear nominee the longer it gives time for opponent attack ads. Republicans started their Clinton witch-hunt long before she even formally announced her nomination.

On the other hand if Dems win the senate and house, they can launch 150 investigations a month on soft targets like Pruitt or one of the many Trump family members with questionable ethical commitments.

Yeah, and an open, uncertain primary leaves a lot of room for open debate. The problem with Hilary's pre-selection in 2016 was that she'd essentially been the Dem candidate for so long that her campaign was stale by the time the election arrived. If someone fresh emerges you don't have that problem.
Seriously? There's loads of pure opposition coming from the Dems. Loads of established politicians like Bernie or Biden in the running and some outstanding young candidates coming through.

Please wait until after November before making predictions like this as if they go as expected then Trump is toast, Mueller investigation or not. There's a very good chance he will become a lame duck President if the Dems win big In November.

Also, the tide is turning. So many are finally wising up to him or actually getting tired of his bullshit. His war against Harley Davidson, the impending tarrifs from China on farmers, the kids being separated from their parents and the behaviour of ICE AND the fact Kim Jon Un is making him look like a fecking moron to the entire world. All that and his closest flipping on him and you can just tell his time is running out.

There has been a noticeable shift away from him in the last month or so. It's only his die hard base that are even bothering to defend him anymore and his upcoming Putin meeting only risks alienating them even further. I reckon he's fecked.

Bernie and Biden are too old.

Everyone else isn't a big enough name.

I'm fully with you that we need to wait until after November to see how things lie but as of right now, I cannot see a single Democrat worth bothering taking on Trump. For as bad as Trump is, he's such a talked about name and he'd have a field day against anyone minus Bernie or Biden because they're nobodies in the grand scheme of things.

I hope the tide is turning, I really do but we've said this so many times before and any one of the things you mentioned should've been enough but they've haven't been and nothing has happened, to most of the right if not all of it, none of that stuff is bad either or just isn't being reported thanks to the propaganda arm being in full swing. There's still a solid block of people that nobody truly knows how large that represents his support and they'll staunchly never vote for anyone else. Who amongst the Democrats has that? Nobody has a clue who the Dem nominee would be. They're aimless and faceless right now.
Bernie and Biden are too old.

Everyone else isn't a big enough name.

I'm fully with you that we need to wait until after November to see how things lie but as of right now, I cannot see a single Democrat worth bothering taking on Trump. For as bad as Trump is, he's such a talked about name and he'd have a field day against anyone minus Bernie or Biden because they're nobodies in the grand scheme of things.

I hope the tide is turning, I really do but we've said this so many times before and any one of the things you mentioned should've been enough but they've haven't been and nothing has happened, to most of the right if not all of it, none of that stuff is bad either or just isn't being reported thanks to the propaganda arm being in full swing. There's still a solid block of people that nobody truly knows how large that represents his support and they'll staunchly never vote for anyone else. Who amongst the Democrats has that? Nobody has a clue who the Dem nominee would be. They're aimless and faceless right now.

Name recognition isn't a big factor. Obama had little of it in 2006 and two years later he was elected by a near landslide. You have to present your ideas, excite voters about the prospects of your election, organize a massive turnout, and show why your vision benefits the public more than your opponent's. That's how Dems win and when they don't do it they generally lose.
Name recognition isn't a big factor. Obama had little of it in 2006 and two years later he was elected by a near landslide. You have to present your ideas, excite voters about the prospects of your election, organize a massive turnout, and show why your vision benefits the public more than your opponent's. That's how Dems win and when they don't do it they generally lose.

It's changed with Trump IMO.

If anyone that isn't particularly well known goes up against him he'll just attack them for being an absolute nobody and they're gonna have to have a big enough personality themselves to attack him back.

I suppose we'll know more nearer the time when we get an actual idea of who is running but as the poll shows above, it looks like nobody knows who's gonna be running or who to rally behind.
It's changed with Trump IMO.

If anyone that isn't particularly well known goes up against him he'll just attack them for being an absolute nobody and they're gonna have to have a big enough personality themselves to attack him back.

I suppose we'll know more nearer the time when we get an actual idea of who is running but as the poll shows above, it looks like nobody knows who's gonna be running or who to rally behind.

He didn't win because his opponents were nobodies - they were in many cases the most well known politicians in the country. He won because he managed to convince enough people he was legit and that his opponent was a crook (basically the converse of reality). The bar for Trump to be successful is much higher this time since its his own polices and behavior that will be in the spotlight and the public are already wise to his methods so he won't be able to simply claim everyone else is low energy, lying, or crooked and expect to be reelected. There are plenty of independents who have already jumped off the train and there are a lot more Dems who are mobilized than in the Hillary campaign.
I'm genuinely curious to know, from Americans, if they think someone pushing a socialism agenda is a good thing or not, long term, for the average American working family. Not students or deadbeats wanting something for nothing.

Rather than seeing it as pushing a socliasm or capitalism agenda, I see it more as an opening to correct various imbalances within the American system that are preventing the country from being at its best. Capitalism isn't going anywhere anytime soon, but there are plenty of needs in terms of providing a social safety net on healthcare, education, immigration, rehabilitating the incarcerated and other areas where the Dem-Socialist model can be helpful.
  • Gates/Bezos 2020
  • Warren Buffet for Treasury Secretary.
  • Mark Cuban for... Well I dunno?
  • George Clooney for Secretary of State
  • Bill Maher for Press Secretary
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger for Secretary of Defense
  • Gates/Bezos 2020
  • Warren Buffet for Treasury Secretary.
  • Mark Cuban for... Well I dunno?
  • George Clooney for Secretary of State
  • Bill Maher for Press Secretary
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger for Secretary of Defense

Lloyd Blankfein - Chancellor/Treasury Secretary
Cuban, Gates, Pichai, Bezos, Nadella - part of the economic advisory/some cabinet position
Elon Musk - EPA/Head of NASA
Clooney - Ambassador to the UN
Howard Schultz - Commerce secretary
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